Vote for the best verboticism.

'The ice caps are melting!'

DEFINITION: v. To increase the world's liquid water supply (and dramatically raise the level of our oceans) by accidentally melting the polar ice caps. n. The rising seas and associated flooding due to melting ice caps.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: hy dro flo bee ya

Sentence: You will know we are suffering from hydroflobia when polar bears and penguins start arriving on one's doorstep, together!

Etymology: Hydro (relating to water) & Flow (the act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression) & Phobia (fear of something)


metrohumanx Nice triple, N! ...but i expected more Nosila filla! Well done. - metrohumanx, 2009-03-16: 01:50:00

loveit! - galwaywegian, 2009-03-16: 05:04:00

Gets high marks here! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-16: 17:22:00


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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: see swell ing

Sentence: Perhaps the world's egosystem has been wounded, and that is why it's head and bottom are shrinking and its seaswelling.

Etymology: SEAS, SWELLING, WELLING. SEAS - the earth's large expanses of water. SWELLING - increase in size usually as a result of injury. WELLING - a place where water emerges, whether naturally or the result of man causing it.


I love your sentence. Good word. - kateinkorea, 2009-03-17: 19:36:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: oh maye god

Sentence: "Eaumygod! Water disaster!" Icebergs wreck flotilla in Monaco! full story inside

Etymology: eau as in water! oh my God


luv that first head line! Great Create! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-16: 17:24:00


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Created by: Annette


Sentence: The capqua flow is even larger than anticipated.



Good start...I like the word. - kateinkorea, 2009-03-17: 19:30:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: pole ar thaw gra fee

Sentence: When Jill entered university to study polarthawgraphy, she was confused. She first thought polar ice caps were drinks. She thought placing freezers over the poles would ensure they did not melt away, as she was afraid Santa would drown at the North Pole...

Etymology: Polar (ice caps) & Thaw (melt) & Graphy (suffix indicating an art or descriptive science)

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: high-DRALL-ick-REAP

Sentence: “I can’t stand Venice” said Florence- as she revved up her gross SUV- she resisted downsizing- as the waters kept rising- her error was failing to sea! Denial and tears came in torrents- we were singing a CO2 dirge- our years of excess- caused a wet sloppy mess- now all we can do is submerge. For years some had tried to persuade us- That the problem was oil and coal- But a global guffaw- Caused the glaciers to thaw- Now HYDRAULICREEP’s out of control.

Etymology: HYDRAULIC+CREEP=HYDRAULICREEP..........HYDRAULIC: operated, moved, or effected by means of water, of or relating to water or other liquid in motion; Latin hydraulicus, from Greek hydraulikos, from hydraulis hydraulic organ, from hydr- + aulos reed instrument [1661].....CREEP: to enter or advance gradually so as to be almost unnoticed, to change shape permanently from prolonged stress or exposure to high temperatures, to go very slowly; Middle English crepen, from Old English crēopan; akin to Old Norse krjūpa to creep [before 12th century].


metrohumanx Florence couldn't fathom why her beach house vanished or why the shore was miles inland, she disliked the ocean, but at least she could surfeit. - metrohumanx, 2009-03-16: 01:47:00

Good sentence! Good word! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-16: 17:28:00

Impressive word and sentence! So true: her home built too close to the shoreline - the denial or ignorance of globalwarming's effects - splendiction, 2009-03-16: 20:17:00

Good word there metrohumanx,You're a brilliant writer too :) - abrakadeborah, 2009-03-16: 22:56:00

metrohumanx My humble thanks. - metrohumanx, 2009-03-17: 03:00:00

Really good! - kateinkorea, 2009-03-17: 19:28:00


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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: Ar-tic-mel-ti-flow

Sentence: Eeeek! Marie-Jacques ran screaming out of her home in her bath towel in a panic from the "articmeltiflow" causing water to gush out of every plumbing fixture in her house! She was feeling the effects of global warming. She knew the temperatures in the Arctic region were rising twice as fast as they are elsewhere in the world and the Arctic ice is melting and causing an "articmeltiflow" so badly that is was bursting pipes and overflowing everywhere! Small wild animals were being forced out of their natural habitat floating into Marie-Jacques's home. It wasn't the "articmeltiflow" that she was so much afraid of, it was all the wild animals scurrying around to make a new home at Marie-Jacques's home!

Etymology: Artic;The Arctic (/ɑɹktɪk/, /ɑɹtɪk/) is the region around the Earth's North Pole, opposite the Antarctic region around the South Pole. The Arctic includes the Arctic Ocean (which overlies the North Pole) and parts of Canada, Greenland (a territory of Denmark), Russia, the United States (Alaska), Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland. Melt;the process of heating a solid substance to a liquid. tiflow;(slang);causing water to gush as you flush,brush or shower "Articmeltiflow" is causing all your plumbing to overflow and flooding you out of the house as small wild animals float inside and take over.

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Dee-cap-it-oo-layt

Sentence: After many years of taking this planet for granted, the polar ice caps are melting at a tremendous rate it has come to the point where it is decapitoolate and nothing can be done to stop it.

Etymology: Decapit- to destroy the cap + Too late- un out of time = Decapitoolate


Clever! - kateinkorea, 2009-03-17: 20:06:00


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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: b'eye-poh-ler-ih-cih-tee

Sentence: Dr. Arky Bohta had created a safe haven in Savannah, Georgia, for sufferers of what he called Bipolaricity. Since the accidental onset and melting of the two polar icecaps the psychiatrist had been meticulously documenting the increasing mood swings and paranoia of his patients. His theory was that because the human body is more than 85% water the creeping and cruising of encroaching icebergs was the reason. However, on a hot and muggy summer's day, as two ice bergs from the South and North approached Key West and the Mason-Dixon line, he noted there was high and enthusiastic response during a group brainstorming session when one patient proposed brewing and bottling something called "BiPolar Ice Tea."

Etymology: Using BIPOLAR, the psychological term for severe mood disorders with the two (North and South) or bi (from L.) poles

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: biii biii poh lar

Sentence: They said gore was mad, but he proved to be byebyepolar.

Etymology: bipolar, bye bye polar bears


karenanne Very clever! "bye bye polar bears" - sniff :( - karenanne, 2010-09-27: 15:21:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-03-16: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James

silveryaspen - 2009-03-16: 17:55:00
Everyone did such great creating today! Every sentence and verbotomy was a delight to read!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-09-27: 00:17:00
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James