Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n. A pile of used and discarded tissues; may constitute a bio-hazard. v. To drop a used tissue on to the floor beside your bed or chair, because you are so sick you can barely move.
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Created by: earlnewton
Pronunciation: SNOCKS-ick
Sentence: Surrounded by three tissue boxes worth of his own fluids, Peter's room was becoming snoxic.
Etymology: derived from snot + toxic
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: mew/cus/fi/cay/shun
Sentence: By the time they found him, mucousfication was already complete. The mess of mucousy tissues had crept up the side of his bed and bound him head to toe. They named him Snotuncommon.
Etymology: mucous + mummification
Love Snotuncommon... reminds me of that Tom Jones song, It's Snot Unusual. - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-10: 18:27:00
Snot the end of the world, he could be a victim on CSI!! - Nosila, 2008-03-10: 19:30:00
Created by: kateinkorea
Pronunciation: KWAN tin fec TISH oo
Sentence: When I visited my brother he was laying on the couch surrounded by a quantinfectissue and I didn't want to stay long for fear of getting sick.
Etymology: quantity: an amount infectious: passed from one person to another and tissue:
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: myu kas KAYD
Sentence: Vy Russ had had the flu for the past three days, and the tissues that she had been dropping in the little trash basket next to the couch had accumulated and begun to overflow. She was so tired and dizzy that she didn't even feel like emptying the basket when she went to the bathroom, so it had become a mucascade of snot rags tumbling, avalanche-like, to the floor. Too bad she lived alone. Or maybe, good thing she lived alone and no one else had to be subjected to it....
Etymology: mucus + cascade
Snot bad... - Nosila, 2010-05-20: 00:06:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: flegoōn
Sentence: Friends wanted to help Jason but were held back by the phlegoon of tissues that had developed on the floor around his sickbed. Jason’s best bud thinks sea of discarded tissues is a bit crazy. He calls it one flu over the cuckoo mess.
Etymology: phlegm (the thick viscous substance secreted by the mucous membranes)+ lagoon (a stretch of salt water separated from the sea by a low sandbank or coral reef)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: flem boy ants
Sentence: When Dougie was home sick, the zillions of tissues that he had sneezed, coughed and blown into were piled so high, his bed appeared to float on a sea of them.The fact that his jammies and bedding matched them, just demostrated to his servile mother his phlegmbuoyance.
Etymology: Phlegm (expectorated matter, saliva and other fluids secreted from facial openings) & Buoyance(ability to keep something afloat) & Flamboyance(extravagant elaborateness)
Created by: zabxuq
Pronunciation: tiss-sp_u
Sentence: The flu was simply too much. Fixing his own lunch was out of the question. With barely enough energy to tisspew, Gil could do nothing but wait for chicken soup reinforcements to arrive under their own power.
Etymology: Tisspew: v. combination of tissue: a thin gauzy paper + spew: eject or cast away.
Souper! - Nosila, 2009-01-02: 18:06:00
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /SNAWRT-tuh-fi-key-shun/
Sentence: After hacking, sneezing and snorting his way through four boxes of Kleenex over the last day and a half, Harry looked around to find himself surrounded by a snortification of used tissues. 'Typhoid Harry' was going to have to look for a weakness in the structure and find a way to break through the wall of Unkleenex rather quickly — another wave of nausea was coming on and he suspected he'd need a clear path to run to the toilet again.
Etymology: Snort - to breathe noisily and forcefully through the nostrils (from Middle English, snorten; probably related to "snore") + Fortification - defensive structure built around a stronghold (from Latin, fortis "strong")
Perhaps he used the snortification to keep well wishers and do-gooders from cnstantly bothering him! - arrrteest, 2008-03-10: 22:01:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: flem-uh-GED-on
Sentence: So ill was Bob that he truly believed that he had died and been reincarnated as a nose. Despairingly he was a nose not of classic beauty such as a hepburn, but more in the mould of a durrante. And things didn't seem to be getting any better for him, for when the great Rhinobyl disaster struck, and not even a puff of air issued out of the quatrils of Nosetradamus, he started to believe the end was nigh. Fellow snoozles, konks, beaks and candlesticks gather around him, honkers heavenwards, looking for signuses, but the outlook remained grimaldi, things were, "C'est beaucoup." Indeed, he was sure, that a phlegmaggedon of tissumungous proportions was slowly enveloping him.
Etymology: PHlEGM: the thick mucus secreted in the respiratory passages and discharged through the mouth, esp. that occurring in the lungs and throat passages, as during a cold. 2. one of the four elemental bodily humors of medieval physiology, regarded as causing sluggishness or apathy. ARMAGEDDON: the last and completely destructive battle. Any great and crucial conflict.
Great Sentence. Luv Jimmy Durante! Great way to start the new year ... with a great eponym! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-02: 07:46:00
Sounds like Bob was quite phlegmatic. - Mustang, 2009-01-04: 06:09:00
Poor Bob, to be halluciphlegmatic and fighting the ultimate War of the Noses! - mweinmann, 2009-01-05: 16:33:00
Created by: bigveg
Pronunciation: snot-sam
Sentence: Bill was astonished by the amount of snotsam that could accumulate in just one night.
Etymology: snot: the stuff you put on a tissue flotsam: wreckage which can wash ashore
HA! Love it! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-10: 06:52:00
Perfect! - ErWenn, 2008-03-10: 09:47:00
you can really pick em. - petaj, 2008-03-10: 09:52:00
excellent - galwaywegian, 2008-03-10: 11:03:00
Great creation! - Jamagra, 2008-03-10: 13:12:00
you should feel floating yourself after picking this great one :) - kashman, 2008-03-10: 13:13:00
clever - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-10: 16:56:00
Yep, you picked a winner! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-10: 18:30:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: flem flam
Sentence: When Oscar phoned in sick again, his boss, Mr. Ness, became suspicious and sent someone over to see what was happening. Instead of flimflam, this time Oscar really did have Phlegmflam and was surrounded in a pile of dirty tissues. His boss soon was sorry to doubt Oscar, as his agent not only got infected himself, but gave it to the boss on his report. After that he was known as Mr. Ill Ness!
Etymology: Phlegm (sputum;expectorated matter; saliva mixed with discharges from the respiratory passages) & Flam (A lie or hoax; a deception or Nonsense; drivel). Wordplay on FlimFlam (a swindle in which you cheat)
Created by: Jamagra
Pronunciation: top'/el/snot
Sentence: "Be careful," she warned her guest, "I've had a nasty cold all weekend and I haven't cleaned up the topplesnots yet. There's one on the couch and one beside the la-z-boy, so watch your step."
Etymology: topple (to fall or tumble forward as from having too heavy of a top) + snot (mucus from the nasal passages)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: in flem a tor ee
Sentence: The Fire Marshall was certain to declare that the bedroom floor of Sal Iver's house was definitely an inphlegmatory risk. Sal had been sick with the flu for 2 days and had neither the skill nor the will to put all his used tissues in a receptacle. His bedroom was the site of much hankie pankie and the normally phlegmboyant Sal was reduced to that of a bronchialbuster who had not lasted long enough to win the big purse. The irony was that 2 days ago, he had planned to phone in sick to play hookey from work. He figured the word Gesundheit meant "serves you right". All this while his catarrh gently weeps...sniff, sniff!
Etymology: Inflammatory (characterized or caused by inflammation;unhealthy, detrimental to health) & Phlegm (Mucous,expectorated matter;saliva mixed with discharges from the respiratory passages)
Ack !! I wanted to use "phlegm" for this one. Let's see... there are three more body fluids, right? I mean, phlegm, blood, something and something else... Gosh this is going to be difficult. - XMbIPb, 2010-05-19: 02:48:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: tiss_ISS-yew
Sentence: Feeling rotten all over from the bug he was fighting Barry realized he had a potentially dangerous tississue with the growing pile of infectious kleenex but he just felt too lousy to make the necessary effort to deal with it
Etymology: Blend of 'tissue' (sanitary wipe) and 'issue' (in a state of controversy)
Created by: kashman
Pronunciation: Flem-zard
Sentence: Fighting with cold left George so numb that he became indifferent to the phlegmzard created in the living room of his shared apartment; this apparent "coldness" resulted in exodus of his roomate to less hazardous environment.
Etymology: Phlegm (viscid mucus secreted while suffering from cold) + Hazard (source of danger).
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: bīōhazmat
Sentence: Paul was so sick that he didn't even care that his attempt to contain his tissues had gone hopelessly astray. Between the sofa where he was curled up and the waste paper basket was a trail of used tissues — a mucous menace — a phlegm flow — a biohazmat. After 3 days the mass had started to congeal into a two-dimensional piñata from hell.
Etymology: Biohazard (a risk to human health or the environment arising from biological work) + hazmat (Hazardous materials and items) + mat (a small rug)
Haz my vote... - Nosila, 2009-01-02: 18:03:00
Created by: arrrteest
Pronunciation: moun-dus-myoo-coh-see
Sentence: Ellen couldn't get to Bob's bedside without kicking asside the moundusmucosi that had accumulated from mass of used tissues.
Etymology: moundus, mound + mucosi, mucus
Created by: Nuwanda
Pronunciation: Clee-nix
Sentence: Because she was usually fairly fastidious, Carla took measure of the cleanix surrounding her as a barometer of how sick she was. When she could no longer step off the couch without touching down on one of the slime nuggets, it was time to call the doctor.
Etymology: Kleenex, the popular tissue, altered to combine clean and nix, as in to put the kibosh on something.
Nice etymology! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-07: 15:05:00
Created by: Biscotti
Pronunciation: buh-gur-tun
Sentence: When he was sick with the flu, John's room turned into a small boogerton. He had gotten so sick he could barely move; and even when he was better, he still couldn't move from all the dirty tissues on the floor.
Etymology: booger + ton (to make it seem like a small village or town)
Created by: pilar1347
Pronunciation: FLEG-ord
Sentence: n: John is so sick the phelghoard on his night-stand is taller than the lamp! v: I know Mary has a cold, but she's been phelghoarding all over our shared workspace.
Etymology: A combination of phelgm and hoard.
Created by: DevynAlexanderSkyeHarris
Pronunciation: Bleh-Thar-Gee
Sentence: Slpatch. The sound of hazmat level tissues colliding to floor was louder than he expected. "I'm sick." Duviidu cooed disfigured. "That is no reason to be lazy now." Snapped back Loran. Duviidu glanced over to her. "Uh, Its just bleghthargy you know? Like the name for the physical weakness accompanied with feeling sick?" She looked puzzled like a caterpillar on its turn during the weekly Shakespeare trivia night. "You're Bleghthargic? No You're just lazy."
Etymology: 1. Blegh: Indicating lack of motivation or used to describe that something is sickening. 2. Lethargy: Being lazy, sluggish or indifferent.
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: vi-RAL-a-sis
Sentence: Although Kevin was in danger of asphyxiation by tissue, his viralysis was total and he could do nothing more than drop another tissue onto the sodden snotscape.
Etymology: viral + paralysis
Brilliant...quite "snoty" analysis of the "paralysis" :) - kashman, 2008-03-10: 13:00:00
this word really grows on you - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-10: 16:57:00
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: en-kuhm-puh-snot
Sentence: After he removed the encompasnot from the entire floor of his bedroom, he hesitated to dispose of it in the composter, perhaps it would contaminate the earth? Maybe grow into a big mucus tree of snot?
Etymology: encompass + snot
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: mound - o - meeook - ee - o - sis
Sentence: Todd looked at the growing moundomuceosis next to his bed and could not make a move to pick it up. Since yesterday, he had only been able to lay there, cough, sniff, sleep, sneeze, blow and throw.
Etymology: a combination of the word mound, mucus and mononucleosis. Mound (pile: a collection of objects laid on top of each other ) Mononucleosis (A flu-like illness caused by the Epstein-Barr virus) + Mucus (a material produced by glands in the airways, nose, and sinuses. Mucus cleans and protects certain parts of the body such as the lungs) Mononuc
Great word! Made me go "Ick and yuck." - Mustang, 2009-01-04: 06:07:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: con-tag-re-gay-shun
Sentence: Oh no, snot another one. The contagreggation was now so large, that the nurse donned a biohazard outfit to take his temperature.
Etymology: contagion + aggregation
That clever first line will live forever in the memory. - silveryaspen, 2009-01-02: 07:50:00
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈsnɑt ˈɹægnəˌɹɑk/
Sentence: Since she lived alone, every time she got sick, her entire house turned into a snot ragnarok, and they had to call in the biohazard squad to dig her out.
Etymology: from: snot rag + Ragnarok
Sounds like Germnobyl all over again! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-10: 21:17:00
It's practically 'Snotterdammerung' in that house! Very creative word. - Tigger, 2008-03-10: 23:56:00
Created by: stache
Pronunciation: ə-māl'gə myōō'kəs
Sentence: Barney was 15 and a profuse masturbator, but he had been off his oats with a bad cold for several days, and the unholy assemblage beside his bed was part sploogepile and part amalgamucus.
Etymology: amalgam, a mixture or combination; mucus, a viscous, slimy mixture, chiefly mucin, water, cells, and inorganic salts, secreted by glands lining the nasal and other body cavities; main binder in boogers.
Good word. Only one thing to say after that sentence though — Ick! :[ - Tigger, 2008-03-10: 23:18:00
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: nose - mass - es
Sentence: Praying my cold will soon go away, my used tissues I lay ... in nosemasses at the side of my bed.
Etymology: NOSE: protruding part the face through which humans breathe. During a cold/flu, noses excrete mucous profusely usually disposed of in tissues that rise in nose-like peaks. MASSES: mounds, heaps, religious services.
you should probably say the nosary as well - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-10: 13:31:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: tok sik way ssst
Sentence: He drifted back into conciousness with the worrying news that the tocsickwaste beside the couch appeared to be moving. thoughts of a new mutant virus were quelled when he noticed the face of his pet chihuahua looking up throught the gunge filled kleenex.
Etymology: toxic waste, sick.
poor chihuahua probably had a very glossy coat after that experience - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-10: 13:28:00
Created by: brasstax82
Pronunciation: floo-pa
Sentence: Sick to his stomach, and really not carrying that his roommate was bringing over a few girls, frank wallowed in a mound of his own filth committing a huge flupas.
Etymology: Flu: Sickness Faux pas:Violation of accepted social norms.
Created by: idavecook
Pronunciation: MASS-TER-GRAY-SHUN
Sentence: Steve was so sick he couldn't believe the enormity of the masturgration that had occurred when he came to.
Etymology: Those dirty little tissues that seem pile up when you're feeling really sick.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: snot-a-kliz-uhm
Sentence: Hector's bout with the flu and the resulting tissue pile left his bedroom looking like a total snotaclysm.
Etymology: snot (mucus) + cataclysm (disaster)
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: in/flor/ends/za
Sentence: Josh had learned in his meditation class to let go of problems and let them float away so he put the teaching into practice used infloorendsza to rid himself of his germs carefully wrapped up in tissues.
Etymology: influenza + floor + ends + za (which is sort of like ya)
Sick! And it suggests that some kind of growth (flora) has taken over. - petaj, 2008-03-10: 09:55:00
Snot so bad! Song for the day, Booger Woogie Bugle Boy! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-10: 18:25:00
Good word. The eyes have it, parhaps more the noses! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-10: 21:10:00
LOve the way you embedded floor and ends in influenza ... clever blending ... fits the definition. Outstanding word! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-10: 23:00:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: tiss - yew - iss - yew
Sentence: Darrell realized he had a major somewhat dangerous tissuissue with the growing pile of soiled kleenex but he felt too lousy to make the necessary effort to rectify it.
Etymology: combination of tissue and issue
Nice! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-10: 18:35:00
Rhymes are fun, fits the definition, it's a great one! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-10: 23:02:00
Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: clean-ex-you-date
Sentence: Entombed in a layer of his own filthy Kleenexudate, Terry had to be under all that tissue paper and green snot somewhere. The question was who was brave enough to pick through to look for him?
Etymology: kleenex - tissue brand + exudate - fluid from body system, pus.
They may need a terry-picker for that chore. - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-10: 18:26:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: tish/oze
Sentence: Winter! Oh damn winter!! Take me now with your freezing minus 27 celcius, sore throat, aching ears, massive sinus ache, chills!!! Warmth, where is the warmth?!!!! I give up!!!!! Heating pad, neck warmer, not even four blankets help!!!!!! Running nose, rolls of toilet paper resulting in a massive mountain of tissooze surrounding me, burying me, suffocating me, killing me!!!!!!! Take me now wretched winter!!!!!!!! I succumb to you bastard winter!!!!!!!!!
Etymology: tissue + ooze
You've obviously had the flu recently - great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-10: 13:29:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: TISH-i-dyoo
Sentence: You imprison me in the dark recesses of your bags and pockets until I'm ready to be used for your most basic needs. You wipe your filthy hands on me; you spit on me. You drown me in your fetid waste. You despise me, calling me a threat to your environment. You throw me away. But remember it was you who you made me what I am - tissidue - for there was a time when I was a tree.
Etymology: Blend of TISSUE & RESIDUE
Tree mend us. - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-10: 10:46:00
how sad - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-10: 16:58:00
Your sentence reminds me of "The Giving Tree" — albeit a more bitter version... - Tigger, 2008-03-10: 23:24:00
Poignant, yet elementree...where's my tissue? - Nosila, 2008-03-11: 22:36:00
Created by: queenjane75
Pronunciation: fang-tissue-e
Sentence: Suffering through the second round of antibiotics, and the fourth week of a sinus infection, Bob, through his serious study of tissue placement, had incidentally become a master of fengtisshui.
Etymology: feng-shui+tissue=fengtisshui
Funny and very fun! Unique choice of words to blend. Ingeniously Well Done! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-10: 23:09:00
Hillariously clever creation! - Tigger, 2008-03-10: 23:20:00
Created by: Banky
Pronunciation: fee-vur-damm
Sentence: Rob's feverdam, cemented into place with rock-hard phlegmortar, completely interrupted the flow of traffic through the bedroom.
Etymology: fever + dam, ala beaver dam
Funny sentence! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-10: 18:23:00
Good stuff. - ErWenn, 2008-03-11: 01:11:00
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: snot-zone
Sentence: Seeing Bob lying there with a cesspool of snot rags beside him, Sue knew what she had to do. She quickly donned her self-contained breathing apparatus and fully encapsulated Level A suit, entered the snotzone, and began to gingerly pluck the mucousy mess from the floor.
Etymology: hot zone (in HAZMAT response, the area of contamination), snot
hee hee - you beat me to it! - libertybelle, 2008-03-10: 09:30:00
gross, but funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-10: 13:26:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: TISS-yew-iss-yew
Sentence: Lyndon was feeling rotten all over from the bug he was fighting and though he realized he had a potentially dangerous tissuissue with the growing pile of infectious kleenex he felt too lousy to make the necessary effort to deal with it.
Etymology: Blend of tissue and issue
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: tish/oze
Sentence: Winter! Oh damn winter!! Take me now with your freezing minus 27 celcius, sore throat, aching ears, massive sinus ache, chills!!! Warmth, where is the warmth?!!!! I give up!!!!! Heating pad, neck warmer, not even four blankets help!!!!!! Running nose, rolls of toilet paper resulting in a massive mountain of tissooze surrounding me, burying me, suffocating me, killing me!!!!!!! Take me now wretched winter!!!!!!!! I succumb to you bastard winter!!!!!!!!!
Etymology: TISSOOZE - noun - from TISSUE + OOZE
Sentence, like the nose, drips with your suffering! Clever Creation! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-02: 10:51:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: in/flor/ends/za
Sentence: Josh had learned in his meditation class to let go of problems and let them float away so he put the teaching into practice used infloorendsza to rid himself of his germs carefully wrapped up in tissues.
Etymology: influenza + floor + ends + za (which is sort of like ya)
Serendipsliptissue-ous! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-02: 07:49:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: kleen ex sport
Sentence: Lying in his sickbed, watching the Olympic Sports Channel all day, Ernie knew that he could win a gold medal for his country in the pathogen pentathlon: his nose runs, his eyes soar, his lip curls, his fever pitches and his body heats. He could do a slalom down the mountain of kleenexsport by the side of his bed. He would have to do a viral spiral to get to the bathroom before he had to luge again. Yes, his biohazard biathalon would end if he could only get some schuss time. His ailing body was truly an international competition: He put the "Germ" in Germany; the "chill" in Chile;the "I Ran" in Iran; the "Catarrh" in Qatar;and he had been feeling "Laos-y" all day!
Etymology: kleenex (a piece of soft absorbent paper usually two or more thin layers used as a disposable handkerchief) & export ( to transfer goods or to cause to spread) & sport (an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition)
His Doctor gave him vitamin C and said get it India. He also put the malaise in Malaysia and the 'ails' in Wales. - petaj, 2008-03-10: 10:03:00
great sentence - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-10: 13:27:00
Great read and word! Excellent! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-10: 23:03:00
Created by: twocent
Pronunciation: flem-bank-mint
Sentence: Judging from the phlegmbankment surrounding the couch, it was a safe bet that Nigel was out of commission for the day.
Etymology: Phlegmbankment -n. Compound of phlegm + embankment.
Created by: XMbIPb
Pronunciation: /lu-gi-lu-shen/
Sentence: Just dusted off my copy of Galen’s “Physiologia” to figure out the right body fluid to use for this challenge. You know, come up with something phlegmo-hemo-uro-bilious… but “phlegm” is already taken by another player. Then my gaze fell on the old Penguin Classics copy of Aristotle with his four elements… but nothing geo-hydro-pneumo-flammable came to mind. Oh well… I guess, “LOOGIELUTION” is the best I can offer at the moment. Too bad that by now I’m too drunk to use it in a coherent sentence… Sad.
Etymology: LOOGIE (n.) (fr. mod. Eng. slang) – snot, phlegm, sputum, booger, “lung cookie;” LUTION (n.; fr. Lat. lutum) – mud, filth (e.g. "pollution").
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: Tish you bay shun
Sentence: With red eyes, and an ever-flowing nose, Colter stumbled into work despite his head cold. He blew the day, and he blew work he needed to do, because he was too busy blowing his nose. His desk was covered with used tissues. Weak and unsteady, leaving his pile of tishubations, and weaving a trail of tishubations, he stumbled home.
Etymology: TITUBATION, TISSUE. TITUBATION - an unsteady or stumbling gait or a head tremor, often caused by a disorder in the cerebellum, a head disorder ... in this case a head disorder caused by the infected, mucous-filled sinuses from a cold. TISSUE - paper hankie, a square of absorbent paper used mainly to wipe areas of the face, especially the mucus flowing from the nose.
Been there...done that - Nosila, 2009-01-02: 18:07:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: flem boy ansee
Sentence: Even when deathly ill, Marcus exuded a certain phlegmbuoyancy. Although he felt he was on death's doorknob, he wore his silk pyjamas and monogrammed silk robe, along with his designer slippers. He used not paper hankies or toilet paper to remove his mucus, but a supply of monogrammed silk handkerchiefs, which his butler gathered up to send to the CDC in Atlanta. Marcus reclined on his chaiselongue, under a mink throw and suffered through this ague. With a full table of aspirin, cough syrups and decongestants, everything that modern medicine could afford was laid out at his bedside. His butler brought him hot toddies in gold or silver goblets and had steamy moisture piped into his sick room. He winced when his doctor had told him he had the Common could that happen to one of such superior breeding? Beside his bed lay one of the classic books he currently read, called Great Expectorations, printed in its original Phlegmish language!
Etymology: Phlegm (nasal mucus) & Buoyancy (cheerfulness that bubbles to the surface;irrepressible liveliness and good spirit;the property of something weightless and insubstantial) Flamboyancy (richly and brilliantly colorful;elaborately or excessively ornamented)
Eleveating the common cold to the royal pain it truly is! The grandiose elevated to the grandinose! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-02: 07:43:00

Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James