Verboticism: Chronosynclastic infundibulum

'OMIGOD! Prada is on sale at Wal-Mart!'

DEFINITION: n. A place, or a moment, where all the different kinds of truths fit together, and where there are many different ways to be absolutely right about everything. n. To be absolutely right about everything.

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Chronosynclastic infundibulum

Created by: vonnegut

Pronunciation: chro-no-sin-kla-stik in-fun-di-bu-lum

Sentence: You might think it would be nice to go to a chronosynclastic infundibulum and see all the different ways to be absolutely right, but it is a very dangerous thing to do.

Etymology: Created by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., for The Sirens of Titan, published in 1959.

Points: 1966