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'I wonder who keeps leaving these empties in the fridge'

DEFINITION: v. To leave a minute quantity of something in a bottle or container. n. A person who never finishes off the last bit of milk, mustard or whatever, because they want to leave the job of replacing it to someone else.

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Created by: dochanne

Pronunciation: Rez-id-you-rate

Sentence: Anne's face dropped when she opened the fridge and found it full of near-empty and empty beer bottles, peanut butter jars with a smear left in them and a juice bottle with a few millilitres of orange in the bottom. "Aarrgh! You residurate!" she yelled, throwing the almost empty juice carton at Joe's limp form on the floor. "Ugh. I didn't get to take the rubbish out... could you?" he mumbled slurringly, scratching himself. "Not on your life!" was all she could think to say without cursing.

Etymology: Residue - icky remains of a substance; Refridgerate - store in a cold place; You - as opposed to me, since the reason I do it is because I don't want to be the one cleaning it or disposing of it.


Ok, I admit it, I've lived in a sharehouse with such a residurate. - dochanne, 2009-05-15: 03:29:00


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Created by: Koekbroer

Pronunciation: emp tee r

Sentence: "Why is there always an almost empty bottle of something in the fridge, Doug? Ugh, you are such an emptier!"

Etymology: Empty

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: you do it

Sentence: Living with S. Lacker was very wearying. He was famous for leaving jars in the fridge, and each only contained a udoit of their original contents.

Etymology: instruction to get someone else to do something + dot (a little bit left over)


funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-14: 14:44:00

Good One - Nosila, 2009-05-14: 18:43:00

well done - splendiction, 2009-05-14: 23:35:00


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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: re-frij-yoo-lay-tah

Sentence: as he put the almost empty bottle of sauce back in the fridge he knew he was a refridgulator of the highest order

Etymology: refrigerator, re fridge you later


good one - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-14: 14:41:00


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Created by: EpicButCrazy

Pronunciation: Fin-ish-ish

Sentence: She always finishishes the milk, just so somebody else has to deal with recycling the carton.

Etymology: finish-ish

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: left-o-vert

Sentence: Harry was a habitual leftovert. He flagrantly and knowingly left bits and scraps of his voracious appetite in his refrigerator with no intention of dealing with them, nor any remorse for their abandonment. As difficult as it is to cure leftoversion, Jenna made it more so by being his enabler. She made excuses for him and tried to conceal his lazyfare attitude by blaming herself for not being more like her hero, Martha Stewart.

Etymology: Leftover: a vestige of a meal that is usually saved in the refrigerator with the intention of being reused before it petrifies or turns multicolored + overt: open, implicit or flagrant


very good! - Mustang, 2009-05-14: 23:41:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: juj dreg

Sentence: he was judgedregg, lord of refrigerated drippiness

Etymology: judge dredd dreg

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Created by: emdeejay

Pronunciation: Scrap you later

Sentence: Luke was one of those people who would actually create work for himself procrastinating over household chores. Finding a condiment vessel in his pantry that had any more than a scrap of contents was nigh on impossible. When Sally went looking for Vegemite and found not one but seven almost empty jars she exclaimed "Luke! When *will* you scrap all this detritus?" To which Luke replied "Oh, I'll do it later". And thus his nickname was born.

Etymology: The mindset of the scrapulator: eh, I'll scrap you later


super - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-14: 14:42:00

Also the detritus being 'scrap' and the person being one who scraps.. leaving them all over. - dochanne, 2009-05-15: 04:17:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: sin-TIL-eh-gayt

Sentence: Over the years Brenda had become very aggravated with her husband Barry's practice of putting containers back in the fridge with just a trace of content remaining and she had come to regard it as scandalous and even branded the practice scintillagate in hopes of embarrassing Barry into action.

Etymology: Blend of 'scintilla' (A minute amount; an iota or trace) and the suffix '-gate' (suffix attached to anything to indicate "scandal involving,")


great combo - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-14: 14:42:00


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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: rihm-nuht

Sentence: With great pride, her widower dad had always considered himself frugal--he paid his bills on time, he didn't buy anything on credit, he saved every nut and bolt from every house he ever lived in, he had re-soled shoes from the 1960's he might wear again. It carried over into the fridge which she cleaned when she felt brave enough. In that cold and usually dark place, she would find shriveled halves of tomatoes, mold-laden cheese, jars with one or two olives or pickles floating around, several containers with an inch of milk and unknown liquid remaining, heels of bread, packaged globs of what used to be spinach. She sighed at these remnants of meals past. Her dear old dad was a remnut! At least he was making good food choices.

Etymology: Using REMNANT, meaning a usually small part or trace remaining + NUT, meaning a foolish, eccentric or crazy person


mrskellyscl I love words that are fun to say. - mrskellyscl, 2009-05-14: 14:30:00

like this word. - mweinmann, 2009-05-15: 08:50:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-14: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx Thank you metrohumanx ~ James

readerwriter - 2009-05-14: 09:17:00
I detect some venting going on here today! Thanks, Metro...

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2009-05-18: 02:03:00
Yes, you are correct.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-11-25: 00:09:00
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James

remistram - 2010-11-25: 08:45:00
good one! i live with one of these types