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DEFINITION: n. A pile of used and discarded tissues; may constitute a bio-hazard. v. To drop a used tissue on to the floor beside your bed or chair, because you are so sick you can barely move.
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Created by: pilar1347
Pronunciation: FLEG-ord
Sentence: n: John is so sick the phelghoard on his night-stand is taller than the lamp! v: I know Mary has a cold, but she's been phelghoarding all over our shared workspace.
Etymology: A combination of phelgm and hoard.
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: mound - o - meeook - ee - o - sis
Sentence: Todd looked at the growing moundomuceosis next to his bed and could not make a move to pick it up. Since yesterday, he had only been able to lay there, cough, sniff, sleep, sneeze, blow and throw.
Etymology: a combination of the word mound, mucus and mononucleosis. Mound (pile: a collection of objects laid on top of each other ) Mononucleosis (A flu-like illness caused by the Epstein-Barr virus) + Mucus (a material produced by glands in the airways, nose, and sinuses. Mucus cleans and protects certain parts of the body such as the lungs) Mononuc
Great word! Made me go "Ick and yuck." - Mustang, 2009-01-04: 06:07:00
Created by: stache
Pronunciation: ə-māl'gə myōō'kəs
Sentence: Barney was 15 and a profuse masturbator, but he had been off his oats with a bad cold for several days, and the unholy assemblage beside his bed was part sploogepile and part amalgamucus.
Etymology: amalgam, a mixture or combination; mucus, a viscous, slimy mixture, chiefly mucin, water, cells, and inorganic salts, secreted by glands lining the nasal and other body cavities; main binder in boogers.
Good word. Only one thing to say after that sentence though — Ick! :[ - Tigger, 2008-03-10: 23:18:00
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈsnɑt ˈɹægnəˌɹɑk/
Sentence: Since she lived alone, every time she got sick, her entire house turned into a snot ragnarok, and they had to call in the biohazard squad to dig her out.
Etymology: from: snot rag + Ragnarok
Sounds like Germnobyl all over again! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-10: 21:17:00
It's practically 'Snotterdammerung' in that house! Very creative word. - Tigger, 2008-03-10: 23:56:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: kleen ex sport
Sentence: Lying in his sickbed, watching the Olympic Sports Channel all day, Ernie knew that he could win a gold medal for his country in the pathogen pentathlon: his nose runs, his eyes soar, his lip curls, his fever pitches and his body heats. He could do a slalom down the mountain of kleenexsport by the side of his bed. He would have to do a viral spiral to get to the bathroom before he had to luge again. Yes, his biohazard biathalon would end if he could only get some schuss time. His ailing body was truly an international competition: He put the "Germ" in Germany; the "chill" in Chile;the "I Ran" in Iran; the "Catarrh" in Qatar;and he had been feeling "Laos-y" all day!
Etymology: kleenex (a piece of soft absorbent paper usually two or more thin layers used as a disposable handkerchief) & export ( to transfer goods or to cause to spread) & sport (an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition)
His Doctor gave him vitamin C and said get it India. He also put the malaise in Malaysia and the 'ails' in Wales. - petaj, 2008-03-10: 10:03:00
great sentence - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-10: 13:27:00
Great read and word! Excellent! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-10: 23:03:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: tiss_ISS-yew
Sentence: Feeling rotten all over from the bug he was fighting Barry realized he had a potentially dangerous tississue with the growing pile of infectious kleenex but he just felt too lousy to make the necessary effort to deal with it
Etymology: Blend of 'tissue' (sanitary wipe) and 'issue' (in a state of controversy)
Created by: earlnewton
Pronunciation: SNOCKS-ick
Sentence: Surrounded by three tissue boxes worth of his own fluids, Peter's room was becoming snoxic.
Etymology: derived from snot + toxic
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: con-tag-re-gay-shun
Sentence: Oh no, snot another one. The contagreggation was now so large, that the nurse donned a biohazard outfit to take his temperature.
Etymology: contagion + aggregation
That clever first line will live forever in the memory. - silveryaspen, 2009-01-02: 07:50:00
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: Tish you bay shun
Sentence: With red eyes, and an ever-flowing nose, Colter stumbled into work despite his head cold. He blew the day, and he blew work he needed to do, because he was too busy blowing his nose. His desk was covered with used tissues. Weak and unsteady, leaving his pile of tishubations, and weaving a trail of tishubations, he stumbled home.
Etymology: TITUBATION, TISSUE. TITUBATION - an unsteady or stumbling gait or a head tremor, often caused by a disorder in the cerebellum, a head disorder ... in this case a head disorder caused by the infected, mucous-filled sinuses from a cold. TISSUE - paper hankie, a square of absorbent paper used mainly to wipe areas of the face, especially the mucus flowing from the nose.
Been there...done that - Nosila, 2009-01-02: 18:07:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: vi-RAL-a-sis
Sentence: Although Kevin was in danger of asphyxiation by tissue, his viralysis was total and he could do nothing more than drop another tissue onto the sodden snotscape.
Etymology: viral + paralysis
Brilliant...quite "snoty" analysis of the "paralysis" :) - kashman, 2008-03-10: 13:00:00
this word really grows on you - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-10: 16:57:00

Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James