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DEFINITION: v., To ignore a "friend" at work because you don't want anyone else to know that you are friends. n., A co-worker and secret "best friend" with whom it is best to keep your friendship confidential.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: happyjocy
Sentence: When they were at work, Betty and Jane were 2 people from different planets. But, in a shopping mall, these two underpals made the perfect pair.
Etymology: Under (beneath, below, the other side of things) + pal (friend)
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: car + ear + full
Sentence: I got a careerful from my buddy about his weekend of boozing and carousing, but then we went back to just being plain old co-workers.
Etymology: career + earful
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: cool-eeg
Sentence: Cheryl is so friendly on the weekends but come Monday morning she treats my like a cooleague.
Etymology: colleague + cool
Created by: prufrock73
Pronunciation: kŏm'răd'-e-shŭsh
Sentence: Grinning at each other during the meeting, none of the other staff had any idea that Gladys and Eunice were comradeshushes.
Etymology: comrade + shush Likely first appeared in 19th century Russia.
A Siberian soujourn will wipe the grins off their faces. Good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-25: 18:49:00
Created by: Koekbroer
Pronunciation: crip-toe-pal
Sentence: Clay and Doug worked at the same company but their immediate bosses were locked in a vicious feud so they were strictly cryptopals at work.
Etymology: crypto + pal. Origin from Greek kruptos 'hidden.'
COMMENTS: Superman's secret friend is a Kryptopal?? - Nosila, 2010-02-23: 00:30:00
Created by: bzav1
Pronunciation: con - veen - fi - dant
Sentence: Rose, having neither lunch nor plans, agreed reluntantly to meet her convenfidant, Elma, in hopes of getting a heads up on the promotion.
Etymology: convenient + confidant antonym - Stalleague stall + colleague Definition - a person a work that will hamper your professional and social standing by association
Created by: SteveMB1959
Pronunciation: Pal-no-pal-ism
Sentence: At weekends she's my pal, then weekdays she's not. Pal, no pal. (Part-time friend)
Etymology: Meaning pal (friend) some days, not a pal other days.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: kon-frend-den-shuh l
Sentence: Kate and Allie grew up together. They went to college together. They are roommates. The fact that they work as sales reps for competing companies means that their relationship is confriendential at work.
Etymology: confidential (in strict privacy or secrecy) + friend (a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard)
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: kyub-VERT / enn-IG-maydz
Sentence: Sarah and Tammy had been cubevertly seeing each other despite being coworkers, however, as enigmaides they were having trouble concealing what happened during lunch hour.
Etymology: cube (as in cubicle) + covert / enigma + aides
Wow, sorry for the late entry! I nealy missed this. - MrDave2176, 2007-10-25: 22:13:00
oh I just thought of another one...dissenfriendchise - MrDave2176, 2007-10-25: 22:16:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: stealth-mate
Sentence: Even though they were best friends and soulmates, Tori and Sue had to be stealthmates in the office because it was against company policy to a supervisor to be friends with an underling. They even went to the next town to go shopping or to clubs so that no one from the office would see them.
Etymology: stealth: moving, acting or proceeding in a covert way + mate: one of a matched pair; close associate

Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James
lumina - 2008-09-25: 12:01:00
"Yay!" :)
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James