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'OMIGOD! Prada is on sale at Wal-Mart!'

DEFINITION: n. A place, or a moment, where all the different kinds of truths fit together, and where there are many different ways to be absolutely right about everything. n. To be absolutely right about everything.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: para/dax/ee/um

Sentence: After many months of meditating, she was able to slip into the state of paradaxiom. ,

Etymology: paradise + axiom

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: fact/a/see

Sentence: Clarence laughed at Shoshana when she came home with her pair of Prada's from Walmart. He knew she was gullible but $7.38? She didn't care what he said or thought. She knew it was just another one of her factasies coming true! It was just one of many that day.

Etymology: Fact:an event known to have happened or something known to have existed. asy: derivative of fantasy: mythology and folklore


good one! - reverb, 2008-06-27: 12:48:00

She should live on Factasy Island! - Nosila, 2008-06-28: 00:00:00


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Created by: Guthlaf1

Pronunciation: con-VAL-i-JENS

Sentence: Instances of convaligence are rare, but are renowned as the pinnacles of life, or the beginnings of religions.

Etymology: 'convergence' + 'val-' [from valid, validity]

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: i-klek-TROOTH-ik

Sentence: Friday night's Happy Hour was an eclectruthic time for Bob and his best mates, Sizza and Kuz. With the Tetley's Smoothflow, Moosehead, Foster's and a few other brands of "truth serum" flowing freely, all kinds of truths fitted together ecumenically. And, as the evening rolled on, this tried-and-true trio: a Kiwi, a Ruskie and a Yobbo, in perfect harmony and absolutely right about everything, solved the problems of humanity in just under three hours.

Etymology: ECLECTIC: selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas; TRUTH: faithfulness, quality of being true.


eclectic blend of words - impressive - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-27: 11:03:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: para/dax/ee/um

Sentence: After many months of meditating, Jenny was able to slip into the state of paradaxiom.

Etymology: PARADAXIOM - noun - from PARADISE (a place of extreme beauty, delight, or happiness) + AXIOM (a self-evident truth that requires no proof)

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Created by: rebelvin

Pronunciation: COPAcetic+ZENIC

Sentence: I had just gotten a promotion, my son got into Harvard, my foreign investments were hitting the roof, but everything was still not copazenic.

Etymology: COPAcetic+ZENIC Copacetic: completely satisfactory, satisfying. Zenic: related to figuring out something by meditation or by a sudden flash of enlightenment

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Created by: Alchemist

Pronunciation: noo-DAL-uh-tee

Sentence: Jeff finally stopped resisting his mysillium, and let his karass guide him to his ultimate noodality. He realized that he could be a Rotarian, naturist, a good Anabaptist, and worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster with no contradictions! It was all such fine granfaloonery!

Etymology: noodle, node, modality, reality, nude


petaj If Jeff was also a good naturist too, then your etymology could include 'nude'! - petaj, 2007-04-20: 07:55:00

done! - Alchemist, 2007-04-20: 08:51:00

Wow, creative collaboration! Dan Pink would be proud of your group kayveeisms. - wordmeister, 2007-04-20: 10:27:00


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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: kuhn-VEHR-ih-jehns

Sentence: Alex found his converigence in his philosophy class, for there, at least in theory, the world *could* be made of Swiss cheese.

Etymology: convergence + verity

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Created by: Trystera

Pronunciation: pan-WHERE-it-ahs

Sentence: The panveritas overwhelmed me in a great mind-reeling jolt, and I was overcome by simultaneous empathy and self-satisfaction.

Etymology: pan- -- Greek, "all" veritas -- Latin, "truth"

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Created by: Rutilus

Pronunciation: seh-rend-veh-ree-time

Sentence: Clarice had stumbled upon a utopian place in time. The perfect shopping mall, stumbling across designer clothes at bargain prices, getting looks of amour from men and jealousy from other women. She was the best looking, best dressed woman in town; it was so apparently true.

Etymology: serendipity - act of stumbling upon pleasant surprises; verity - truthfulness; time - a moment or period

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-20: 02:27:00
Today's definition was suggested by Kurt Vonnegut and first appeared in his novel The Sirens of Titan.
Thank you Mr. Vonnegut! Also a word of thanks to ErWenn for suggesting this Vonnegut definition ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-06-26: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Kurt Vonnegut and first appeared in his novel The Sirens of Titan.
Thank you Mr. Vonnegut! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-11-06: 01:15:00
Today's definition was suggested by vonnegut. Thank you vonnegut. ~ James