Verboticism: Clandesdine

'Are you prepping for the office lunch?'

DEFINITION: v. To pig out at your desk right before a business lunch, so you'll be satisfied with a salad and water at the restaurant, and create the impression that you're not a glutton. n., A secret snack taken to strengthen one's resolve not to eat too much while others are watching.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: klan-des-dahyn

Sentence: When Jill heard that the boss was going to surprise the staff by sending out for pizza. She really didn't like pizza too much so she knew she would have to clandesdine at her desk if she was going to get a decent meal. The box of donuts stashed in her bottom drawer was surrepdelicious.

Etymology: clandestine (done in, or executed with secrecy or concealment) + dine (to take any meal)

Points: 1040