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'Don't kitty me!'

DEFINITION: v. To collect all the emotional energy you receive from one person, and then share it with the very next person you meet. n. Emotional transference.

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Created by: Marli

Pronunciation: Fee lo kate

Sentence: Unfortunately, Mandy feelocated all over George as a result of her boss's unfair demands earlier in the day.

Etymology: Feelings + relocate

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Created by: Wriiight



Etymology: Procrastinate + Antagonize

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /k&n-'vIb/

Sentence: Krisna was a very well-balanced person, partly because he would convibe any negativity he received onto his computer. His computer, on the other hand, was just plain miserable.

Etymology: from convey + vibe

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Created by: Stump




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Created by: Orlandin

Pronunciation: Emo-transfer

Sentence: She just emotransferred it to you.


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Created by: missparaguay1991

Pronunciation: /RFLKSFKT/

Sentence: Didn't your mum say that line to you five minutes ago? stop reflexaffecting me!

Etymology: Reflexaffect: reflex from the E reflect meaning show an image, and affect from the E affected, meaning have an effect on

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: trans-FER-leh-ment

Sentence: Whenever Sally was hit with negative emotions from her interactions with her mother, which was a very frequent occurrence, she would transferlament, laying all her tears and woes on her boyfriend Frankie.

Etymology: Bland of 'transfer' (to shift something or someone from one place to another) and 'lament' (to feel, show, or express grief, sorrow, or regret)

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Created by: IanArcher



Etymology: misdirected ire...

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Created by: mickey666


Sentence: The kick he received playing football really hurt his shin. Lying in bed later, his wife was less than thrilled as she felt a sharp pain and realised his foot had carried out transemototherapy


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: sin urjee

Sentence: The synurgey that Kitty felt when she met Ramon was quickly turned to catastrophe when she realized he was not a cat lover. In fact, he was a cat hurter.

Etymology: Synergy (the working together of two things (muscles or drugs for example) to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects) & Urge (push for something)

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Carole - 2007-01-02: 22:55:00
Good one Peta, yours has the same meaning as mine. Emotedump.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-08-07: 09:28:00
Hey, Our Twitter feeds were slowing down the Verbotomy site because Twitter was hacked. See: I have removed twitter until they get it fixed. ~ James