Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v., To strain with all your might in a desperate effort to open a sealed container, such as a jar of pickles. n., A small jar which cannot be opened.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: dil fik ultee
Sentence: Who knew getting Herb to open a jar of pickles could end up being such a dillficulty? His caper started when Madge asked him to turn the lid. He used such force that he broke off the top and the contents landed on the floor. He turned something that should be dillicious into something dillsastrous.
Etymology: Dill (pickle preserved in brine or vinegar flavored with dill seed)& Difficulty (a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: rivôltng
Sentence: It\'s bad enough that the pickle jar is nearly impossible to open but somehow the juice acts like glue to reseal the jar worse than before. The situation is revaulting.
Etymology: revolting (cause to feel disgust) + vault (a secure room in a bank in which valuables are stored)
Created by: Lidipop
Pronunciation: 4-suh-fay-led.
Sentence: she secretly enjoyed watching him struggle! his forcefailed attempt made her laugh...hehehe :)
Etymology: force + fail.(In action)= "forcefailed"
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: jär-p'ə-lěp'sē
Sentence: Walter's eyes were nearly bulging out of their sockets, his lips pulled back in a rictus snarl, red-faced and snarling, and Sue could see the veins sticking out on his forehead when she walked into the room -- she nearly turned and ran until she saw the pickle jar he was trying to open, and realized it was just a case of jarpilepsy, and his machochistic need to show her that he could pull out his pickle.
Etymology: jar (Middle English jarre) + epilepsy (from Gk. epilepsia "seizure")
Created by: xirtam
Pronunciation: kən-Tawrk
Sentence: As I watched my girlfriend contorque to open the jar of peanut butter, I thought to myself, “This is not 'good' naked.”
Etymology: Latin contorquēre Latin torques
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: maw-choh-GOT-cha
Sentence: Having always considered himself to be very manly and virile, Hector's self confidence suffered a major case of machogotcha when he failed at all attempts to open the jar of pickles at the office picnic.
Etymology: Blend of 'macho' (an assertively virile, dominating, or domineering male) and 'gotcha' (the fact of having beeen caught or defeated)
Rolls off the tongue nicely - artr, 2008-09-26: 07:35:00
I like it. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-26: 18:17:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: Mawtch-o-lim-in-ayshun
Sentence: Failing to open the jar after four attempts Delbert suffered a bout of depressing macholimination.
Etymology: Macho + elimination
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: mah-cho-BOTSCH-up
Sentence: Stan was always trying to impress the ladies with feats of strength but more often than not his puny efforts ended with a machobotchup, leaving the impression that he was a wimp rather than a stud.
Etymology: Blend of 'macho' (an assertively virile, dominating, or domineering male) and 'botch'(to foul up hopelessly —often used with up)
I also detect a touch of ketchup. - artr, 2012-11-30: 08:56:00

Today's definition was suggested by Clayton. Thank you Clayton! ~ James'
That guy in the cartoon ought to have some droolpickles with all that effort.
Hey Petaj, Good idea! I have added some Pavlovian droolpickles. (You may need to reload to see the updated image.) ~ James
Kevcom - 2007-10-30: 15:39:00
Print it out! Print it out! Soooo Good just like the last!
Thanks Kevcom! ~ James
VERBOTOMY BLOG PARTY: November 1, 2007 is Verbotomy's first birthday! We are having a Blog Party to celebrate. Everybody is invited to the Verbotomy Blog to chat. All comments will be published as soon as you post them, so bring your favorite words and definitions and we'll chat. Go to Talk to you then! ~ James
The droolpickles look great. He must have been salivating in anticipation.
November - 2008-09-30: 07:53:00
or Ajarafarce Where the ending is also the word *farce • noun 1 a comic dramatic work or genre using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including ludicrously improbable situations. 2 an absurd event.
Today's definition was suggested by Clayton. Thank you Clayton. ~ James