Vote for the best verboticism.

'I'll just wait here until you're free.'

DEFINITION: v. To hover near, or directly on top of, a person who is busy doing something else, in order to force them to immediately surrender their full attention. n. A person who invades other people's private spaces and uses the social discomfort to demand attention.

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Created by: dochanne

Pronunciation: Bray-s/zen-vay-dah

Sentence: Jason felt his frown tightening as he tried desperately to ignore the woman tugging at his arm and looking over his shoulder while he was on the phone. He had always known his colleague to be a hoverdraft but this was getting ridiculous, he was almost falling off his chair. Dammit, now he'd have to pay attention to the bracenvader, and that was what he always tried to avoid. She was, however, starting to look somewhat manic - what fresh melodramantics would she come up with now?

Etymology: Brazen - impudent, rude or audacious; Brace - (informal) to solicit; Brace - support or preparedness, as in to 'brace oneself' against the invasion of personal space and the demands Bracenvaders make on you; Invader - one who invades or enters where they are not allowed, wanted or welcome; SpaceInvader - from the early computer game with invading hordes of aliens, also being someone who invades your personal space habitually and engenders discomfort and social awkwardness by doing so. Also hoverdraft (hover + draft) and melodramantics (melodrama + antics)


Admirable! - splendiction, 2009-05-19: 22:26:00


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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: loom-en-CROW-chide (loomencroachider)

Sentence: She looked like a waif as she tapped on the door- Flashing those gams and the smile that she wore… The library opens – it’s open to all. But she pestered the patrons- the long, short and tall. Now we regret having let her inside- Cause all that she does is LOOMENCROACHIDE!

Etymology: LOOM+ENCROACH+chIDE=LOOMENCROACHIDE....LOOM: to come into sight in enlarged or distorted and indistinct form often as a result of atmospheric conditions, to take shape as an impending occurrence; origin unknown Date: circa 1541 .....ENCROACH: to enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the rights of another,to advance beyond the usual or proper limits; Middle English encrochen to get, seize, from Anglo-French encrocher, from en- + croc, croche hook [1528].....CHIDE: intransitive verb To reproach in a usually mild and constructive manner; Middle English, from Old English cīdan to quarrel, chide, from cīd strife.


amazing rhyming sentence! - DrWebster111, 2009-05-19: 22:06:00


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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: foe-cus-err-per

Sentence: half way through my phone call my work cooleague focusurped me.

Etymology: focus, usurper

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Created by: roulouken331

Pronunciation: Fair-cat-uh-oyd

Sentence: The man's girlfriend was a Phercataoiddaemon; she was constantly demanding he pay attention to her at all hours of the day.

Etymology: Pher- To bear Cata- down oid- like daemon- demon


COOL! - roulouken331, 2011-11-03: 14:42:00


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Created by: sydneychapman

Pronunciation: in-sayn-client-ism

Sentence: the man at work couldn't talk on the phone due to the insaneclientism of the woman.

Etymology: insaneclientism- when a client will do anything it takes to get help they need

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Created by: stephboo43

Pronunciation: hell-e-vade-per-son-e-wurk

Sentence: my wife won't leave me alone! She just keeps hovering over me, and is distracting me from work!

Etymology: heli-to hover vade-to invade person-a person work-work

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Created by: shellyb2009

Pronunciation: de/mand/in/ist/tic/cal

Sentence: This lady's spirit is to demandinistical for me to ignor her. I wish she would just leave me be.


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: eg-goh-SKEE-toh

Sentence: Roxie was so disruptive in the office that her workmates presented her with the "Egosqito" award for her egocentric habit of demanding their total attention by buzzing about, hovering around, and driving them crazy like a self-obssessed mosquito. At her looming Bob, at times, even recited a poem called "Mosquito", which he had written in his youth. It went like this: "Malicious mien, Buzzing, whining, biting: Summer's toxic arrow." She was, of course, not very amused!

Etymology: EGO: "i" (cognate with OE ic, I) The "i" or self of any person & MOSQUITO: any of numerous two-winged insects of the family Culicidae, the females of which suck the blood of animals and humans, some species transmitting certain diseases, as malaria and yellow fever. And, in the last couple of decades, new varieties of the diseases (in Australia) such as Murray River Encephalitis, Ross River Fever,. etc.


very apt - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-11: 13:11:00

Good one, about a buzzword! - Nosila, 2008-04-11: 22:46:00


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Created by: 751294

Pronunciation: rept-pop

Sentence: She wouldn't stop reptpopping me.

Etymology: rept- creep pop- people

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: me/zurp

Sentence: Self centred Betty always mesurps who ever she can, whenever she can, even when they are busily engaged in important activities. She is a career mesurper.

Etymology: me (because it's always about me, look at me, listen to me, me, me, me, me) + usurp (encroach, butt in, take over, commandeer)


Met many like her, unfortunately! - Nosila, 2008-04-11: 22:47:00

Good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-12: 02:32:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-11: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by shoeshineboy. Thank you shoeshineboy. ~ James

stache - 2008-04-11: 00:40:00
My verboticism have been updated? Hmm. I think this calls for a grammarauder.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-11: 08:01:00
Hey stache, thanks for your gentle grammaraudity. I has fixed the offending word. And by the way, if you notice any other stupid errors -- I mean miscommunications -- let me know and I will fix them. ~ James

stache - 2008-04-11: 17:45:00
you'se welcome.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-19: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by shoeshineboy. Thank you shoeshineboy ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-06-17: 00:15:00
Today's definition was suggested by shoeshineboy. Thank you shoeshineboy. ~ James