Verboticism: Defissioncy

'We are re-positioning as an environmentally friendly product.'

DEFINITION: v. To worry about the proliferation of nuclear weapons and the ultimate demise of our planet. n. Anxiety caused by the fear of nuclear bumblers.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: de fish on see

Sentence: Pierre was terribly afraid of nuclear war. In fact he was suffering a severe defissioncy. When people joked about nuclear holocaust to him, he always said "Fermi la bouche!"

Etymology: Deficiency (something lacking) & Fission (a nuclear reaction in which a massive nucleus splits into smaller nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy) Enrico Fermi (Italian nuclear physicist (in the United States after 1939) who worked on artificial radioactivity caused by neutron bombardment and who headed the group that in 1942 produced the first controlled nuclear reaction (1901-1954))

Points: 782