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'There's no way a guy with a mono-brow is marrying my daughter!'

DEFINITION: n. A chosen mating partner who is not well-accepted by one's parents. v. To fight with one's parents over the selection of a suitable mate.

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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: in + ah + prope + ree + mate

Sentence: My parents seem to think that my 65-year old girlfriend is an inapproprimate for a 22-year-old, but I say screw 'em.

Etymology: inappropriate + mate


interesting how you have primate in your word - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-22: 15:05:00


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Created by: madziboo8




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Created by: grasshopper

Pronunciation: parent/al/ig/ner/ga/bber/ing

Sentence: The day my family was to meet my love I begged my parents to have an open mind and no parentalignergabbering,Please I begged them...

Etymology: parental = a parent figure, igner = ignerant, ga = gap, bbering = blabbering = parentalignergabbering

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Created by: Sperkins




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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: non klan DESS tind

Sentence: They kept their relationship a secret for as long as possible because he knew his clan would never approve of her, nor hers of him. It was nonclandestined to be. Sure enough, word soon got out and he had to bid her a tearful goodbye. Later, his mother told him, "You need to stick with your own kind, Neanderthals, and not hook up with those Homo Sapiens girls. They look weird anyway with their little tiny split eyebrows."

Etymology: nonclandestine / clan / destined


love it! - Nosila, 2010-01-15: 23:33:00


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Created by: k3nbr33

Pronunciation: non|pä|tur|e|mä|tur|iks

Sentence: My parents thought that my recent girlfriend was disrespectful and negative towards me; they did not approve of her, and therefore she was a nonpatrematrix

Etymology: Non-: Not Patre-: Father Matr-: Mother -Trix: A woman

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: mister-right-fight

Sentence: Carol was headed for a misterrightfight with her parents. So what if Dylan's a jobless, penniless, detention center drop-out and his pants droop under his butt so you can see his boxers? So what if his goal in life is to be the next Eminem, and all his friends are rappers and gangstas. She loves him and that's all they'll ever need for a lifetime of happiness. Her parents just don't understand.

Etymology: Mister Right: the man of your dreams + fight: argument; row

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Created by: hyperborean

Pronunciation: re buhl LAY shun ship

Sentence: When I was a teenager, I had one rebelationship after another just to bug my father.

Etymology: rebel: to defy an authority + relationship: an association between two or more things

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: woōhoō

Sentence: When Richard met his daughter*s new suitor, all he could say was **woowho?** For the rest of the day he could be heard muttering **over my dead body**.

Etymology: woo (try to gain the love of someone) + who (what or which person or people) play off of woohoo, an expression of excitement

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: res/uhl/mate/eeah

Sentence: She was prepared to battle royal with her parents using arm locks and body slams for this latest beau. Because of his lower class status and occasional grunts, she was expecting an all out wrestlemateia.

Etymology: wrestlemania + mate

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-06-22: 01:42:00
Today's definition is inspired by Robert J. Sawyer's Neanderthal trilogy, Hominids, Humans and Hybrids. (We couldn't go through the whole RJS week without mentioning Neanderthals!) It's a story of two parallel worlds -- a human one and a Neanderthal one. The story pivots around the romantic tension between a female human and male Neanderthal. How about that for spicing up the gene pool? And I wonder what their parents would think? Thanks to Rob for the great story, and the inspiration. ~ James