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'Omigod! He's... He's... Beautiful!'

DEFINITION: n. The emotional connection between a mother and her child, which continues on through life despite all the protestations. v. To be loved by your mother and even though you complain about it a lot.

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Created by: Koekbroer

Pronunciation: mom-barr-rass-mint

Sentence: She's a bit of a mombarrassment when she smothers Doug because he always complains afterwards.

Etymology: mom + embarrassment

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Created by: November

Pronunciation: oxytoxin-diss-materealization

Sentence: He suffered from the immature and life long curse of "oxytoxin dissmaterealization".

Etymology: A Mashup from the words: oxytocin,toxin,to"diss",mater -(Noun 1. mater - an informal use of the Latin word for mother; sometimes used by British schoolboys or used facetiously ),dematerialize/realize/realization.


his poor mother - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-08: 13:18:00


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Created by: dochanne

Pronunciation: Dill-an-kwern-see

Sentence: Cameron bristled every time his mother's dylanquerncy surfaced, it reminded him of where he once begun, she would 'always be emotionally yours', even when he was unraveling wherever he's traveling, even to foreign shores. Despite his behaviour or her neediness, boy, mama was on his mind!

Etymology: Dylan - rocks; delinquency - objectionable behaviour usu of youth and emotionally laden; maternity/paternity - parentage; infancy - period of immaturity and neediness.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: muh-tern-AL-ity

Sentence: The bond between mothers and offspring is maternality, maternal love and instincts that last throughout the lifetime.

Etymology: Blend of maternal and eternity


Maternally yours! - Nosila, 2009-05-08: 10:34:00

so sweet - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-08: 13:17:00


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Created by: ChrisKelly




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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: A Mom A bilitee

Sentence: For eighty years she showed great agility at her favourite calling, her kids never doubted her amomability!

Etymology: A Mom (a female parent) & Ability (the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment;possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done)


nice - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-08: 13:13:00


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Created by: UnluckyCharm511

Pronunciation: Ma-gaip

Sentence: The mother loved her only so much, it was the culmination of magape.

Etymology: From Agape (unconditional love) and Mother.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: sməðərhoŏd

Sentence: Joyce is very good at smotherhood. Despite protests from her son Tom, she is involved just about every aspect of his life. She selects what he should wear each day. She plans his diet, what he watches on TV, how he spends his spare time. Tom's wife just wants her to go home for a while.

Etymology: smother (make (someone) feel trapped and oppressed by acting in an overly protective manner toward them) motherhood (being with a female parent)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: mämpyədənt

Sentence: Debbie can always count on her kids to be mompudent. If they expressed affection without a snide comment she would be concerned that something was drastically wrong.

Etymology: mom (one’s mother) + impudent (not showing due respect for another person)

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Created by: ShittyZen

Pronunciation: momdage

Sentence: Lacking competition from a needy father, her deadbeat kids kept her in eternal momdage.

Etymology: Mom + bondage (As in "serfdom," not the sexual practice, you pervs!)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-08: 00:01:01
We're celebrating Mothers Day with today's definition, and with a few words from the Bob Dylan song Lord Protect My Child:
Just to see him at play makes me smile
No matter what happens to me
No matter what my destiny
Lord, protect my child
Happy Mother's Day ~ James

mrskellyscl mrskellyscl - 2009-05-08: 06:32:00
Oh great, now I get to spend all day with mascara running down my face. I almost couldn't write anything. The lyrics to the song are so beautiful and all at once bathed me in memories of my mother, memories of the birth of my daughter and of the day I was blessed to be there for the birth of her son. Thank you, James.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-08: 09:22:00
It sounds like Bob has touched a chord. Thanks! ~ James