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DEFINITION: n., Second-hand sound which has escaped from a headset. v., To play music on personal listening device so loudly that it leaks out of the earphones.
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Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: es kay pera
Sentence: When Grandma played her classical music, we could hear the escapera coming from her headphones. We got to know her play Liszt well. Even when we tried Haydn her machine, she would always get it Bach in the Mozartful manner. Even after she passed on, we could see her ghost,wearing her Strauss jeans with her love Handels showing, a sweater that was starting to unRavel and Tosca perfume, she was Offenbach in the garden decomposing.
Etymology: Escape & Opera
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: Audie-ob-nox-yus
Sentence: Mildred was careless about annoying her neighbors to the point of being totally audiobnoxious.
Etymology: Audio + obnoxious
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈhɪɹple(ɪ)/
Sentence: Hearplay is not admissible evidence when deciding whether or not a song sucks.
Etymology: From hearsay + play
Good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-04: 17:50:00
Created by: simoneshin
Pronunciation: tr-exposure
Sentence: this morning in the bus to work, before coffee, I was tracksposed to frans bauer. I still have a bad mood
Etymology: track(s) exposure
Created by: mplsbohemian
Pronunciation: HAND-mee-sound
Sentence: Alex's understanding of what he called "popular music" came entirely from handmesound hip-hop he picked up on the bus.
Etymology: hand-me-down + sound
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: grand-blair-ma
Sentence: Selina's Grandmother had a bad habit of being a grandblarema with her iPod turned up too loudly!
Etymology: Grand- Taken in part from Grandmother. Blare-To play music very loudly. Ma-Slang for Mom.
Created by: DaddyNewt
Pronunciation: in-coos-tin-ents
Sentence: The incoustinence of some people is appalling.
Etymology: incontinence+acoustic
Created by: lumina
Pronunciation: a/pyu/stiks
Sentence: Heather will never forget the day Grandma volunteered to accompany her 8th grade class on the field trip. She had no idea. Had she known, she would have skipped school for sure. It was embarrassing enough that Grams brought her headphones and WALKMAN (!) for the bus ride, but her apustics were humiliating.
Etymology: Acoustic + P.U. (as in stinky musAK)
It's a good thing the portable 8-track player was never invented. Poor Grams! - metrohumanx, 2008-09-04: 09:28:00
Very nice - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-05: 01:42:00

Today's definition was suggested by Pseudonym. Thank you Pseudonym! ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by Pseudonym. Thank you Pseudonym. ~ James