Verboticism: Inappropriyak
DEFINITION: v. To share a true but extremely embarrassing story about a close personal friend at the worst possible time. n. A moment of ill-timed honesty.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: in-uh-proh-pree-yak
Sentence: As Blurt and Ernie were checking out at Aberzombie & Snitch, they struck up conversation with the clerk. They told her how their buddy, who was about to get married, was working hard to see how many women he could "be with" before the event. From the look on this woman's face they suddenly felt their inappropriyak may have introduced them to Bob's fiance.
Etymology: inappropriate (not proper or suitable) + yak (to talk, especially uninterruptedly and idly; gab; chatter)
Points: 968