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'What are you doing?'

DEFINITION: n. A sudden, uncontrollable desire to eat something fast, usually occurs at bedtime. v. To eat food while lying in bed.

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Created by: splendiction

Pronunciation: nib L ZZ

Sentence: “Whaaat ‘re ya doinzzzzzzzz?” she quietly hissed into sleep. His thick hand slid out from under her pillow with the remnants of last night’s nibblezzes; he’d been looking forward to the prebed nosh all night. “Tmuck, tmack...”, he nibbledzz straight into zzzz.

Etymology: From: nibble and zz (sleep).

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Created by: nostalgia75

Pronunciation: skahrf-uh-lep-see

Sentence: Jane could no longer stand it. Bob's receding hairline had already strained their marriage, but his scafolepsy was straining her patience past the breaking point; if he ate one more slice of pizza in bed she was going to kill him.

Etymology: scarf: to eat, esp. voraciously + narcolepsy: a condition characterized by frequent and uncontrollable periods of deep sleep.


hooterbug Good word and funny! - hooterbug, 2008-07-11: 10:46:00

funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-07-11: 14:28:00

Scarf out! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-07-11: 19:10:00

Scarf out! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-07-11: 19:10:00


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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /NAP-uh-tiyt/

Sentence: Since beginning his diet, Brian would experience cravings every night after climbing into bed each night. Whenever he tried to relax and his mind was otherwise unoccupied, a nappetite would creep up on him. It was not visions of sugarplums dancing in his head, but the pizza polka, the fried-chicken fandango, the sandwich samba, the chili dog cha-cha, the taco tango, etc...

Etymology: Nap - to sleep or doze (from Old English, hnappian "to doze, sleep lightly") + Appetite - an instinctive physical desire, especially one for food or drink (from Old French, apetit "desire for")


Good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-07-11: 19:09:00

"but the pizza polka, the fried-chicken fandango, the sandwich samba, the chili dog cha-cha, the taco tango, etc..." Whoa, gonna be one nasty crappetited. :D - lumina, 2008-07-11: 20:42:00

ok..typo...I meant crappetite. - lumina, 2008-07-11: 20:43:00

The Cake Walk, the Pasta Doble, the Peppermint Twist, the Grape Stomp, The I Hop, The Rumba Coke, the Nacho cha cha cha, the Beer Belly Dance...not to mention Liverdance! - Nosila, 2008-07-11: 22:48:00

metrohumanx And LUNCHBREAK DANCING.... - metrohumanx, 2008-07-13: 21:35:00


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Created by: Koekbroer

Pronunciation: grub-struk

Sentence: At two in the morning Doug was suddenly grubstruck and had to hurry off to the fridge to fix himself a teetering dagwood.

Etymology: "grub", as in food; "struck" as in a blow

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: bowlt/doe/zur

Sentence: As soon as dusk fell he became a boltdozer, wolfing down any junk food in sight - he eventually married a short order chef

Etymology: bolt (to eat hurriedly) + dozer (sleeper)also refers to bulldozer


Nice word: etymologically sound. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-07-11: 19:06:00


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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: snakzzzs

Sentence: Lolita always snackzzzs. Barny doesn't know if she is awake or sleeping but she suddenly jumps out of bed and returns with leftovers. Sometimes he isn't sure whether she is snoring or chewing.

Etymology: snack, zzzs

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Created by: mscoxie



Etymology: comes from immediately realizing that you will have to sweep the crumbs off of the bed as soon as they are done

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: ap/neet/a

Sentence: Joe's apneata was becoming so bothersome that Yvonne was considering sleeping on the sofa.

Etymology: apnea: periodic or irregular breathing pattern during sleep. apneata: periodic or irregular eating pattern during sleep. :)


great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-07-11: 14:26:00


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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˌɡæsˈtɹɑmniə/

Sentence: The five pounds I put back on is probably due to some combination of gastromnia and the fact that I've recently learned how to bake.

Etymology: From gastro- and insomnia


One letter away from gastromania...hmmm... - Discoveria, 2007-03-26: 12:12:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: starv dust

Sentence: Just as Ernest was trying to drop off in bed, he craved a spread before him. Yes, he pined for pineapple; hankered for ham; ached for anchovies and craved carbohydrates. Just before starvedust, he longed for comfort on a bed of noodles. His pallet met his palate; he cradled an insane need for fast food and in his nest he craved birdsnest soup. Yes, he wanted some food in Ernest!

Etymology: starve (have a craving, appetite, or great desire for; be hungry for) & stardust (a multitude of stars, looking like dust;a dreamy,romantic,sentimental time of the evening, just before total blackness;Minute particles of matter that fall to Earth from the stars.


The strong emotional attraction of Old English words; beautiful combination - OZZIEBOB, 2008-07-11: 18:29:00

Cheers, you've brought a tear to my eyes, luckily not my Southern Cross-ed eyes. - Nosila, 2008-07-12: 01:39:00

metrohumanx Bueatifully lyrical! Top nosh word! - metrohumanx, 2008-07-13: 21:42:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-03-26: 00:23:00
Today's definition was suggested by ziggy41.
Thank you ziggy41! ~ James

lumina - 2008-07-11: 20:40:00
Omg...I laughed out loud on this one!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-10-12: 00:07:00
Today's definition was suggested by ziggy41. Thank you ziggy41. ~ James