Vote for the best verboticism.

'Yeah, I'm in heaven now.'

DEFINITION: n. A harmless untruth, intended to comfort simple souls. v. To use a little bit a fiction to smooth over the perplexities and complexities of life.

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Created by: thinkbolt

Pronunciation: san-ta-tude



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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: fib/oh/not/chi/can/ury

Sentence: Those wonderful fairytales of childhood are really nothing but fibonaughtchicanery.

Etymology: fib + naught (nothing) + chicanery (deception) + fibonacci


Looks it a tongue twister, but sounds good. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-24: 08:17:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: ben/uh/fib

Sentence: To keep their spirits up and help them through the day to complete their tasks, the boss would often encourage his staff with a benefib or two.

Etymology: benefit + fib


Dude, you come up with the best words without making them long and cumbersome. - jedijawa, 2007-04-16: 12:55:00

And people love voting for the obvious ones! ;) - Bulletchewer, 2007-04-16: 15:13:00


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Created by: wurdless

Pronunciation: troo-lish

Sentence: You look great! he said troolishly

Etymology: true + foolish


yup. everyone I know will be using this now. I love this word. - Headcrab, 2012-06-09: 04:38:00


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Created by: toadstool57

Pronunciation: chEEr-ful-of-it

Sentence: Jill is cheerfullofit, telling David that no one noticed him in the fancy restaurant, as he walked around with the store tags still hanging from his pants and shirt.

Etymology: cheerfulness, to comfort/full of it, slang for telling lies or full of sh**


hahah reserve this for Bring it on 2... but clever i like it - ekath, 2007-04-16: 18:50:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: fab-ri-pley-keyt

Sentence: Sometimes people just can't handle the truth so sometimes it is easier to fabriplacate them with a little white lie.

Etymology: fabricate (to fake; forge) + placate (calm, appease)

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Created by: patb

Pronunciation: too-troo

Sentence: Tom used tootroo about the "non-infectious airborne contagions" to convince his girlfriend that it was okay to kiss, as long as he didn't breathe

Etymology: too true two

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Created by: reverb

Pronunciation: troos

Sentence: Some people thought CEO was stealing money from the shareholders, but troose was that he was just borrowing it.

Etymology: loose truth


seems to fit - reverb, 2008-07-12: 15:40:00


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Created by: Sed8ed

Pronunciation: pa-tree-cod-el

Sentence: Joe found it easier to patricoddle the man who accosted him daily from the alley asking for two bits, rather than being rude and scaring him away.

Etymology: patri from patronize + coddle (to pamper, or whatever you like) = patricoddle

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: pla/see/bull

Sentence: 'Hard work always pays off' - a placeebull to keep workers motivated

Etymology: placebo + bull (as in bullshit) (had to put the second e in my word to emphasize sound)


okayee - galwaywegian, 2007-04-16: 06:30:00

Ain't it the truth!?! - Sed8ed, 2007-04-16: 06:33:00

petaj That example sounds like an alfalsism. Or a generaLIEzation. - petaj, 2007-04-16: 06:37:00

That's a great play on words! - jedijawa, 2007-04-16: 12:56:00


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ErWenn - 2007-04-16: 08:00:00
Best verbotoon ever. So it goes, buddy, so it goes.

ErWenn - 2007-04-16: 08:20:00
Just noticed what was written on the typewriter. Ha!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-16: 15:03:00
Today's definition was suggested by Kurt Vonnegut and first appeared in his novel Cat's Cradle.
Thank you Mr. Vonnegut! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-16: 15:12:00
RE: "Best Verbotoon Ever" Thanks ErWenn! However I must say it was all inspired by KV himself. So it goes... ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-17: 16:11:00
See the top 4 words of the day at Yeah, I'm in heaven now ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-06-23: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Kurt Vonnegut and first appeared in his novel Cat's Cradle.
Thank you Mr. Vonnegut! ~ James

wurdless - 2008-07-12: 15:23:00
Vonnegut is cool!

reverb - 2008-07-12: 15:31:00
cat's cradle rocks

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-11-02: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by vonnegut. Thank you vonnegut. ~ James

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2009-11-02: 01:42:00
Live it or live WITH it!