Vote for the best verboticism.

'Who wants to test my guinea pig stew?'

DEFINITION: v. To prepare or process food in a manner that renders it unpalatable, indigestible and completely inedible. n., Food which has been prepared in such a way that it is unfit for human, or even non-human, consumption.

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Created by: flyingheadlice




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Created by: TimTheEnchanter

Pronunciation: DED-i-bulls

Sentence: Rob was stumped. Lizzy couldn't stand the fact that his parents disliked her, so she insisted on hosting his parents for dinner in an attempt to make them like her more. Considering the last time she'd hosted a meal, 3 people ended up in the hospital he tried to convince her they should take his parents out. But she would not budge. "Well", Rob thought, "If we give them some of her deadibles, they probably won't be around to complain about her any more."

Etymology: Dead (no longer living) + Edibles (Food) Food that makes you dead = Deadibles


A deaducational word! - Nosila, 2008-11-11: 20:48:00

Funny! - TJayzz, 2008-11-11: 23:33:00


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Created by: logarithm

Pronunciation: mal-ō'dur-us-zē-āt"

Sentence: I enjoyed a scene in the movie 'Wrong Turn' where the captured lady was forced to eat malodorouseating stew. Or was it spew?

Etymology: Malodorous - bad stinking smell Nauseate - cause to feel sick or disgusted

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: naw-zheets

Sentence: Alta's cooking was so disgusting that it was named nauseats by the poor wretches who came to dinner unaware of her atrocious cooking skills.

Etymology: nausea:the sensation that preceeds vomiting; feeling of disgust or revision + eats: food

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: SKWEE-mes-tuh-buhlz

Sentence: Roxie's "piece de resistance" was her cesserole de squeamestibles - an annigobnoxious alimentation - barely edible once a year. Bob often wondered whether it would all end in cuisinecide!

Etymology: 1. SQUEAM: (a back formation of Squeamish) Of the stomach: nauseous food; food readily affecting or turning one sick; unswallowable food and (COM)ESTIBLES: Something or an article (of food) that can be eaten as food: meat, cheese, and other comestibles. "CESS" from cesspool & CASSEROLE: a baking dish; any food, usually a mixture, cooked in such a dish. Noun : cesserole; Verb: to cesserole.

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Created by: nsoodik

Pronunciation: dee-guss-ti-fie

Sentence: My wife makes a mean poached salmon, but when it comes to jambalaya, she can degustify the freshest ingredients into an unappetizing slop.


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Created by: pebblekicker

Pronunciation: coo-kac-el

Sentence: Meg invited us over for dinner. We should never have accepted the invitation knowing that she is such a bad cook. The dinner was such a cookacle.

Etymology: cook+debacle

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Created by: Maxine

Pronunciation: goht kwi zeen

Sentence: Jen totally goatcuisined that marbled steak. It looks like burnt rubber. A ram might be interested, but really, what sensible being would want to eat her goatcuisine?

Etymology: goat, haute cuisine

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: terəmēsoō

Sentence: People love to invite Ruth to their parties. She is witty and funny. They did however learn their lesson about inviting her to a pot luck dinner. She brought what she referred to as tiramisu. Her fellow party goers called it terramisu. Being the creative person she is, Ruth did some substituting when she found herself short a few ingredients, hotdog buns for the lady fingers, tea for the coffee, and cottage cheese for the mascarpone. The final touch of chocolate chips subbing for powdered chocolate made it look like her dessert was infested with bugs. Everybody told Ruth how **interesting** her treat looked but nobody was brave enough to try a single bite.

Etymology: terror or terrible (your choice) + tiramisu (an Italian dessert consisting of layers of sponge cake soaked in coffee and brandy or liqueur with powdered chocolate and mascarpone cheese)


terrafic term - Nosila, 2010-04-08: 15:31:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: kor don bluu

Sentence: it was another of her special cordonblew lunches. It was better than the last one at least, he actually got to the bathroom before he blew this one!

Etymology: cordon blue, blew his lunch.


Kudos and Chuckles! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-14: 11:21:00

very funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-01-14: 15:32:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-01-14: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by zebrahdh. Thank you zebrahdh. ~ James

silveryaspen - 2008-01-14: 18:53:00
Great gross in your cartoon today ... from the critter's butt sticking up ... to the facial expressions ... to the hair on the bite on the fork ... even the colors were putrid combinations!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-01-14: 19:49:00
I'm glad to hear you find my color sense is putrid. ~ James

bananabender - 2008-01-14: 20:49:00
What a regurgitreat of a day in Verbotomyland! The creative juices have been flowing freely today. Now, what am I gonna cook for dinner???

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-01-15: 00:03:00
We could always eat our words... ~ James

zebrahdh - 2008-01-17: 18:50:00
That's great illustration! Thanks for using my suggestion!

yellowbird - 2008-11-11: 13:36:00
Love it. Just like the joke about MPE's - Meals Pre-Excreted.

yellowbird - 2008-11-11: 13:41:00
that's what i get for using a new laptop - my comment ends up in the wrong place. I hope i didn't accidentally vote for myself too.

jack189 - 2008-11-11: 16:59:00
vote n disgustisive and demealiorize

jack189 - 2008-11-11: 17:00:00

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-04-08: 00:13:00
Today's definition was suggested by zebrahdh. Thank you zebrahdh. ~ James