Verboticism: Argoldment

DEFINITION: v. To have a big fight over nothing, that is really a fight about money. n. An argument about money
Created by: Krixwell
Pronunciation: are-gold-ment
Sentence: Jack and Jill had a huge fight over the destination of their summer vacation. Jack wanted to go to a much more expensive location, and while Jill pretended her reasons for not wanting to go there were based purely on the locations, they both knew it was, in essence, an argoldment.
Etymology: argument (fight, dispute, heated debate) + gold (Au, element 79, soft precious metal often synonymous with treasure or money although it is too soft to practically use for coins)
Points: 455
Comments: Argoldment
Krixwell - 2013-09-17: 09:15:00
If it was up to Jill alone, they'd probably just go up some hill nearby and fetch a pail of water. Much cheaper than hotel water.