Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To hurry up and wait. n. A person who compels you to prepare quickly for an activity which they know will be delayed, postponed or retarded.
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Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: hay sten wayst
Sentence: You have seen him hundreds of times on airplanes. The guy in the back row who grabs all of his stuff. He never checks bags, just crams his overhead with tons of luggage. As soon as the plane lands he jumps into the aisle, ready to sprint out the gangway. Except the plane hasn't docked yet, others are in his way with the same idea and he cannot jump over them to get to the front of the line-up. He is guilty of hastenwaste, because he has to impatiently stand there for twenty minutes. This traveller never has a connecting flight or someone waiting for him...he just has to beat all the others out the cabin door!
Etymology: Hasten (hurry;act or move at high speed) & Waste (spend thoughtlessly;useless or profitless activity)
Created by: arrrteest
Pronunciation: an-tiss-uh-wayt
Sentence: Joel knew it would look ridiculous to the non-believers, but he didn't care. Tickets for the band didn't go on sale for another three days. He remembered the last time he waited for the latest video game console to come out -- he took his time and got there 36 hours before the release date and was 9th in line. He wasn't going to let that happen again. He was going to anticiwait as long as it took to be first in line.
Etymology: Anticipate + wait
Created by: chandlerh123
Pronunciation: er-lee-i-ser-tist
Sentence: "There's plenty of time stop being such an earlisertist!"
Created by: RLMzies
Pronunciation: Leaug-ual-lis-tic
Sentence: Mr. Barnes is a very leagalistic man. He made sure i packed my bags about 2 1/2 hours before it was time to leave to the airport. When i packed my bags, we left, 1 hour and 15 minuets early and waiting on the plane for 45 minuets. This is one very leagalistic man.
Etymology: This word came from the lanuage latin in the 1800's when the king of the time was always very early for events and since he was the kind and took care or leagal issues, they created this word to define the personatly of the king.
I love this word. - Bubbles, 2010-06-27: 22:38:00
Created by: philhealy
Pronunciation: HER-ee-up-held
Sentence: Jan had to arrive at the airport three hours early just because Thomas was such a hurryupheld. No matter what time their flight left, he insisted they leave early so they would "get a good seat in the terminal," as Tom liked to joke. Jan didn't think it was humorous.
Etymology: hurry up (phrase)-used when instructing another to act with a greater amount of haste. upheld - to be hindered by something.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: ek-spi-dawd-l
Sentence: Nothing, but nothing, can cause more expedawling than the procedures at an airport. Get there early. Wait in line. Rush to the security checkpoint. Wait in line. Wait longer while the people who just arrived for the next outgoing flight are pushed to the front of the line. Get to your gate. Wait for boarding. Your flight is called. Wait while every person of every possible description other than you is called to board. Get called. Form another line. Get on the plane. Wait while the guy with the 200-pound carry-on wrestles it into the overhead compartment. Get in your seat. The plane taxis to the runway and you wait. It's a good thing that things will be so much easier and faster when you arrive at your destination.
Etymology: expedite (to speed up the progress) + dawdle (to move slowly; to waste time)
Created by: rebelvin
Pronunciation: worry+wait
Sentence: We got in line so early, only the worrywaits were there before us.
Etymology: worry+wait
Created by: pieceof314
Pronunciation: ob sess ih wayt er
Sentence: Harrold was an obsessiwaiter of unbelieveable magnitude. If the airlines said to be there 2 hours ahead of time, he had to be there 4 hours ahead. If he had to be at work by 8:00 am, he'd get there at 5. This put a strain his co-workers who were in his carpool and travel work's traveling group.
Etymology: obsessive + wait (er)
This word could also fit for those waiters/waitresses who want to take your order before you've had a chance to even open the menu, and then come back every 20 seconds to check and see if you're ready to order yet. - Tigger, 2008-04-22: 23:25:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: HUHS-uhl-weyt
Sentence: At the first sign of a sneeze or sore throat, Bob coerced Roxie to ring the local funeral home's hotline to make arrangement for his funeral. Funereal, at first, then finally foaming, she told him that if he didn't come to his senses immediately, and stop being such a husslewait, that the consequences may be graver for him, sooner than he thought.
Etymology: Conflation of HUSTLE: To coerce, cause someone to move or pressure someone into action & WAIT: to put off, defer, delay, postpone.
he might get it in spades - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-22: 12:27:00
Oh man, your sentence really made me chuckle, Bob. - Tigger, 2008-04-22: 23:29:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: rush-tin-ayt
Sentence: Brad is known with little affection among his friends as a major rushtinator, one who always pushes everyone to get ready for events well in advance and then find all kinds of reasons to put them off indefinitely.
Etymology: Blend of 'rush' (hurry) and 'procrastinate' (to put off till another day or time; defer; delay)
Verbotomy - 2008-04-22: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-06-05: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James