Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., An animal, usually a much loved pet, whose dead and departed owner has bequeathed a huge sum of money solely for its comfort and care. v. To leave part or all of an estate to a pet animal.
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Created by: frenchprof
Pronunciation: chip-munch
Sentence: Dang chipmunch did me in again!
Etymology: Chip: O.E. forcippian "to pare away by cutting, always confused with "cheap" by people in my country. onomatopaeic comes from the well known author Munch's manic depressive sister Laura Catherine. So a cheap munch
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: just like beneficiary
Sentence: There was an enormous aquarium smack-bang in the middle of the manor's ballroom. It was a benefishery of the old CODger's estate. He left the manor to his great-nephew providing that he kept the fish in the manner to which they were accustomed. Instead of gravel, the bottom was covered with a layer of glittering gemstones. The fish had their own chef, and fresh water was shipped from Lake Malawi every month to make them feel at home.
Etymology: beneficiary + fish + fishery
Very clever. Hope the great-nephew doesn't become part of the codfish aristocracy! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-22: 07:25:00
No but he had plans to become a Codfather. - petaj, 2007-09-26: 04:42:00
Created by: DrWebsterIII
Pronunciation: ˈanə - ˈkwēT͟H
Sentence: Miss Helmsley wished now she had killed him herself, for the estate she thought was all hers, had been aniqueathed to Scruffy!
Etymology: "ani" (from animal) + "queath" (from bequeath = to declare, given by will
Created by: Sarahbarah
Pronunciation: Well-ah-nim
Sentence: My friends fish was known as a welanim after she died because she left over 3,000,000 dollars for his care.
Etymology: Wel-Comes from "wealthy", refferning to large amount of mon anim-comes from "animal", pets are all animals
Created by: WordSlammer
Pronunciation: A-nor-mali-tised
Sentence: An un normal thing left for a much loved pet from their Anormalitised owner
Created by: gillilandj
Pronunciation: ka-billion-air
Sentence: When Bill Gates dies his dog MacIntosh will become a kibbillionaire many times over.
Etymology: From kibble plus billionaire
Kibbles and bytes, kibbles and bytes, I'm gonna get me some kibbles and bytes. Got a kick out of this word. - ScrabbledEgg, 2007-09-23: 00:29:00
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: den + ih + fish + ee + airy
Sentence: Her 78 cats were the denificiaries of the crazy old lady's will.
Etymology: Beneficiary who lives in a den (maybe).
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: fīdō
Sentence: Once the old lady kicked the bucket her beloved pooch was rolling in fidough.
Etymology: fido (a generic name for a pet dog)+ dough (money)
Doh! - Nosila, 2010-01-19: 17:42:00
Created by: christera
Sentence: i will let my dog petitage me.
Etymology: heritage , pet
Verbotomy - 2007-09-21: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by OZZIEBOB. Thank you OZZIEBOB! ~ James
ErWenn - 2007-09-22: 16:44:00
Lots of obvious ways to go today...I think today's winner will likely be the one who got here first.
Verbotomy - 2010-01-19: 00:09:00
Today's definition was suggested by OZZIEBOB . Thank you OZZIEBOB . ~ James
DrWebsterIII - 2012-10-24: 01:31:00
GENIUS!!! (how'd I miss it)
hyperborean - 2012-10-24: 14:26:00
Yesterday and today's definitions are giving me deja vu. Haven't we done these once before?
DrWebsterIII - 2012-10-25: 00:34:00
maybe we have to branch out and come up with definitions
DrWebsterIII - 2012-10-25: 15:57:00
EVERYONE HAD A GREAT WORD!!! but i'm giving Sethyll the crown today