Vote for the best verboticism.

'But my other sock has a hole in it...'

DEFINITION: To have a big fight over nothing, that is really a fight about money.

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Created by: Kyoti

Pronunciation: Frack-a-shing

Sentence: Trudy, discovering that Eddie had secured a home equity loan and purchased a plasma television and a pool table for the game room, slid over the edge from disbelief to rage in about 7 seconds and began fracashing him for nearly two solid hours, during which time he could only offer his "pouty lip face" in a hollow, yet ineffective, attempt to persuade her to be reasonable.

Etymology: Fracas+cashing


it looks like a pouty lip face but in reality he's watching his plasma televsion at the same time - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-16: 11:15:00

pouty lip = lipflop - purpleartichokes, 2007-07-16: 13:52:00


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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: cash + clash

Sentence: Whenever Craig started to line up his pennies along the kitchen counter top making a long line all the way down and across the kitchen floor, Wanda knew she was in for one doozie of a cashclash with him.

Etymology: cash + clash

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: fnort

Sentence: Frank fnought with Nora although she had spent only ₣5 on her trip to Paris.

Etymology: fought + nought + symbol for Franc

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Created by: ziggy41

Pronunciation: All-turr-kay-shen [or] All-turr-ka-shen

Sentence: It was hard to determine her statement "Can't you take better care of our dog!" was an altercashion. My first clue was that we didn't have a dog.

Etymology: Altercation (a fight) + cash (money)


love the word! - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-16: 14:43:00

really? or is that just the start of a billibuster! =D - ziggy41, 2007-07-16: 16:05:00

hmm - I detect a bit of sarcasm - maybe make that the start of a ballibuster - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-16: 16:17:00

sounds more like an alterriercashion - galwaywegian, 2007-07-17: 04:17:00


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Created by: r0b0tj0n3z

Pronunciation: tiff-in-inse

Sentence: Having a tiffinance is always about the money.

Etymology: tiff, finance

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: fray-doe

Sentence: His morning Starbucks fix eventually entangled him in a nasty fraydough with his wife.

Etymology: fray (fight), dough (money), and it rhymes with one of my favorite toys


I thought you were going to say it rhymed with your favourite group - The Fray so here's a little ditty to stick in your head on this fine Monday "Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend la la la la la la la la Had I known how to save a life How to save a life" - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-16: 11:07:00

You're too late. Julie Andrews has taken residence in my head and is currently crooning "My Favorite Things". - purpleartichokes, 2007-07-16: 11:21:00

And everyone knows I'm in over my head. - Kyoti, 2007-07-16: 15:28:00

I hope someone in the husband's home knows How to save a life. - ziggy41, 2007-07-16: 16:08:00


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Created by: jadenguy

Pronunciation: ex pen dor chur

Sentence: It was in that moment Vincent finally explained his story. “It wasn’t my fault. Julius insisted I buy the umbrellas, since he was the only one who knew where the farm was. If we didn’t hurry, the Brothers would get there first!” The expendorture continued into the morning hours, but love had the last word.

Etymology: expenditure + torture


to be continued... - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-16: 14:45:00


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Created by: loofarama

Pronunciation: pra-fi-dic-a-ment

Sentence: as soon as she started yelling I knew we were in a profidicament

Etymology: profit(money) + Perdicament

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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: BIHK-ur-buhk-ur

Sentence: Alex's girlfriend bickerbuckered with him all the way from their date. He wondered why she considered the Freezy Dreem a cheap date, when he ponied up for the *chocolate-dipped* cones.

Etymology: bicker + buck (one US dollar). Reduplication connotes both duration and lack of severity.


Sounds like something you'd hear while throttling up the Harley. Good word! - Kyoti, 2007-07-16: 13:28:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: bill/i/bust/ur

Sentence: Jill was a seasoned billibuster. Her stand on spending escalated into fights involving whipping each other with five dollar bills. That was pretty ineffectual so they tossed coins instead.

Etymology: bill (as in dollar) + filibuster (opponent deliberately hindering the passage of a bill) + bustup (fight)


Nothing says "What were you thinking?" like swinging a bag of nickels on a Friday night. - Kyoti, 2007-07-16: 13:23:00

[No one got hurt in the making of that sentence] great word - ziggy41, 2007-07-16: 16:03:00


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