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'Oh-oh, I'm surrounded '

DEFINITION: n. A pile of used and discarded tissues; may constitute a bio-hazard. v. To drop a used tissue on to the floor beside your bed or chair, because you are so sick you can barely move.

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Created by: XMbIPb

Pronunciation: /lu-gi-lu-shen/

Sentence: Just dusted off my copy of Galen’s “Physiologia” to figure out the right body fluid to use for this challenge. You know, come up with something phlegmo-hemo-uro-bilious… but “phlegm” is already taken by another player. Then my gaze fell on the old Penguin Classics copy of Aristotle with his four elements… but nothing geo-hydro-pneumo-flammable came to mind. Oh well… I guess, “LOOGIELUTION” is the best I can offer at the moment. Too bad that by now I’m too drunk to use it in a coherent sentence… Sad.

Etymology: LOOGIE (n.) (fr. mod. Eng. slang) – snot, phlegm, sputum, booger, “lung cookie;” LUTION (n.; fr. Lat. lutum) – mud, filth (e.g. "pollution").

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: bīōhazmat

Sentence: Paul was so sick that he didn't even care that his attempt to contain his tissues had gone hopelessly astray. Between the sofa where he was curled up and the waste paper basket was a trail of used tissues — a mucous menace — a phlegm flow — a biohazmat. After 3 days the mass had started to congeal into a two-dimensional piñata from hell.

Etymology: Biohazard (a risk to human health or the environment arising from biological work) + hazmat (Hazardous materials and items) + mat (a small rug)


Haz my vote... - Nosila, 2009-01-02: 18:03:00


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Created by: libertybelle

Pronunciation: clean-ex-you-date

Sentence: Entombed in a layer of his own filthy Kleenexudate, Terry had to be under all that tissue paper and green snot somewhere. The question was who was brave enough to pick through to look for him?

Etymology: kleenex - tissue brand + exudate - fluid from body system, pus.


They may need a terry-picker for that chore. - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-10: 18:26:00


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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: Tish you bay shun

Sentence: With red eyes, and an ever-flowing nose, Colter stumbled into work despite his head cold. He blew the day, and he blew work he needed to do, because he was too busy blowing his nose. His desk was covered with used tissues. Weak and unsteady, leaving his pile of tishubations, and weaving a trail of tishubations, he stumbled home.

Etymology: TITUBATION, TISSUE. TITUBATION - an unsteady or stumbling gait or a head tremor, often caused by a disorder in the cerebellum, a head disorder ... in this case a head disorder caused by the infected, mucous-filled sinuses from a cold. TISSUE - paper hankie, a square of absorbent paper used mainly to wipe areas of the face, especially the mucus flowing from the nose.


Been there...done that - Nosila, 2009-01-02: 18:07:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: flem boy ansee

Sentence: Even when deathly ill, Marcus exuded a certain phlegmbuoyancy. Although he felt he was on death's doorknob, he wore his silk pyjamas and monogrammed silk robe, along with his designer slippers. He used not paper hankies or toilet paper to remove his mucus, but a supply of monogrammed silk handkerchiefs, which his butler gathered up to send to the CDC in Atlanta. Marcus reclined on his chaiselongue, under a mink throw and suffered through this ague. With a full table of aspirin, cough syrups and decongestants, everything that modern medicine could afford was laid out at his bedside. His butler brought him hot toddies in gold or silver goblets and had steamy moisture piped into his sick room. He winced when his doctor had told him he had the Common could that happen to one of such superior breeding? Beside his bed lay one of the classic books he currently read, called Great Expectorations, printed in its original Phlegmish language!

Etymology: Phlegm (nasal mucus) & Buoyancy (cheerfulness that bubbles to the surface;irrepressible liveliness and good spirit;the property of something weightless and insubstantial) Flamboyancy (richly and brilliantly colorful;elaborately or excessively ornamented)


Eleveating the common cold to the royal pain it truly is! The grandiose elevated to the grandinose! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-02: 07:43:00


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Created by: DevynAlexanderSkyeHarris

Pronunciation: Bleh-Thar-Gee

Sentence: Slpatch. The sound of hazmat level tissues colliding to floor was louder than he expected. "I'm sick." Duviidu cooed disfigured. "That is no reason to be lazy now." Snapped back Loran. Duviidu glanced over to her. "Uh, Its just bleghthargy you know? Like the name for the physical weakness accompanied with feeling sick?" She looked puzzled like a caterpillar on its turn during the weekly Shakespeare trivia night. "You're Bleghthargic? No You're just lazy."

Etymology: 1. Blegh: Indicating lack of motivation or used to describe that something is sickening. 2. Lethargy: Being lazy, sluggish or indifferent.

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Created by: Nuwanda

Pronunciation: Clee-nix

Sentence: Because she was usually fairly fastidious, Carla took measure of the cleanix surrounding her as a barometer of how sick she was. When she could no longer step off the couch without touching down on one of the slime nuggets, it was time to call the doctor.

Etymology: Kleenex, the popular tissue, altered to combine clean and nix, as in to put the kibosh on something.


Nice etymology! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-07: 15:05:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: flem boy ants

Sentence: When Dougie was home sick, the zillions of tissues that he had sneezed, coughed and blown into were piled so high, his bed appeared to float on a sea of them.The fact that his jammies and bedding matched them, just demostrated to his servile mother his phlegmbuoyance.

Etymology: Phlegm (expectorated matter, saliva and other fluids secreted from facial openings) & Buoyance(ability to keep something afloat) & Flamboyance(extravagant elaborateness)

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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: nose - mass - es

Sentence: Praying my cold will soon go away, my used tissues I lay ... in nosemasses at the side of my bed.

Etymology: NOSE: protruding part the face through which humans breathe. During a cold/flu, noses excrete mucous profusely usually disposed of in tissues that rise in nose-like peaks. MASSES: mounds, heaps, religious services.


you should probably say the nosary as well - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-10: 13:31:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: TISS-yew-iss-yew

Sentence: Lyndon was feeling rotten all over from the bug he was fighting and though he realized he had a potentially dangerous tissuissue with the growing pile of infectious kleenex he felt too lousy to make the necessary effort to deal with it.

Etymology: Blend of tissue and issue

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-03-10: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-05-19: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James