Verboticism: Undefinamorphic

'I think you have worms...'

DEFINITION: n. A self-deprecating computer virus which is constantly changing its identity due to problems with its logic and/or self-confidence. v. To randomly change your tune, just so you can bug other people.

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Created by: michelleohmy

Pronunciation: un-dee-fine-uh-morph-ic

Sentence: In order to be elected, politicians should take an undefinamorphic stance on important issues in order to pander to different voter groups and to make it impossible for the general public to determine what their actual campaign platform is even.

Etymology: Tarskis undefinability theorem- the concept of truth in that arithmetic is not definable using the expressive means that that arithmetic affords; implies a major limitation on the scope of self-representation + Polymorphic Virus: viruses that encrypt or encode themselves in a different way (using different algorithms and encryption keys) every time they infect a system.

Points: 572