Vote for the best verboticism.

'You mean, it's okay if I'm a totally obsessive-compulsive neat freak?'

DEFINITION: v. To suddenly discover that your most troublesome personality defect, for which you have been taking medication and/or therapy, is actually your greatest asset. n. A perceived weakness which is actually a strength.

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Created by: Clayton

Pronunciation: fawl-TIL-i-tee

Sentence: Madeline's faultility was her incessant nose-blowing. Her husband thought of divorcing her, but she was such an amazing duck call.

Etymology: fault + utility

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: fawlt-it-tood

Sentence: She displayed her stalking practices daily with her staff, sneaking up behind them, checking her watch each time she saw them away from their cubicles chit chatting with coworkers. This behaviour became her faultitude and discovered she should become a private investigator.

Etymology: fault (flaw, imperfection) + fortitude (mental and emotional strength when facing difficulty, adversity)

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: em-foy-bull

Sentence: "Eureklutz!" Ted exclaimed, as he landed that nifty job as a baggage handler. He had become emfoible.

Etymology: employable, foible

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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: ben + ih + fit

Sentence: My epilepsy gets me a lot of work in industrial blending applications, so it's turned out to be a benifit.

Etymology: bene + fit (only I spelled it with an "i" instead of the second e, to distinguish it from the original word).

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: flaw - po - tent

Sentence: Sally felt flawpotent when her relentless jabbering and wild hair got her a spot on the popular gameshow "Everyone's Talking but Nobody's Listening"....

Etymology: flaw, compenent, potent


That gameshow is Twitter - jrogan, 2009-07-31: 10:41:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: loo na tik awl the rite bok ses

Sentence: She managed to lunatickalltherightboxes despite the rather stained resumé

Etymology: lunatic tick all the right boxes

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: flaw-sum

Sentence: when people mistook my nervous tic for well rehearsed break-dancing, it was flawesome

Etymology: flaw, awesome


Good one. - Clayton, 2007-06-25: 21:15:00


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Created by: jrogan

Pronunciation: dum-skil

Sentence: In person, everyone thought Annie was a complete numskull. She was always chattering about whatever was on her mind, which was not too much. (She had the attention span of a gnat, and an addiction to celebrity gossip.) It was a dumbskill that she made the most of on twitter, where she had 1000 followers.

Etymology: dumbskull + skill


They say, in order to 'keep ahead of the game' and 'to remain relevent in the workplace' workers should dumbskill every 5 years. - scrabbelicious, 2009-07-31: 11:41:00

The dumber the better... - jrogan, 2009-07-31: 12:35:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: babəlän

Sentence: Little Johnny Madden was a slow learner. He didn’t speak in full sentences til long after his play pals but once he started there was no stopping him. He seemed to revel in the sound of his own voice. His mother’s favorite word was ”Hush!”. Little did anybody realize that he could parlay this annoying trait into a career adding ”color” to the commentary of football sportscasters. He would travel from city to city to do his job. Every city he visited would become the new city of Babblon.

Etymology: babble (talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way) + on - A play on Babylon

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Created by: ziggy41

Pronunciation: Diss-ah-ben-ah-fet

Sentence: I was surprised to realize that my "anger problem" is a disabenefit that could make me tons of money. Dressing up as made-up people for "The Jerry Springer Show" is easy!

Etymology: Disability (defect) + benefit (an asset)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-06-25: 02:24:00
This is a Verbotomy Classic -- one of our favorites from the past. If you have already created a word for this definition, and want to try a new challenge try our new Verbotomy Text. ~ James

purpleartichokes - 2007-06-25: 11:55:00
Hey James, the Show All view doesn't show all. I like the Daily Stats better.

purpleartichokes - 2007-06-25: 12:04:00
Points aren't working either. I got 8. Did a word, pronunciation, etymology, and voted.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-06-25: 13:12:00
Show all is working now. I'm working on the scoring. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-06-25: 23:58:00
The score is now updated properly ~ James

wordmeister - 2007-06-29: 00:39:00

jrogan - 2009-07-31: 10:16:00
It was hard to write a sentence for this one...

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