Verboticism: Dishfunctional

'But they're not my dishes!'

DEFINITION: n. A discussion among family members, or room mates, which often turns into a full-blown yelling match, and which seems to occur every night whenever it's time to do the dishes. v. To fight about the dishes.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: dishfəngkshənl

Sentence: Momma loves cooking but hates doing the dishes. Billy read somewhere on the net that dishwashing detergent is bad for the environment so refuses to have anything to do with it. Dad can’t stand touching food scraps. This family is truly dishfunctional. They tried using paper plates once but nobody wants to take out the trash.

Etymology: dish (a shallow, typically flat-bottomed container for cooking or serving food) + dysfunctional (not operating normally or properly)

Points: 749