Verboticism: Petronize

'Ooopy goopy poopy poo.'

DEFINITION: n An invented language similar to baby talk, used by pet owners to communicate with their pets. v. To speak to an animal using an invented language.

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Created by: administraitor

Pronunciation: pet re naiz

Sentence: Don't petronize me - feed me!

Etymology: pet + patronize

Points: 430

Comments: Petronize

administraitor - 2007-06-08: 12:00:00
Bear with me - just found you guys. This is fun!

Jabberwocky - 2007-06-08: 12:34:00
Wow - excellent start - great word

Clayton - 2007-06-08: 13:11:00
Agreed. I'm pretty new here, too. A lot of these people are out for blood, so watch your back. Fair warning, and welcome, comrade.

purpleartichokes - 2007-06-08: 14:12:00
Don't listen to Clayton, he's feeling a bit petkish today. We're all fine verbfolk! Welcome aboard!

jadenguy - 2007-06-08: 15:09:00
I'm pretty new here, too, and so far I'm enamored with the experience. It's a great chance to use words differently and reshape the language to suit the ever-present specter of urban lifestyle with which it has yet be afflicted. Plus we can use words good! It's great silly fun for people who love communicating, too. And I think Clayton's just ribbing you, these are great folks.

Clayton - 2007-06-08: 16:28:00
Just being silly, of course. And trying to psych out some of the competition.

Stevenson0 - 2007-06-09: 10:16:00
Great word!

hatman003 - 2007-06-09: 23:53:00
I'm gonna use that one