Verboticism: Indiscreech

'Do you know how much she weighs?'

DEFINITION: v. To share information without understanding the difference between what should be public, and what others consider to be private. n. A person who doesn't know what not to say.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: in dis skreetch

Sentence: When they met, she thought he was cute and charming. After they had gotten to know each other in the biblical sense, she found out later he had been indiscreech with his buddies playing golf. When they leered at her and made lurid comments, she knew she had to dump him quickly, as golfers don't get better with age or die gracefully. They just lose their balls or get a hole-in-one!

Etymology: Indiscreet (lacking discretion; injudicious;not marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint;not heedful of potential consequences)& Screech (a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry)

Points: 542