Verboticism: Cannedibalism

'Let us be.'

DEFINITION: To be consumed by what you eat.

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Created by: MisUndrstd

Pronunciation: Kan-ed-i-bal-ism

Sentence: When I started the job as a stocker in the canned foods section at Wal-Mart I didn't realize I would fall victim to an ancient roughage ritual called Cannedibalism


Points: 598

Comments: Cannedibalism

HALibut - 2007-07-05: 13:19:00
Best thing about cannedibalism is you take it with you for those long flights over the Andes.

Kyoti - 2007-07-05: 13:28:00
The best thing about Andes is the cool minty center. Looks like you have done well with this one, LilMis. WTG!

realnutty01 - 2007-07-05: 17:46:00
Arn't we all a bit cannedibalistic lol. Liking this word. Wtg Lil good site.