Verboticism: Tinglewit

'No, he was never that smart, even for a hamster...'

DEFINITION: A conclusion or an assumption developed after careful listening to, and analysis of, one-half of a telephone conversation.

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: tingl-wit

Sentence: Jumping to conclusions seldom makes happy landings, but after chancing upon Roxie's crossline, uniprateral palaver with her girlfriend, Bob's tinglewit told him that he and Roxie were incompratible.

Etymology: Tingle(tinkle): A slang term to "call by telephone" as in the expression, "give someone a tingle". Wit: mind, understanding, good judgement. (Although it seems Bob's mind may not have been getting the right "tingles", and he was using only half of his wit

Points: 665