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DEFINITION: v. To whack someone over the head with a pot (or any other handy utensil), because they won't do what you say. n. A complaint about someone who doesn't do things the way you want.

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Created by: smithkr3

Pronunciation: Thwapp et



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Created by: Faherty94




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Created by: Bionica

Pronunciation: slamn-payne

Sentence: If you do something incredibly bad in nature, like with super evil intentions, God will slampain the shit out of you.


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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: pan + skul + let

Sentence: Marjorie gave Henry a hard panskullet to the side of his head everytime he did not do her bidding, did her bidding badly, bid incorrectly, or just plain annoyed her.

Etymology: Pan(skillet,make a sweeping movement), Skull (the bony skeleton of the head of vertebrates), Skillet (A pan for frying, generally large and heavy)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: roh-ling-pin-sen-tiv

Sentence: Whitey doesn't always agree with Ginny's way of doing things. In these cases she would persuade him with a dose of rollingpincentive. As a result, Whitey's noggin has more lumps than grandma's gravy.

Etymology: rolling pin (a cylinder of wood or other material, usually with a short handle at each end, for rolling out dough) + incentive (something that incites or tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity)

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: dih fer en sov oh pahn yun

Sentence: Mr. Velcro wasn't as smooth as he thought, judging by the scars received from his latest differenceofopanion

Etymology: difference of opinion, pan

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Created by: Kevcom2

Pronunciation: klawb/err/foarm

Sentence: She clobberformed me into saying yes; Prithee, I had no control over the matter, she's quite influencing.

Etymology: clobber (hit) + form (mold, influence)

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: doe/mes/tik/fry/oh/lence

Sentence: When all else failed Sally resorted to domesticfryolence to get her point across and make Sam do eggzactly what she wanted.

Etymology: dome (as in head) + fry (frying pan) + domestic violence


Eggscellent, another example of your being word skillet. - Nosila, 2009-04-29: 18:35:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: eew-TEN-sihl-lash

Sentence: Ian would frequently criticize Wendy's cooking techniques and being short tempered Wendy would often attempt to utensilash him, striking out with a frying pan, spatula, whisk, or any other utensil that was handy.

Etymology: Blend of 'utensil' (an implement, instrument, or vessel used in a household and especially a kitchen) and 'lash' (v. to strike, hit, whip)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: spachəlikz

Sentence: Lidia likes her boyfriend to help her in the kitchen. He isn’t so willing to volunteer. She doesn’t tolerate any variance from her way of doing things. Whatever utensil she has in her hand may be used to correct his technique. He might end up with spatulicks, ladlelumps or even whiskwhacks. He makes a point of leaving the room whenever she is working with a knife or fork.

Etymology: spatula (an implement with a broad, flat, blunt blade, used for mixing and spreading things) + licks (a smart blow)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-04-29: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by an anonymous voter! ~ James