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'I'm not pouting because the world sucks'

DEFINITION: n. A person who regularly sulks inside cafes and coffeehouses all day, contributing nothing more to their world than a pout. v. To glower angrily at the state of world affairs while remaining inactive and unemployed.

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: cop/out/cheeno

Sentence: Sally believed in the philosophy of coppoutchino and regularly drowned her sorrows in a big cup of freshly brood coffee.

Etymology: cop out + pout + cappucino


Like it, funny! - TJayzz, 2008-05-16: 11:52:00

petaj rolls off the tongue - petaj, 2008-05-17: 05:15:00

Nice blend! - Tigger, 2008-05-17: 14:55:00


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Created by: splendiction

Pronunciation: so shall gripe

Sentence: Akin to the socialite is the socialgripe, with no hobbies or job prospects, but plenty of serious interests in society’s problems. Sour socialgripes congregate in neighbourhood cafes to share stories of social injustices. Many socialgripes have geniune concerns, but lack resources to remedy them.

Etymology: From: socialite and gripe.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: es - press - yan - AH - do

Sentence: Definitely a cup 'half empty' pessimist, Maybellene had become a devout espressionado...whiling away the days in her favorite coffee house, sipping espresso and griping and grumbling endlessly about politics, the econonomy, and people in general.

Etymology: blend of espresso and aficionado.


Excellent - Rutilus, 2008-05-16: 11:11:00

terrific - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-16: 10:14:00


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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: dĭ-prěs'ka-fā'

Sentence: There she was again slumped over her organic Sumatra-Peru blend latte with soy milk and a double shot, in the upholstered chair section of the corner Starbucks, eyes lined in red and moping about the latest fight with her girlfriend and her relative destitution since the loss of her job in the thrift store that used to occupy this space. She'd no doubt leave again without tipping and return to the luxury condo that her dad maintained for her for some afternoon poolside tanning. What a depresscaffe.

Etymology: depression, in psychiatry, a symptom of mood disorder characterized by intense feelings of loss, sadness, hopelessness, failure, and rejection. caffè, It. for coffee,borrowed from the Ottoman Turkish kahveh, and the Arabic qahwa (قهوة) collectively. The origin of the Arabic term is uncertain; it is either derived from the name of the Kaffa region in western Ethiopia, where coffee was cultivated, or by a truncation of qahwat al-būnn, meaning "wine of the bean" in Arabic; also a neat rhyme with Nescafe (tm).

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: bunn de menn tal ihst

Sentence: Every morning the bundamentalists would gather trailing a mass of pamphlets behind them as they shuffled to the corner booth carrying their fair-trade-not-tested-on animals-low carbon-footprint because-it-was-floated-across-the-ocean on-a-raft coffee and muffins.

Etymology: fundamentalists, bun


very funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-16: 10:12:00


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Created by: kspivey




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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /JA-vap-uh-thee/

Sentence: Veronica hated going to the coffee shop next to the building where she worked because it seemed to always be filled with fateful, indifferent, Generation-Y'ers who were filled with javapathy, and acted world-weary and jaded beyond their years. They usually appeared to be alert and perceptive young adults, although that may have just been from all the caffeine. So, why didn't these people have jobs? Who was supporting these flocks of coffee house beatniks, sitting around scowling at the rest of the world, and sipping expensive café mocha lattes?

Etymology: Java - brewed coffee; coffee from the island of Java (Slang, from Java, an island in Indonesia where coffee is grown) + Apathy - lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things in general; indifference (from Greek, apathes "without emotion")


nice one. - stache, 2008-05-16: 08:41:00

Add in tidapthy - nice word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-18: 18:27:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: es - press - yan - AH - do

Sentence: Definitely a cup 'half empty' pessimist, Shandra had become a devout espressionado...whiling away the days in her favorite coffee house, sipping espresso and griping and grumbling endlessly about politics, the econonomy, and people in general.

Etymology: Blend of 'espresso' (a concentrated beverage brewed by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans) and 'aficionado' (An enthusiastic admirer or follower; a fan)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: ja va prob lem

Sentence: Sharon sat petulantly in her favourite coffee bar scowling as usual. She thought it made her look intellectual and intriguing... but to the other patrons, her body language said javaproblem?

Etymology: Java (coffee) & Problem (Issue) and Wordplay on "Do you have a problem?" (facetious question)

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: purk - oo - laz - ur

Sentence: Romona turned into a perkolazer after she lost her job at Starbucks. Instead of looking for another job, she brings her books and laptop into Starbucks each morning and sits there sipping cafe lates, wishing they would hire her back.

Etymology: perk (short for perkolate (a process used to make coffee), perkolator (a coffeepot in which boiling water ascends through a central tube and filters back down through a basket of ground coffee beans) laze (be idle; exist in a changeless situation)


She\'s just brewding! Good word. - Nosila, 2009-07-06: 10:05:00

great combo - Jabberwocky, 2009-07-06: 13:24:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-05-16: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by scissorlips. Thank you scissorlips. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-07-06: 09:03:00
Today's definition was suggested by scissorlips. Thank you scissorlips. ~ James

artipt - 2018-07-18: 06:23:00
Здравствуйте! Смотреть видео: заработок в youtube сколько платят

Svetikreink - 2019-07-20: 00:36:00

Petrikreink - 2019-07-20: 01:51:00
http://xn----jtbnobglp7a.xn--p1ai/forum/user/6655/ http://xn--90ahc1ac7aeq.xn--p1ai/communication/forum/user/3070/

Genkareink - 2019-07-20: 09:08:00

Svetikreink - 2019-07-20: 09:45:00 h

Petrikreink - 2019-07-20: 11:02:00 http://xn----dtbhojfkaie8g3b.xn--p1ai/nw/forum/use

Genkareink - 2019-07-20: 18:06:00

Svetikreink - 2019-07-20: 18:43:00

Petrikreink - 2019-07-20: 19:58:00