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'Hurry up we need to get in line!'

DEFINITION: v. To hurry up and wait. n. A person who compels you to prepare quickly for an activity which they know will be delayed, postponed or retarded.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: HASE - uhn - wate - er

Sentence: Armando is an ardent and incurable hastenwaiter; he'll purposely prepare for meetings, trips or even visits hours in advance knowing he and his wife Matilda will sit around needlessly awaiting the appointed hour.

Etymology: Blend of hasten and wait.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: rush-stop

Sentence: Max and June sat at the rushstop for a half hour while the driver finished his coffee and donuts. When the bus finally did show up they discovered that they left in such a hurry they forgot to pack their tickets.

Etymology: (play on bus-stop)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: spēdilā

Sentence: Phil is not the most polite driver we know. He cuts from lane to lane trying to get ahead of slower drivers only to be stopped by a traffic signal. He will speedelay all the way to work to get there 2 minutes earlier than someone who goes with the flow of traffic. His biography may well be entitled ”Rushing to the Red Light”.

Etymology: speed (rapidity of movement or action) + delay (be late or slow; loiter)

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Created by: bookowl

Pronunciation: slow/faster

Sentence: A slowfaster is a pest who slows down proceedings by trying to speed them up.

Etymology: go faster + slow


cute - Nosila, 2008-04-22: 17:26:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: ak/sel/er/weyt

Sentence: John must be early for everything, especially on business trips out of town. This panic causes him to accelerwait. He rushes to the airport only to have to bide his time for hours waiting for his flight.

Etymology: accelerate + wait


Nice one! - Tigger, 2008-04-22: 23:33:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: tra vel urj ent

Sentence: Travelling with Howie was not fun. He would go to the airport hours before the minimum check-in times just to "get a good seat" on the plane (even though seat selection had been assigned at booking time). He drove his wife, Wanda, crazy, as the rushing and waiting drove her mad. Howie was definitely a travelurgent and his haste in getting to the airport, frequently meant he forgot his tickets, passport and or money on the hallway table.

Etymology: Travel Agent (someone who sells or arranges trips or tours for customers) & Urgent (compelling immediate action)

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˈblɪtˌsɪts/

Sentence: The blitzsitz is an important strategy that is difficult to maintain because, like many preventative techniques, its usefulness is only noticeable when it is not used.

Etymology: from Ger blitz "lightning" + Ger sitz "sitting"


I found out today that "sitzkrieg" is already a word! - ErWenn, 2008-04-22: 09:48:00

interesting - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-22: 12:30:00

My grandpa would've taken a blitsitz bath in anticipation of developing hemeroids. - stache, 2008-04-22: 20:07:00


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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: fast-er-lag

Sentence: Mr. Speedy Slowpoker insisted on being a fasterlag at the airport. It was important to him that he be the first person to be waiting at the front of the line...for no good reason.

Etymology: Faster - to speed up and Lag-to slow down and lag behind.

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Created by: chandlerh123

Pronunciation: er-lee-i-ser-tist

Sentence: "There's plenty of time stop being such an earlisertist!"


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Created by: youmustvotenato

Pronunciation: kyoo-tard

Sentence: The plane landed, immediately all the queuetards stand up and eagerly get into line to exit the plane.

Etymology: queue-line of people; retard-slow AND dumb

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-22: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-06-05: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James