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'Where did you get all these photos?'

DEFINITION: v. To discover that one of your "just friends" friends maintains a lovingly tended shrine in their bedroom, consisting mostly of compromising photos and/or videos of you. n. A private collection of "private" photos and/or videos.

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: cam-FO-nut-bust (camphonutstash)

Sentence: The photos were tacky and when he got busted, The gendarmes could tell that she was risqusted. The cache was revolting- it shattered all trust. The media called it a CAMPHONUTBUST! ----------------------------What a rube awakening!

Etymology: CAMPHONE: Late 20th century assemblage of the words CAMERA (a device for taking photographs-Late Latin, room)and PHONE ( An annoying device used for audio communications- Greek phōnē circa 1866).....NUT: a foolish, eccentric, or crazy person ( Middle English nute, note, from Old English hnutu; akin to Old High German nuz nut and perhaps to Latin nux nut pre-12th century).....BUST: slang term for the word ARRESTED: seize, capture; specifically : to take or keep in custody by authority of law,to bring to a stop (Middle English aresten, from Anglo-French arester to stop, arrest, from Vulgar Latin *arrestare, from Latin ad- + restare to remain- 14th century)


metrohumanx - metrohumanx, 2009-11-11: 07:06:00

metrohumanx Mabye i should,ve used it doesn't smell of CAMPHOR? - metrohumanx, 2009-11-11: 07:17:00


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Created by: heb319

Pronunciation: voy-er-a-staw-ker

Sentence: One who has been watching and photographing a "friend" and then spends time at home obsessed with looking through and creating art with photographs of the person about whom he obsesses.

Etymology: Derived from voyeur, "one who likes to watch" and stalker, "one who obsessively follows, terrorizes, or harrasses another"

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Created by: emmyb2

Pronunciation: no-vo-fal-sa-mi-fie

Sentence: Raquel novofalsamified but once before living the life of a hermit.

Etymology: novo-newly fals- fake ami- friend fy-to make

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: koh-dak-ah-tack

Sentence: Sue had a major kodakattack when she discovered Bob's bedroom shrine of her half-clad images.

Etymology: Kodak, heart attack

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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: tear + ih + foal + ee + oh

Sentence: She's got a terrifolio of me? Oh my gosh, I need to move to a new city!

Etymology: terrify + portfolio

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Created by: jedijawa

Pronunciation: creep-eh-tood

Sentence: Jill experienced creepitude at seeing that her friend had collected hundreds of picture of her in his bedroom.

Etymology: creep + itude

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Created by: pinwheel

Pronunciation: bud/ee/boiled

Sentence: It wasn't so much the naked photos of me that Dick had pinned all over his walls; it was the fact that he had stolen my favourite pair of knickers and made them into a lampshade beside his bed that really upset me. I felt completely buddyboiled!

Etymology: bunny boiler (a person who is obsessed with another) + buddy (a friend)


petaj His decorating sense was wunderbra! - petaj, 2007-04-25: 05:26:00


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Created by: jonzerofourteen

Pronunciation: mee dee ah gast

Sentence: Penny was more than horrified when she saw Tom's photographic display. In fact her moment of mediaghast had rendered her completely speechless.

Etymology: media (collective noun for information storage - photo, video etc) + aghast (struck with fear, dread, or consternation)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: roge-AL-ery

Sentence: Elmira was beyong miffed, she was mortified and even a bit terrified when she discovered that Alvin had assembled a veritable rogueallery consisting of very personal and even intimate pictures of her.

Etymology: Blend of the words 'rogue' (n. a dishonest, knavish person; scoundrel)and 'gallery' (n. a room or building devoted to the exhibition of works of art)

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Created by: playdohheart

Pronunciation: dis-con-naw-se-ate

Sentence: Steve was disconnauseated at seeing that Brian had pasted photographs of his face over the faces of the models in the Victoria's Secret Catalog.

Etymology: discombobulate, nauseate


ohwtepph better than other peoples'. you perfectly gave a word FOR the definition. - ohwtepph, 2007-04-25: 19:55:00

petaj It's a good word, but I'm not sure it better fits the description than many others as Ohwtepph mentions. I think it better describes the emotional reaction to the discovery itself. But I think paying too close attention to the "rules" of the game is unpardonable in cases such as this. Afterall, it just limits the fun we have. - petaj, 2007-04-25: 23:18:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-25: 03:11:00
Today's definition was suggested by PythianHabenero.
Thank you PythianHabenero! ~ James

suzanne - 2007-04-26: 12:31:00

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-07-02: 21:19:00
Excellent! I voted too soon. gotta stop these 3 am verbotomizings... Carry on!

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-07-02: 21:21:00
Disregard that last comment. It was intended for another verbotomizer.

petaj petaj - 2008-07-03: 06:16:00
Wondering when some new definitions will be happening. Not really motivated to do these oldies a second time over.

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2009-11-11: 07:15:00
I guess she WAS really Enschweined, eh?

artr artr - 2009-11-11: 08:33:00
A creepy stalker. Nice way to start the day.