Vote for the best verboticism.

'Now be a good boy, and pick up your socks'

DEFINITION: v. To use animal training techniques to improve and direct the behavior of other people. n. A technique which uses the principles of animal training to solve a human behavioral riddle.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: CRIT-ehr-swayde

Sentence: Using techniques she'd learned as an animal trainer Roseanne often resorted to those methods with people and would try to crittersuade them to do things according to her wishes.

Etymology: Blend of critter and persuade

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: pav/low/veegan/theory

Sentence: The pavlovegantheory explores conditioning the reflexes of patrons to eat only vegetables when the subjects hear a bell ringing. An example would be the huge success of Potaco Bell.

Etymology: Pavolovian theory (dog's salivating when they hear a bell ringing) + vegan


couldn't see your verbotomy on my first list; thought I was the first with a Pavlov reference. Nice application. - stache, 2008-05-19: 08:34:00

couldn't see your verbotomy on my first list; thought I was the first with a Pavlov reference. Nice application. - stache, 2008-05-19: 13:11:00


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Created by: rebelvin

Pronunciation: PET+pedAGOGY

Sentence: I know she is training me like a pet, but I just fall for her petagogy every time.

Etymology: PET+pedAGOGY


petaj love it - petaj, 2008-05-19: 05:43:00

That's it! - pieceof314, 2008-05-19: 08:26:00

excellent - galwaywegian, 2008-05-19: 14:01:00

Good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-22: 01:19:00


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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /fohk-loord/

Sentence: Sherry wasn't what you'd call 'book-smart' but she was very good at figuring out what people's motivations were, and which tactics would make them act the way she wanted. She had folklured her boyfriend into a marriage proposal, her parents into buying her another new car, and even her teachers into giving her good grades — now she was about to graduate college, thanks to another student, who was also her enamoured and very lonely tutor. She was definitely going to either work in sales, or in politics.

Etymology: from the word 'Folklore': Folk - people in general, or people of a distinct group (from German, volk "people") + Lured - tempted or enticed into a particular action; used a decoy for fishing or trapping (from Middle Low German, loder "bait")


She must have folklured her parents into buying her a new folkswagen! - Nosila, 2008-05-19: 16:56:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: per - PET - yur - ait

Sentence: Using a system of punishments and rewards as she did with her doberman, Miriam attempted to perpeturate the same kinds of desired automatic responses from her boyfriend, Wilmont.

Etymology: Blend of perpetuate, pet, and saturate

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: sham-oo-dyoo-kayt

Sentence: once she discovered how much he enjoyed being scratched on the back of the head, she found it simple enough to shamuducate her husband

Etymology: shamu, educate

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: dəgwispərər

Sentence: Doug's girlfriend is great at getting him to do what she wants by applying the best pet training techniques. A treat here, a scratch behind the ear there. She keeps it all positive, no smack with a rolled-up newspaper here. She is so good at it that her friends call her the Dougwhisperer.

Etymology: Doug () + Dog Whisperer (The Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan, is a dog trainer who adopts a sympathetic view of the motives, needs, and desires of the dog, based on natural dog behavior and modern dog psychology)

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: Fy-dow-is-um

Sentence: Sally always knew how to get her way with Grant all she had to do was offer a "fidoisum" and he jumped! Grant knew the rewards were soon in sight and in just a few moments he would be Sally's lap dawg...

Etymology: Fido;Name for a dog. Isum;To be treated like a dog then to act like a dog, to fetch & roll over and do tricks:)~

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Man-ayp-yu-layt

Sentence: Pam was hoping that when Bob saw the documentary on how the apes adapted the various things in their surroundings to use as tools, that it may spur him on to getting on with all the little jobs that needed doing around the house

Etymology: Man(Human being) +ape (a large tailess primate) +(manipulate (to cleverly control or influence) =manapulate

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Created by: splendiction

Pronunciation: rhymes with "obedience school"

Sentence: They had tried everything, it seemed, to eliminate their son’s thumbsucking: behaviour modification, ignoring, even praise. Nothing worked until obediencesocool! The idea of simply complying with their requests actually became the new cool thing to do! They hoped this new trend would last and spawn similar trends.

Etymology: A play on a dog "obedience school".


Cool word...what you have to do with teens these days... - Nosila, 2009-06-30: 01:22:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-05-19: 00:01:00
Today's definition is inspired by Amy Sutherland's new book "What Shamu Taught me About Life, Love and Marriage". where she reminds us that "People are animals too!", and that "Any interaction is training". Now Amy has invented her own word for this and it's "Shamu", so I have added it today's list of verboticisms! Thanks Amy! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-06-29: 00:01:00
Today's definition is inspired by Amy Sutherland's book "What Shamu Taught me About Life, Love and Marriage", where she reminds us that "People are animals too!", and that "Any interaction is training". Of course, Amy has invented her own word for this -- "Shamu". Let's see what we come up with now... Thanks Amy! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-07-19: 00:41:00
Today's definition was suggested by amysutherland. Thank you amysutherland. ~ James