Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n., The shock and embarrassment felt after innocently implying that you are much younger, only to discover that everyone actually knows how old you really are. v., To be embarrassed when caught lying about your age.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: novaspectyr
Pronunciation: an/TIK/wiss/ment
Sentence: The memory of their brief flirtation caused her such antiquissment that she could barely look him in the eye.
Etymology: antiquity + embarrassment
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: sprung-chick-n
Sentence: Eva Longevia was a sprungchicken. She insisted that she was only in her 30s, even in front of her parents who were both sprightly octogenarians. They quickly put the assembled guests to rights, disclosing that Eva was actually in her fifties.
Etymology: sprung (slang for caught, found out) + spring chicken (colloquialism for young person)
I seem to have a fowl theme going this week - petaj, 2008-11-28: 04:01:00
You might have a fowl theme going, but they are so good, you might say they are the cock of the walk! I will long use and chuckle over sprungchicken and roasttrickey, and laugh a long time with you over them. - silveryaspen, 2008-11-28: 14:02:00
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: age/gast
Sentence: Since she was an agenostic and didn't belive in chronological age, she was ageghast when she was outed as being an octogenarian.
Etymology: age + aghast
Love agenostic! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-05: 18:14:00
Great words! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-05: 19:39:00
Created by: DaddyNewt
Pronunciation: cha/GRIN/a/myt
Sentence: Betty's chagrinamite was obvious behind her wrinkled facade.
Etymology: chagrin + mite
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: dee/moral/i/zayj/shun
Sentence: Sue suffered complete demoralizageshun when she and her girlfriends got carded after a Hannah Montana concert. She claimed she was dyslexic and thought 15 and 51 were the same.
Etymology: demoralization + age + shun
Created by: Banky
Pronunciation: jer-e-at-trik
Sentence: Despite the beanie, the oversized lollipop, and the wide striped shirt, the crow's feet and liver spots were what spoke volumes to the acne-ridden movie theater ticket booth guy. "I'm sorry sir, but you're a bit old for the children's prices. We do have a senior citizen rate, though." Abner pressed the small box to his tracheotomy and a cold metallic sigh issued forth. "thaaaat will doooo. thaaank you." He shuffled toward the door, wrinkled bald head down, feeling depressed and geriatricked.
Etymology: geriatric + trick
Love your sentence - made me think of Darth Vader and the barbapapas - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-05: 09:32:00
Yep,very funny sentence! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-05: 16:11:00
Funny word, and your sentence is a real hoot! Love it! - Tigger, 2008-02-05: 21:29:00
(P.S. What are "the barbapapas"?) - Tigger, 2008-02-05: 21:29:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: grav tit tee
Sentence: The gravtitty of the situation was brought home to her when she went to the pool with out her industrial strength lycra swimsuit and the lifeguard thought she was being attacked by a pair of demented seals.
Etymology: gravity, titty
Roaring with laughter. No one could keep from giggling when using or hearing this word and the images it brings to mind! Great sentence, too! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-05: 07:24:00
so funny!! - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-05: 09:40:00
haha - bookowl, 2008-02-05: 13:11:00
clever & funny, luv the word too! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-05: 16:12:00
Created by: dochanne
Pronunciation: Dis com bob you lage
Sentence: When Helen opened the door she was pleasantly surprised to find her friends waiting with a cake, until her eye caught the smirk on Jame's face and her joy turned to discombobulage: was that a "40" candle?
Etymology: Discombobulate: to upset, fluster or distress Age: how many trips around the sun one has lived through
Don't I know you from somewhere ? - emdeejay, 2008-12-01: 02:55:00
That sounds like a pick-up line :) - dochanne, 2008-12-04: 13:06:00
Created by: thegoatisbad
Pronunciation: an-ye-nul
Sentence: You are cordially invited to Kimberly's annunull birthday party! Come celebrate as Kimberly turns 27, again. Kimberly is registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond; Hancock Fabrics; and the Birkenstock outlet. Party starts at 4:30. BYOB. Park down the street.
Etymology: annual (happening yearly) + null (amounting to nothing)
Happy Annunull, Kimberly! - Nosila, 2010-04-23: 23:24:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: (h)yoōmilēājd
Sentence: Joyce was humiliaged when her coworkers threw her a surprise party. Somebody was clever enough to obtain a copy of the newspaper from the day she was born,as registered with HR, not what she had been telling people for years. OOPS! Busted!
Etymology: humiliate (make someone feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and self-respect) + aged (that has been subjected to aging)

Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James
silveryaspen - 2008-02-05: 06:56:00
Had so much fun with your definition remistram! All kinds of related verboticisms popped into my mind, some of which I couldn't resist putting in my sentence as I sat here laughing out loud. Everyone's great creations made me laugh more. Fun definition!
ErWenn - 2008-02-05: 10:09:00
I've made it a point to let my friends know that on my birthday cake, I expect one candle for every year of my age. (Next is the big three-oh.) You can't stop getting older, so you might as well enjoy the fire hazard that your birthday cake is slowly becoming.
remistram - 2008-02-05: 12:05:00
Can relate - turned the big 4-0 in January....ack!
Yes the fires are getting bigger ~ James
silveryaspen - 2008-11-28: 14:10:00
Lots of fun and funny sentences today!
Nosila - 2008-11-28: 21:50:00
When I red your story I knew it was one in vermilion!
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James