Verboticism: Shutninja

'I think he's pretending that no one is home.'

DEFINITION: v., To avoid unwanted interruptions (visits, calls, or emails) by pretending to be unavailable, unreachable or unconscious. n., A person who pretends they are not home in order to avoid talking to someone.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: shətninjə

Sentence: Once Harry gets home from work he becomes a shutninja. Knocks on the door nor ringing of the phone will secure a response. If not for lights going on and off and seeing him leave and return from his job, his neighbors wouldn’t know that anybody lived in his house.

Etymology: shut-in (a person confined indoors, esp. as a result of physical or mental disability) + ninja (mercenaries of feudal Japan known for their ability to be invisible/hidden)

Points: 488