Vote for the best verboticism.

'I ate it for the starving kids.'

DEFINITION: v., To finish your plate and eat all the food in front of you, even when not hungry. n., Compulsive over-consumption of food in order to relieve guilt.

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Created by: crmow

Pronunciation: ir-i-FEEST-uh-buh-l

Sentence: Jerry had an irrefeastable urge to scarf down every entree on the buffet.

Etymology: irresistable + feast

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Created by: julyd

Pronunciation: pig-ni-al

Sentence: His friends often said he was in pignial because of his excessive eating habits and poor justifications.

Etymology: pig + denial

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Created by: MrDave2176

Pronunciation: LEFT-eu-vrr

Sentence: Kit picked over the remains of the bloomin' onion and the bits of sirloin scattered about the table at the Outback until there was nary a leftoeuvre remaining. Her friends shook their heads sadly as they watched her gnawrosis manifest itself. gnawrosis: to eat compulsively.

Etymology: left(over) + oeuvre (in the sense of a complete set) = all the food left on the table. gnaw + neurosis = to compulsively eat.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: ex-pi-ate-shun

Sentence: Expiatetion is the prime factor that led to an entire generation of fat people. In the 50's, children grew up believing that if they ate all their food it would somehow make up for the suffering of starving kids in Europe who "would be happy to see that food". In the words of Alan Sherman, "They kept starving, and I got fat!"

Etymology: expiation: a means of atonement for wrongdoings or paying for a wrong + ate: past tense of eat Alan Sherman was a 1960s predecessor to Weird Al Yanckovic who made several records which changed the lyrics of songs. His most well known hit was "Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah." He died in 1973 at the age of 48 with diabetis and emphysema due largely to his weight. In the song, "Why I got Fat" he blamed his mother for making him clean his plate to help the starving children in Europe - something every kid growing up in the 50's and 60's heard from their mothers.


mrskellyscl Here's a link to "Hail to Thee, Fat Person" To watch Alan Sherman's, "Hail to Thee, Fat person" link to: - mrskellyscl, 2010-02-09: 05:42:00


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Created by: destrict

Pronunciation: kon-soom-eyes

Sentence: Luckly, Joe didn't consumize the whole dinner table.


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: buhl shit eeee meee aah

Sentence: His bullshitemia increased his hunger whenever he saw starvation on the news.

Etymology: bulemia, bs

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Created by: Koekbroer

Pronunciation: ob-lig-eet-er

Sentence: Although the servings were huge, obligeater that he was, Doug polished off everything on the plate

Etymology: obligate, eater

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: grəbsɛsɪv

Sentence: Having grown up being chided to always be in the ”clean plate club”, Billy has become grubsessive. The disposer in his sink is in practically pristine condition. Those starving children in Africa don’t stand a chance getting anything out of this food chain.

Etymology: grub (food) + obsessive (to be preoccupied)

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Created by: Scrumpy

Pronunciation: mal-feest-uhns

Sentence: Ken felt guilty about ordering 100 dollars worth of foie gras and the malfeastance he fealt led him to order Baluga Caviar and Kentucky Fried Chicken. He washed it down with a bottle of Kristal and a few Red Bulls.

Etymology: malfeasance + feast


scrumpdelicious - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-12: 09:27:00

Good to see that Ken has taken a stance! Great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-14: 19:08:00


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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: stahr-vihng-CHYE-nuh-sihn-drohm

Sentence: Alex grew up to develop starvingchinasyndrome; sadly, he often cleaned dates' plates before they were done with them.

Etymology: "You'd better clean your plate, there are starving children in China!" + China syndrome + syndrome

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Created by: Roosje


Sentence: While the platepleaser felt very satisfied about finishing his six course dinner, the homeless men outside was hungry because the garbage can had nothing to offer today.

Etymology: Plate = food Pleaser = to please

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Created by: tbazz




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Created by: tdhall56



Etymology: proxy, glutton

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Created by: skunkchunk

Pronunciation: Stuff-in-ate

Sentence: Lard looked lovingly at all the food left on his plate, and though bloated and satiated, he couldn't resist the urge to stuffinate himself!

Etymology: gorge, stuff oneself to the brim


Stuff + suffocate :) Great! - FayeWord, 2007-10-17: 23:04:00


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Created by: KenM2


Sentence: I couldn't believe he performed shovelumption on those leftovers.

Etymology: Shoveling the food + Consumption

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /kəmˈplidˌɪzṃ/

Sentence: The compleatist was also very lazy, so the nearly empty jar of peanut butter that he couldn't be bothered to scrape out sat in the cupboard for years.

Etymology: complete + eat + -ism

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Created by: crazycupcake1999




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Created by: deadrat




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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: Fan-gwish

Sentence: Bob had a nutribent: he always had to chowhole every last crumb from his plate. Was it bingetwinge, culpident or fangpang that consumed him or ayenbite of inwit that drove him? No-one really knew, but some suggested that he was merely a peckadent shamnivore with glut-instinct. But, although, and perhaps, it was just fanguish!

Etymology: Fanguish:fang-tooth & to eat & anguish. Chowhole: blend of chow,whole & hole. Nutriment:food & bent(inclination.)'Ayenbite of Inwit'(Remorse of Conscience)-Kentish work of M English. Peckadent(peck & decadent.)Shamnivore:feigned eater.


you could add vanquish to your etymology - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-12: 09:26:00

Over the Top! Excellent! - Scrumpy, 2007-10-12: 09:58:00

MrDave2176 Cute - MrDave2176, 2007-10-12: 16:31:00


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Created by: Garry

Pronunciation: "Care" "pig" itis

Sentence: My brother,even though he was a lite eater, developed carepigitis on Thanksgiving Day!


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Created by: vmalcolm

Pronunciation: /fu:dənɪzəm/

Sentence: "Brothers and Sisters, this is a proposal for you to stop feeling that guilt when a piece of chicken has been left on the plate and you have no freezer... Convert to Foodanism, feel the spirituality of an empty plate..." "By foodanizing everything you'll feel the relief... the calm... Eat! Consume!"

Etymology: FOODANISM. From Food (A specified kind of nourishment) + ISM (suff. Doctrine; theory; system of principles)

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Created by: aigle101

Pronunciation: glut-ton -o -rist

Sentence: Did you see this guy ,he's a real gluttonorist ,he can't help himself

Etymology: glutton: eats for emotional reason rist: describes the person

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Created by: wtwhitaker

Pronunciation: o-vur/glut-tun/is-ing/

Sentence: It is crazy to overgluttonize even when the food isn't yours.

Etymology: over(more) glutton(eating a lot) ize(suffix)

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Created by: Caatheerine

Pronunciation: Bla - na - na - ne

Sentence: i want an blananane.

Etymology: Talking banana


Caatheerine love it :) - Caatheerine, 2007-10-13: 00:18:00


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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: plate/ron/saint

Sentence: St. Josephat is the platronsaint of eating everything that's put in front of you inrespect of those who have less.

Etymology: patron saint + plate

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: gawr/man/i/tair/ee/uhn

Sentence: Joey, the ultimate gormanitarian, was quoted as saying, " I ate six helpings of everything for all the starving children in the world. God bless them and pass the leftover ham and potatoes."

Etymology: gormandizer (glutton) + humanitarian


funny! - remistram, 2007-10-12: 09:34:00

Very good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-14: 19:08:00


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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: terr + ih + bleat

Sentence: Look, those poor kids are starving, so the least I can do is terrobleat this food...for them.

Etymology: terrible + eat + guilt, of course

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Created by: Kyoti

Pronunciation: Shuh-vuhl-ish-shuhs

Sentence: Stan's wife's meatloaf was absolutely shovelicious, as the three empty casserole pans could attest to, if they were actually able to talk.

Etymology: Shovel: eat fast + Delicious: tasty meal.

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Created by: astorey

Pronunciation: cleen/playt/club/eye/tis

Sentence: For years, the threat of no dessert and the empty allure of membership in the 'Clean Plate Club' goaded Stacey into finishing all the food on her plate, even if it meant eating well past the full point into tummy-aching illness. Today, Stacey still suffers from cleanplateclubitis, using garlic bread to scrape up any remaining pasta sauce.

Etymology: The Clean Plate Club, insidious coercion technique used by parents of the previous generation(s) to get kids to eat all their food, plus itis, the common suffix related to disease.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: glut ton need

Sentence: Seymour N. Eadit was the kind of patron restauranteus just hated. Many of the establishments he frequented had to abolish their "All you can eat Buffets" thanks to him or go broke. He has such a gluttoneed, that one of these days he is just going to explode...

Etymology: Glutton (a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess;person who performs one of the seven deadly sins, gluttony) & Need (a condition requiring relief0

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: com-PULSE-in-dulj

Sentence: Freddie had a phobia regarding leftovers wherein he feared they would go to waste if not eaten immediately and he would immediately compulseindulge following meals wherein he would clean up all leftovers in dishes and from other folks plates.

Etymology: Blend of 'compulsion'(a strong, usually irresistible impulse to perform an act) and 'indulge' (to yield to, satisfy, or gratify (desires, feelings, etc)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: choubelə

Sentence: In a slightly misguided act of atonement, Gerry started the Double Clean Plate Club. When he was a kid his mother had always pushed him to clean his plate for the starving children of the world. Now with the thought that more is better, members gorge themselves with what Gerry calls chowbella, beautiful food. So far he and his club members have raised a lot more blood pressures than dollars. Next week*s gourmand-a-thon may change that.

Etymology: chow (food) + bella (beautiful - Italian)

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Created by: nyxnekhbet


Sentence: Joe wasn't really hungry but his cleanplatism kept him from leaving even a morsel for the mice.


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Created by: hiladizzle

Pronunciation: moll-y-coddle

Sentence: Bob's such a mollycoddle. He keeps eating even though he claims to be stuffed.

Etymology: Mollycoddle - n., To overindulge. v., To be overindulged.

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: cat o lihk

Sentence: He gave his plate a Catholick

Etymology: catholic, lick


I love it! - astorey, 2008-09-12: 10:43:00


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Created by: LoftyDreamer

Pronunciation: al-tru-glut-uny

Sentence: Because of his altrugluttony, Hal started a Weight Watchers group at his place of employment, the Atlanta Food Bank.

Etymology: altru (from altruism, the selfless regard for others) + gluttony (eating to excess)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: gawr/man/i/tair/ee/uhn

Sentence: Joe, the ultimate gormanitarian, was quoted as saying, " I ate six helpings of everything for all the starving children in the world. God bless them and pass the leftover ham and potatoes."

Etymology: GORMANITARIAN - noun - from GORMANDIZE (to eat greedily, or ravenously) + HUMANITARIAN (having concern for and helping to improve the welfare and happiness of people)


vmalcolm Great word! - vmalcolm, 2008-09-12: 07:37:00


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Created by: mustkeepsanity

Pronunciation: star-vee-ting

Sentence: Andrew starveats any leftovers. The resulting stomach aches help him commiserate with those who have nothing to eat.

Etymology: Starving, Eating

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Created by: dogran

Pronunciation: afr-ee-tin

Sentence: What on earth is that man doing licking that woman's plate? Its very unfortunate but after he visited africa he has come over all afreatin and such

Etymology: Eating for Africa

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Created by: FayeWord

Pronunciation: glut-an-throw-fy


Etymology: glutton; philanthropy

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Created by: darkley

Pronunciation: fo-ver-ump-tion

Sentence: Jerry foverumption the disgusting meal.

Etymology: food+over+consumption

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: com-PUHLS-in-gorj

Sentence: Ingemar was virtually without self control when it came to eating and he had a fear of uneaten food going to waste so he would compulsengorge, even cleaning other people's plates, until all food was gone.

Etymology: Blend of 'compulsion'(a strong, usually irresistible impulse to perform an act) and 'engorge' (To swallow (food or drink) greedily or rapidly in large amounts)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: chou-kou

Sentence: Billy was such a chowcow that he not only finished everything on his own plate, he made the rounds of everyone else at the table to hoover in every stray morsel. In a restaurant, he would request an extra basket of bread to sop up any remaining juices on his plate. His personal mantra? "You gonna finish that?"

Etymology: Chow (food) + cow (a domestic bovine)

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Created by: Anthporter

Pronunciation: glutt'n'a'jeh

Sentence: Thinking of all the poor children in the world, Bob couldn't help but clean off his plate in a moment of gluttonagia.

Etymology: glutton: a person devoted to eating and drinking in excess -agia: a derivative of the Greek phago, to eat; sounds like Asia, in reference to "think of those poor, starving children in Asia"

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: WHO-vuhr-eyes

Sentence: Timmy The Beard returned from his sojourn in the deep woods and proceeded to HOOVERIZE every edible morsel placed before him.

Etymology: HOOVER-a popular brand of vacuum cleaner + suffix "IZE" = HOOVERIZE.


metrohumanx I just came in at number twenty-five-I'm oh so happy and so glad to be alive. Everybody says i'm gonna get to the top....Life is so easy when your record's hot ! - metrohumanx, 2008-09-12: 15:28:00

metrohumanx Amazing. I zoomed up to #59 in like. 30 minutes.Go figure :) - metrohumanx, 2008-09-12: 16:24:00

As long as he doesn't like to J.Edgar Hooverize...or as they sing in Monty Python's Lumberjack Song..."I cuts down trees, I wears high heels, suspenders and a bra, I wants to be a lady, just like my old Papa!: - Nosila, 2008-09-12: 22:33:00

Timmy the Beard. I think I dated him. :) - lumina, 2008-09-12: 22:49:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: glut ton need

Sentence: Stanley ate for others. He had a definite gluttoneed. Instead of donating what he paid for all this food (like 8 delivered pizzas tonight alone) to an organization, he felt the gluttoneed to eat for others and show he could do his part when the Pizza Place donated a dollar for every pizza sold to Overeaters Anonymous. Yes, Mr. Big-Hearted Donor, was contemplating ordering fried chicken tomorrow night to support Chicken Breast Cancer, Restless Chicken Leg Syndrome and Buffalo Wings Transplants (who wants to see a Buffalo without wings?). On the weekend he planned to order fifteen Hot Dogs to donate money to Dogters Without Border Collies; Find the Cur and Seeing-Eye Hot Dogs. Yes, Stanley was an angel, who was fast out-growing his halo!

Etymology: Gluttony ( eating to excess (personified as one of the deadly sins);habitual eating to excess) & Need (have need of; require as useful, just, or proper;the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior)


Nice! - hiladizzle, 2008-09-21: 22:13:00


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Created by: deaninc

Pronunciation: over-sal-vism

Sentence: having oversalvism may lead to psychological disorders

Etymology: The sensory perceptors creating over-zealous enzymes within the mouth triggering individual ideology.

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: gulp/a/bill/i/tee

Sentence: Dave's gulpability was uncontested. He felt he had to finish every last drop of food or drink so that it would not go to waste - unfortunately it went to waist.

Etymology: culpability + gulp


Big Gulpability an new 7-Eleven drink! - Scrumpy, 2007-10-12: 09:55:00

Very good word blend with wider application. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-14: 19:10:00


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Created by: libertybelle

Pronunciation: E-the-oh-pig-out

Sentence: Darlene mindlessly began to mindlessly Ethiopig-out on the left over goulash after the dinner discussion turned to the starving children of Namibia.

Etymology: Ethiopia - a third world country reknown as a shoot location for "Save the children" infomercial shoots + Pig-out- to gorge oneself on food in the manner as would a pig.

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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: kum PASH un eet

Sentence: Mr. Hoover always thinks of those less fortunate as he enjoys his meals, remembering his mother's words that "there are children in China who would love to eat" whatever is on his plate. He is very compassioneat, sometimes "dedicating" each of his second, third, etc., helpings to some unknown starving person. He even considers eating food off the floor to be "helping Mother Earth" by "recycling" something that would otherwise go uneaten. "Waste not, want not," he always says. More like "Waste not, waist YES."

Etymology: compassionate + eat

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: scrap/e/tite

Sentence: Louis wondered how he was ever going to be in good enough shape to join the guys in their first "Bros to the Finishline Marathon." His mother first painted that picture of starving children in Africa who would do anything to eat his brussel sprouts for breakfast, lunch AND dinner when he was about three years old. Since then, he has had a very unhealthy scrappetite and cannot leave a single crumb on his plate. While his buddies cross the finish line, he will be on the sidelines tossing them cups of water, proud of the fact that it is due to his "inner humanitarian" that he can't join them on this one.

Etymology: Scrap + Appetite

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Created by: grllkme


Sentence: Scumching can make you fat.


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: ree-mawr-suhl

Sentence: Jonah's mother hammered him every night about cleaning his plate and how there were starving children around the world. Now he can't stand to see any remorsel go uneaten. His wife hasn't had to rinse a single plate before loading it into the dishwasher since they first met.

Etymology: remorse (deep and painful regret for wrongdoing; compunction) + morsel (a bite, mouthful, or small portion of food, candy, etc)

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: seafood-diet

Sentence: Wally wasn't called Wally because his name was Wallace, it was because he resembled a Walrus due to his seefoodiet.

Etymology: An oldy but a goody. I'm on a diet. Oh really, what kind? A seafood diet. I see food and eat it.

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Created by: oxinlingo




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Created by: Kevcom

Pronunciation: Ack-wheat

Sentence: "Clear the plate young man! Aqueat your food - starving children would love to have that last piece of brocolli on your plate."

Etymology: Aquit (to clear), Eat (to consume)

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Created by: davrand

Pronunciation: Nosh + nik

Sentence: My husband Shlomo is such a noshnik. When I got up this morning to wash the dishes from last night dinner party, I found crumbs in the sink where he was eating all the leftover crackers and cheese.

Etymology: A combination of nosh, to eat food greedily, from the Yiddish word for snack bar and nudnik, an irritating person, a bore, from the Russian word nudnyĭ meaning tedious.

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Created by: wjames

Pronunciation: gastro-guilt-ology

Sentence: Jim's large stomach was not the result a high consumption of beer, as most people thought. It was his practice of gastroguiltology passed down to him by his depression-era parents.

Etymology: Gastronomic - guilt (science of)

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Created by: AlohaJo

Pronunciation: Guilt-ton-y.

Sentence: In an act of sheer guilttony, he ate all of his food. And his brother's. And his parent's. And his pet's...

Etymology: Guilt (from "guilt"), and tony (from "gluttony")

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Created by: hooterbug

Pronunciation: ˌgəl-pə-ˈbi-lə-tē

Sentence: Max's extreme Gulpabilty had caused him to balloon to a quite hefty 450 pounds. All his life his mother had chastised him for not finishing his meals. "Think of all the kids in India Max that dont get anything but rice, or whatever it is they grow over there!" I'm sure they would LOVE to get some fresh peas and corn in their bellies"

Etymology: Gulp (a large and hurried swallow; "he finished it at a single gulp") + Culpable (blameworthiness, a state of guilt)


Well done! - astorey, 2008-09-12: 10:41:00

Great word! - TJayzz, 2008-09-12: 13:06:00

We'd hate for him to be too gulpable! - Nosila, 2008-09-12: 22:21:00


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Created by: tehbeks

Pronunciation: ah peh nuh tite

Sentence: Robert had skipped church that morning, so he decided to perform his appenitence with gusto at brunch.

Etymology: appetite + penitence

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Gobb-el-sayt

Sentence: As a child, Tom's mother always reminded him of the starving children in Africa everytime he thought about leaving his dinner. So even now at the age of forty two he would never leave a single thing on his plate in order to ease the guilt of the mental picture she had planted firmly in his head. Even if he had to sit there for hours just to make sure every scrap of food had been eaten, it didn't matter as long as he felt he had done his bit for mankind. This could possibly explain why he weighed thirty five and a half stone!

Etymology: Gobble( to hurriedly eat a large amount) + Sate( supply with as much or more than desired or can be managed) = Gobblesate

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Created by: systemax57




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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: gluht-mahr-ter-tun

Sentence: Immediately following the cancellation of his monthly donation to childrens charities, he glutmartyrtonned on copious amounts of potato chips, cheesies, doritos and party mix.

Etymology: glutton + martyr

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: n. e-yew-roe-nate



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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: fill-up-thrah-pee

Sentence: his expanding waistline was a testament to his philupthropic ways

Etymology: fill up, philanthropy


libertybelle so clever!! - libertybelle, 2007-10-12: 10:30:00

Love it. - aayeye, 2007-10-14: 17:42:00

Excellent! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-14: 19:15:00

Wow! I was thinking along those lines:) - FayeWord, 2007-10-17: 23:02:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: spec/trow/scoop/ic

Sentence: Stan was a very specktroscoopick individual and would scoop up or pick up every speck of food at the table no matter how minuscule the crumb might seem to the untrained eye.

Etymology: spectroscopic + speck + scoop + pick

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: skrap-chur

Sentence: He knew he should have stopped after consuming the entire chicken breast, but seeing the crispy skin lying tantalizingly before him, he got caught up in the scrapture.

Etymology: scrap, rapture


Holy Scrapture Batman! - Scrumpy, 2007-10-12: 10:00:00

Awesom - skunkchunk, 2007-10-13: 17:13:00

e - skunkchunk, 2007-10-13: 17:13:00

Great word - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-14: 18:59:00


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Created by: milorush

Pronunciation: (tr. v.) krām-mĭz'-ə-rāt'; (n.) krām-mĭz'-ə-rāt'-ər

Sentence: Even though I had eaten dinner, we ordered three pizzas and I crammiserated with Jackie's loss of her cat.

Etymology: cram = (to overfeed) + [com]miserate = (to feel or express sorrow or sympathy for)

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Created by: aayeye


Sentence: My gastronopathic tendencies forces me to clean my plate.

Etymology: Gastronomy + Empathy

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: gawr/man/i/tair/ee/uhn

Sentence: Joe, the ultimate gormanitarian, was quoted as saying, " I ate six helpings of everything for all the starving children in the world. God bless them and pass the leftover ham and potatoes."

Etymology: GORMANITARIAN - noun - from GORMANDIZE (to eat greedily, or ravenously) + HUMANITARIAN (having concern for and helping to improve the welfare and happiness of people)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: km punk chu ayt

Sentence: Gary's impulse to compuctuate himself at every meal was no doubt a result of growing up listening to his mother's incessant "Clean up your in Africa are starving" rantings.

Etymology: Compunction (a feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed) & Ate (fed oneself)

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Created by: touch72




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Created by: Boomertoo


Sentence: Her gourmanthropy did not appear to give her any solace.


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-12: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176. Thank you MrDave2176! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-09: 00:07:00
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176. Thank you MrDave2176. ~ James