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'What's that dripping sound?'

DEFINITION: n. Strange sounds that keep you awake in the middle of the night. v. To lie in bed unable to sleep because you keep hearing weird sounds.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: creep/oo/uh/eyes

Sentence: Lying awake in the middle of the night, sometimes my mind wanders and I creepualize myself into hysterics with any unusual sounds.

Etymology: creep oneself out + visualize

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Created by: rombus

Pronunciation: snor - ah - nar - ah

Sentence: Martin had to say snoranara to his sleep these days. Once the baby was born, Mayra was up several times a night and there were so many new sounds that kept him awake....

Etymology: sayonara (adieu, adios, goodbye), snore (breathe noisily during sleep)

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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: ĭn-sŏm'nē-ô'dē-ō'

Sentence: The irregular tapping of the branch of the old oak on the bedroom window became the insomniaudio, the percussion soundtrack of Beth's sleepless, windy Wednesday night.

Etymology: ins, var. of innies, type of belly button (see 'outies'); Omni, 1. science and space periodical, 2. former compact hatchback manufactured by the Dodge division of the pre-Benz Chrysler Corp, also released as the Plymouth Horizon; Audi, German manufacturer of, among other models, the A8 and TT; o, nil or zero.


I like the sound of your word - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-12: 13:52:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: in/som/ni/yaketee/yak

Sentence: Sally couldn't get any sleep because her partner talked constantly. She was a victim of insomniyaketyyak

Etymology: insomniac + yakety yak

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Sownd-a-wayk

Sentence: No wonder Mary was soundawake, it as all her own fault for hearing spooky noises in the middle of the night. She vowed never to watch horror films when she was alone ever again.

Etymology: Sound (Virbrations sensed by the ear) Awake (Not asleep, past-awoken) Opposite of sound asleep


I liked this one. The only problem - if you don't immdiately catch the underlying connection to 'sound-asleep' it seems like an overly-simple response to the definition, (i.e. it may seem, at first, like you picked 2 words from the definition and stuck them together). Gets my vote though, for the clever double-meaning wordplay. - Tigger, 2008-05-13: 01:21:00

How true! Reminds me of a fairly recent film, "Eyes Wide Shut". Excellent word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-13: 07:19:00


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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /din-SOM-nee-uh/

Sentence: Lying in bed and staring toward the ceiling, Michelle sighed again, kept awake by the dinsomnia that had plagued her every night this week. There were the 'creekity-creeks' that Jack had explained were just the roof beams contracting in the cooler evenings, the 'tick, tick, tick, hiss' of the hot water pipes, the faint 'thump, thump, thump' of the refrigerator in the kitchen, and the 'drip, drip' of the leaky bathroom faucet. But what on earth was that 'clankety, clank' noise that sounded like it was coming from the attic? It didn't fit in with the familiar nighttime rhythm, and Michelle winced every time she heard it.

Etymology: Din - sound with clamor or persistent repetition (from Old English, dyne "loud noise") + Insomnia - an inability to sleep; chronic sleeplessness (Latin, insomnia "want of sleep" from in- "not" + somnus "sleep")


Great minds think alike...? Or is it fools seldom differ???? - Nosila, 2008-05-12: 02:13:00

So the saying goes, but to our mutual credit, I'd like to think that I'm a unique sort of fool. You decide. - Tigger, 2008-05-12: 02:37:00

had to give you a vote each in the interests of fairness. - galwaywegian, 2008-05-12: 12:00:00

Too kind, galwaywegian, thanks! - Nosila, 2008-05-12: 19:26:00

Clever blend! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-13: 07:26:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: nok-tern-em-eh-NAY-shuns

Sentence: The nocturnemanations that continuously emitted from the walls, the outdoors, the attic and unseen places kept Gladys on edge thru the night and made sleep impossible

Etymology: Blend of nocturnal (during the night) and emanations (. Something that issues from a source; an emission)

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Created by: bookowl

Pronunciation: night/terror

Sentence: Nighterroar occurs when ordinary household noises take on an eerie roar during the night.

Etymology: night terror + roar

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Created by: pieceof314

Pronunciation: aw-dee-oh-nok-tern

Sentence: Jen stared at the spot on the wall directly above her head where the spider was half an hour ago. She became rigid each time she heard the creaking of the house as it contracted in the cool night air. The shades gently moved back and forth in the draft of the window sills. She was paralized by the audionocturnic noise that the old house emitted as the night wore on.

Etymology: audio, sound + nocturnal, of the night


Have had nights like those... - Nosila, 2008-05-12: 19:24:00

Interesting! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-13: 07:23:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: din som nee ak

Sentence: Since moving into her dream home, Jody had become a dinsomniac. Each night, although exhausted, she was kept awake by strange sounds. The moment she'd start to drift off, some strange new noise would bring her back to full alertness. Wait till I get ahold of that realtor, she'd think to herself. These noises were never heard in the light of day, but just when she tried to sleep at night. Sometimes she thought she shared the house with many others, instead of living solo. She could hear animal noises, voices, wierd mechanical sounds, scratching and groaning. Since she moved in last week, she had never had a sound sleep and it was starting to take its toll. Yes, she thought, I am going to call that realtor right now and find out more about this place. She looked through the papers from the house purchase and found the agency number. Yes, here it was, Amityville Realtors.

Etymology: din (the act of making a noisy disturbance, continued distracting noise) & insomniac (someone who cannot sleep or experiencing or accompanied by sleeplessness)


Well, our words definitely go together, but I loved your story — great ending! - Tigger, 2008-05-12: 02:39:00

din somebudy else get this? (snigger) - galwaywegian, 2008-05-12: 05:39:00

petaj Is a dipsomniac someone who steals away in the night? - petaj, 2008-05-12: 06:39:00

whats the difference between a dipsomniac and a ginsomniac? - galwaywegian, 2008-05-12: 09:13:00

10 OR 20 DRINKS???? - Nosila, 2008-05-12: 20:57:00

Cleverly blended! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-13: 07:27:00


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