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'Have you set up the security for our new computers?'

DEFINITION: v. To give a child, pet or coworker a wrapped gift or packaged item, only to discover they are more interested packaging than the item itself. n. Gift wrapping or packaging which proves to be more exciting than the contained item.

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Created by: pieceof314

Pronunciation: pree-zent-us-int-er-up-tis

Sentence: The anticipation was killing Betty as with each present, her best friend kept reaching near hers from the pile. She had selected the best gift she could think of and carefully wrapped it in beautiful paper. "Look at this one!" Janice shouted as she lifted the gift. "It is wrapped so wonderfully and the paper is so beautiful!" She spent extra care to unwrap the gift so that the paper was not spoiled. She put the gift down on the floor and held up the paper for all to see and passed it around meanwhile forgetting the gift beside her. This was a clear example of presentusinteruptis killing her joy.

Etymology: Presentus, from present or gift + interuptis, to interrupt

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: gift rapt

Sentence: Jason was in a state of giftrapt because he was so seduced by the boxing, bubble wrap and tape, that he forgot about the contents.

Etymology: giftwrap (wrapping for a gift) & rapt (wholly absorbed)

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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: rə-pēl'

Sentence: Little Marty loved the fire engine Grandpa brought him, but the wrappeal of the box and excelsior was overwhelming.

Etymology: wrap appeal


nice blend - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-21: 16:51:00

Good word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-22: 07:22:00


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Created by: verbherder

Pronunciation: sel-uh-feyn

Sentence: As I undid the fancy gold ribbon, and carefully removed the shiny, elegantly printed paper I was thinking, "Pedro just gave me the best birthday present ever!" Inside was a dark, velvety box with a metal hinge. I opened it slowly in an effort to savor the anticipation. My excitment was quickly replaced by disappointment that morphed into anger when it became clear Pedro had given me...a wad of fresh belly button lint in cellofeign. Pedro!!!!

Etymology: cellophane (type of packaging) + feign (to represent fictitiously)

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: RAP-tuh-veyt

Sentence: Wraptivated by some strange bibliomania, Bob's bookself was full of books unread, but collected solely for the beauty or bizarreness of their dust-covers*.

Etymology: Blend of WRAP as in wrapper, RAPT: carried away with the emotion, beauty etc., & CAPTIVATE: overpower with excellence etc. *DUST-COVER = Dust-jacket or Dust-wrapper.


Hey Bob - we missed you last week - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-21: 12:12:00

Good word! - Mustang, 2008-04-21: 21:16:00


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Created by: DrWebsterIII

Pronunciation: mis'un - der - gift - hood

Sentence: I always try to leave the recipient of my inexpensive present in a state of misundergifthood with deceptive elegant wrapping.

Etymology: misunderstood + gift

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: con - tane - uhr - ram - bow

Sentence: After opening all the boxes that his new computer, various toys and other gifts came in, Gilbert busied himself in fanciful games with the containers, imagining them to be everything from fighter planes, to fortresses to James Bond type vehicles.

Etymology: Blend of container and Rambo.


good word - Nosila, 2008-04-21: 20:26:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: en/rap/cher

Sentence: Little children are enwraptured with the exterior of a present when the interior contains clothes.

Etymology: Wrap + enraptured


And they know it before opening the box! - arrrteest, 2008-04-21: 19:00:00


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Created by: rebelvin

Pronunciation: pack+rapt

Sentence: It would not have mattered what was in that big box, it was just packrapt to the kids.

Etymology: pack+rapt

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: pak-ka-ching!

Sentence: the new bike went unnoticed as Toby was too enamored with the packa-ching.

Etymology: packaging, ka-ching!


Cute word! - Nosila, 2009-06-04: 17:18:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-21: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-06-04: 00:31:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James