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DEFINITION: n A lie told by a politician which is not really a lie, because in their heart of hearts, they are pretending it is true. v. To believe you are telling the truth even though you know it's really not.
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Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: lye winn skeee
Sentence: As with most liewinskis, you can put it in the hands of your intern, but it won't stand up in court
Etymology: lie lewinski
you earned a cigar for that one... - Nosila, 2011-02-25: 08:18:00
Created by: aj3131
Pronunciation: Pol-lit-lie
Sentence: Bill Clinton told a Politlie when he uttered the infamous phrase "I did not have sex with that woman."
Etymology: Polit(ician) + Lie
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: kon veen yent unt rooth
Sentence: a convenientuntruth is usually the result of a question they are glad you asked.
Etymology: convenient truth
Created by: personak
Pronunciation: uh-lith-ee-AD-ih-cate
Sentence: It's obvious he's aletheadicating.
Etymology: Combination of "alethe" and "adicate" "alethe" from Greek "alethea" - true; "adicate" from Greek "adikeo" - wrong
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: camp fane
Sentence: Senator Phil A. Baloney lived up to his name. Since this was his second run at the Senate, he had all his election lies down pat. He was more experienced in being able to campfeign election promises than his opponent. He made the traditional campfeigns:Reducing taxes;Balancing the budget;Equal Rights;Free Medicare; Space discovery, plus all the latest p.c. campfeigns:Greening America;Reducing Carbon Footprint and Free Trade. He was baffled when he lost his re-election bid to a rookie upstart educated woman of color, Oprah Goldberg. It was because he never wore deodorant and his Senate Body was like his campaign campfeigns, they stunk!
Etymology: Camp( something that is considered amusing not because of its originality but because of its unoriginality) & Campaign (exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for or run, stand, or compete for an office or a position) & Feign (make believe with the intent to deceive; fake; pretend;misrepresent)
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: plat/for/mida/bull
Etymology: platform + formidable + bull
Created by: Alchemist
Pronunciation: po-LIT-eh-fib
Sentence: The Nevada Senate Candidate's speech had the ring of truthiness, but parts of it were absolute politifibs. There's NO WAY he's gonna get a casino built at Area 51.
Etymology: from the English "campaign promise"
Yes he will get it built. It's just that no one will be able to see it... - wordmeister, 2007-03-22: 00:55:00
well, no one from Earth, anyway... - Alchemist, 2007-03-22: 13:51:00
Nice. - jedijawa, 2007-03-22: 21:51:00
Created by: ozzymars
Pronunciation: pah-lib-bra-cay-shun
Sentence: His polibrications were the cause of him losing the election.
Etymology: politics+fabrication
Created by: jonobo
Pronunciation: politrick
Sentence: He politricked himself to believe in everything he said.
Etymology: politic + trick