Verboticism: Alcohello

'What do you mean I'm too drunk to email my boss?'

DEFINITION: v., To write an email while under the influence of an intoxicating substance. n., An email or blog post where the author has chosen to ignore standard literary and social conventions -- thanks to a liberal consumption of alcohol.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: al-kuh-he-loh

Sentence: Roger sort of remembers sending out an alcohello to his buds last night. Actually, he updated his Facebook status, Tweeted, posted to his blog and emailed everybody on his contact list. Now, through blood-shot eyes, he is trying figure out what he said that offended some 2,000 people.

Etymology: alcohol (whiskey, gin, vodka, or any other intoxicating liquor) + hello (used to express a greeting, answer a telephone, or attract attention)

Points: 641