Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To collect all the emotional energy you receive from one person, and then share it with the very next person you meet. n. Emotional transference.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: egonschiela
Pronunciation: sh-out-rayj
Sentence: When my mother phones, it follows that I have to shoutrage my sister to let off steam.
Etymology: shout - usually loud vocalisation! plus rage - emotional state.
Created by: fonka99
Pronunciation: Diss-charge
Sentence: Gus felt extremely guilty after disscharging his feelings on the bus driver on his way home, after all it wasn't his fault he got fired!
Etymology: From the urban word "diss" meaning to disrespect and "discharge" meaning to relieve.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: trans-pur-uhns
Sentence: Cindy is very close to her cat. Unfortunately Mr. Furball often sets her mood for the day. If he treats her poorly everybody in the office will do their best to stay clear. The emotional transpurrance can be deadly.
Etymology: tansferance (the shift of emotions, especially those experienced in childhood, from one person or object to another, especially the transfer of feelings about a parent to an analyst) + purr (to utter a low, continuous, murmuring sound expressive of contentment or pleasure, as a cat does)
Created by: scrabbelicious
Pronunciation: Dum-pah-ster
Sentence: "'Baggage? I don't think so. Why should I be the only person to carry this burden? I will off load this information, even if it's mentally scaring for the receiver'", thought Michael as he passed on the difficult news that his wife's thrush had flared up again.
Etymology: A convolution of 1) Dumpster (USually)(n) a vessel used for storing junk or unwanted items 2) stir (v) to mix or mix up, perhaps in a mischievious way (colloq).
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: tranz/snub/stan/siay/shun
Sentence: What a weight off my shoulders to practice transnubstatiation on an ususpecting passerby after being snubbed by another.
Etymology: transubstantiation + snub
Funny! - wordmeister, 2007-01-02: 12:59:00
thanks wordmeister - Jabberwocky, 2007-01-03: 16:35:00
Created by: jedijawa
Pronunciation: trans-moe-shun
Sentence: Pete received the full impact of Kelly's day through transmoshun.
Etymology: transmit + emotion + shun
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: hiss playse ment
Sentence: When Tiger vocalized his indifference, jealousy and displeasure towards Sybil, it was a catastrophe. She was catatonic briefly before projecting her hissplacement categorically towards her boyfriend,Tom. Afterwhich, Tom was feline purrly...
Etymology: Hiss (the fricative, sibilant noise cats make to express disapproval, contempt ot displeasure) & Displacement (the psychological transference of feelings from one person to another; (psychiatry) a defense mechanism that transfers affect or reaction from the original object to some more acceptable one)
Carole - 2007-01-02: 22:55:00
Good one Peta, yours has the same meaning as mine. Emotedump.
Verbotomy - 2009-08-07: 09:28:00
Hey, Our Twitter feeds were slowing down the Verbotomy site because Twitter was hacked. See: I have removed twitter until they get it fixed. ~ James