Verboticism: Figsation

'Let us be.'

DEFINITION: To be consumed by what you eat.

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: figg say shun

Sentence: She found it difficult to put words to her figsation. "Figs move me" she would state simply. And they did, regularly.

Etymology: fixation, figs.

Points: 578

Comments: Figsation

petaj - 2007-07-05: 04:49:00
It made her meloncholy

galwaywegian - 2007-07-05: 05:57:00
but not meloncolic

Jabberwocky - 2007-07-05: 06:06:00
and I bet her best friend was Prunella - they probably moved in the same circle

ErWenn - 2007-07-05: 12:48:00
Did you know that diarrhea is a genetic condition? It runs in your jeans.

ErWenn - 2007-07-05: 12:49:00
I mean "genes." Damn you, puns that only really work spoken out loud! Hm...I wonder if there are any good puns based on homonyms instead of homophones, so that they only work when written, and not when spoken.

Jabberwocky - 2007-07-05: 13:20:00
jeans is much funnier