Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v. To offer unquestioning support and enthusiasm, when perhaps, some "constructive criticism" would be more helpful. n. Support which is given without restraint or consideration.
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Created by: Discoveria
Pronunciation: Pluss-tork (stress 1st syllable)
Sentence: Ever the optimist, Adrian constantly plustalked Bob into believing he could do anything. ---Schools are unfortunately sending out a plustalk message - children will eventually learn that there are some jobs they will never be smart enough to do.
Etymology: Plus+talk
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: comp-leh-ment
Sentence: Though he generally felt a bit guilty afterwards, James would only offer complimeants when others needed guidance, sending them flowery praise when what he meant to do was give them solid advice.
Etymology: Blend of 'compliment' (flowery praise) and 'meant' (intended)
Created by: idavecook
Pronunciation: BACK-PAT-ER-OR
Sentence: Harold's always so nice. He really came thru as my backpateror when I started my hampster milk empire.
Etymology: A good ol Pat on the Back + Awesomer + Terminator
Created by: sodium
Pronunciation: flop-ti-mizz-um
Sentence: Although Gene could see that Randy was setting himself up for a big fall, he smiled and offered some floptimism.
Etymology: optimism + (the inevitable) flop
Created by: chofu67
Pronunciation: ven ear ate
Sentence: The pundits on Fox readily veneerated W's latest plan to send additional troops into Iraq.
Etymology: veneer (skin deep) + rate
Created by: erasmus
Pronunciation: ag ree a bliss t
Sentence: tommy's parents were always agreeablist even when he suggested the full facial tattoo of a naked woman.
Etymology: from agreeing and being agreeable and blissed in ignorance of what danger it will cause by just going along with it.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: skeem spir ay shun
Sentence: Wilbur & Warren had always supported Wayne by being his schemespiration for all his crazy ideas and plans. True friends would have played Devil's Advocate and pointed out the shortfalls of an idea. Unfortunately these three friends shared a brain and someone forgot it at home today!
Etymology: Scheme (an elaborate and systematic plan of action;a statement that evades the question by cleverness or trickery; a plan fraught with trickery or deceit) & Inspiration (a product of your creative thinking and work;(theology) a special influence of a divinity on the minds of human beings)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: nin-ee-nod-er
Sentence: Between the two of them Cletus and Billy Bob don't have a single opinion about anything. They will agree to almost anything anybody says. Some of their friends just call them "Sure" and "Why Not". They are just a couple of ninnynodders.
Etymology: Ninny (a fool or simpleton) + nodder (bobble head, one who nods [agrees] to anything)
Created by: cryptc
Pronunciation: Yes Sayer!
Sentence: You're all just a bunch of yessayers aren't you? nodding your heads, agreeing to everything I say.
Created by: josje
Pronunciation: positivoos
Sentence: you are a bunch of positivoos
Etymology: positive people