Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n. A sudden, uncontrollable desire to eat something fast, usually occurs at bedtime. v. To eat food while lying in bed.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: jonobo
Pronunciation: munchiephagia
Sentence: Slurp n Burp ;) Since he behaved regularly like a victim of munchiephagia he became more and more a bad influence on my own eating-habits...
Etymology: to have the munchies + medical term adephagia = munchiephagia
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: nap snak
Sentence: When Vanessa asked Hungry Harry what he was doing bringing pizza to bed, he told her he need fatty food to sleep properly. He called it his napsnack. She thought it was more like a siesta fiesta when washed down with his usual beer, Snooze Booze.
Etymology: Nap (a period of time spent sleeping) & Snack (a light informal meal) and Wordplay on Knapsack
Created by: PythianHabenero
Pronunciation: cre-pizza-lation
Sentence: Crepizzulation led Bob to pick up some twilight pizza.
Etymology: "Crepuscular" + "pizza" + appropriate suffixes.
Created by: Jaxies
Pronunciation: /munch-evens-drome/
Sentence: "After a night out on the town she was suffering from a severe case of munchevensdrome, and so headed for the nearest kebab shop."
Etymology: Munchies + evening + syndrome
Created by: Alchemist
Pronunciation: nok-TER-nosh
Sentence: After accepting that she was a habitual nocturnosher, Monica finally broke down and just put a mini-fridge in her bedroom.
Etymology: Nocturnal + nosh
She sounds like a real nocturnoff. - petaj, 2007-03-26: 06:26:00
Well, since her husband works at night court (he is a nocturney), Monica is so lonely... - Alchemist, 2007-03-26: 07:35:00
A mim-fridge? It's classier than the vending machine I suggested... - Discoveria, 2007-03-26: 12:13:00
*mini-fridge - Discoveria, 2007-03-26: 12:13:00
Created by: reverb
Pronunciation: snaw-gle
Sentence: Hillary liked Bobby. And she didn't mind sleeping with him except for the fact that he was an habitual snoggler, who'd consume two boxes of cookies, diet coke and small chicken every night while he was sleeping. She didn't mind the crumbs, but she couldn't stand the constant slurping! So she game him an ultimatum. He said he couldn't sleep on an empty stomach. She told him that he would have to sleep in an empty bed.
Etymology: snore + snogger + hog
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: orrrr eeeee emmmmmmm
Sentence: His bouts of remmmmmmmmmmm coincided with bouts of yummnambulation
Etymology: r.e.m MMMMMMMMMM!
Remmmmmmmmerable word! - Nosila, 2009-10-12: 22:19:00
Created by: metrohumanx
Sentence: "Doc, you gotta help me!" Joe said to his psychiatrist. "I wake up and the bed is full of crumbs.I'm putting on weight and i don't remember emptying the refrigerator and cupboard." Doctor Moriarty pressed his fingertips together and, peering over the top of his glasses with a wizened gaze said: "Joe, i've seen this condition before. It's called SOMNABULUNCHING and it strikes far too many people...."
Etymology: SOMNABUlism-sleepwalking+LUNCHING-self explanatory
I'm back,baby! - metrohumanx, 2008-07-13: 21:33:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: snak-LAK-ri-tee
Sentence: Bob's noshnod-offs, especially his snacklacrity, were a constant source of irritation for Roxie; but, no matter how hard she tried, in the end, she could never resist his bedroom-fries.
Etymology: SNACK: A light meal, eaten between regular meals; ALACRITY: eagerness, keenness; fervor, zeal.
love bedroom-fries - Jabberwocky, 2008-07-11: 14:25:00
I,too, love Bedroom Fries...sounds like a love song! - Nosila, 2008-07-11: 22:40:00
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: nib L ZZ
Sentence: “Whaaat ‘re ya doinzzzzzzzz?” she quietly hissed into sleep. His thick hand slid out from under her pillow with the remnants of last night’s nibblezzes; he’d been looking forward to the prebed nosh all night. “Tmuck, tmack...”, he nibbledzz straight into zzzz.
Etymology: From: nibble and zz (sleep).

Today's definition was suggested by ziggy41.
Thank you ziggy41! ~ James
lumina - 2008-07-11: 20:40:00
Omg...I laughed out loud on this one!
Today's definition was suggested by ziggy41. Thank you ziggy41. ~ James