Verboticism: Misinterpotato

'Look at that big smile!'

DEFINITION: v. To have difficulty recognizing, and correctly interpreting, human facial expressions. n. A person who cannot read faces.

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: miss-in-tur-pah-tay-toe

Sentence: My boss is one of those people who has a permanent grin affixed to his face, which is why I always find myself in hot water for committing misinterpotato.

Etymology: misinterpret, potato (slang for head), Mr. Potato Head (a toy with easily discernable facial expressions)

Points: 341

Comments: Misinterpotato

Clayton - 2007-05-09: 19:00:00
I like this one, too. Silly, but descriptive.

purpleartichokes - 2007-05-09: 20:14:00
Thanks. I had words that would probably be better liked by the consensus, but this one looked like misterpotato(head). I love Mr. Potatohead! And I loved the way it sounded. Mis-in-ter-po-ta-to. It's benign and semi-comical (in my humble potato-head's opinion).