Vote for the best verboticism.

'Why were you looking at that girl?'

DEFINITION: n. A person who wants to monopolize all of someone's love and tries to prevent them from sharing it with others.v. To monopolize someone's love.

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: amor-der

Sentence: Alex knew from the start that Linda was a bit controlling. His friends warned him, but he prided himself in making his own decisions about women. It was when Linda started to amorder him around that he exited..."stage left."

Etymology: amor:Spanish for Love order: to demand


Welcome back, light up my life...wait that was an old song.... - Nosila, 2009-11-03: 23:43:00

metrohumanx Hail, Luminati! - metrohumanx, 2009-11-04: 04:26:00


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Created by: jedijawa

Pronunciation: love-vam-pire

Sentence: Julie was a lovevampire in that she sucked all of the love out of a relationship by monopolizing all of the love of her victim.

Etymology: love + vampire

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: sub joo day ter

Sentence: Francine was definitely a subjudater when it came to men. She would chase them until they caught her and then like a superpower invading a weaker country, she would overthrow their free will and declare them as one of her possessions. Men were helpless in bending to her will and surrendering their arms (and legs and brains and freedom of choice). Once she had captured them, she would raid their treasuries, embargo their contact with other females and enjoy watching them shrivel into spineless, needy lovesick shells. Once the thrill of the hunt faded for her, she would move on and go in pursuit of new territories to conquer. Yes, Francine was Plunder Woman; one of the Pillage People; A Raidy Lady; A Booty School Dropout;A Cuter Looter; The Liking Viking; Felon of Troy;A Brigand Teen; An In-laws Outlaw; A Raidin' Maiden; A Passion Pirate Queen...Just lock up your menfolk!

Etymology: subjugate(make subservient; force to submit or subdue or bring under bondage)& subdue(suppress or hold within limits and control)& dater (a person who has a steady social or love relationship with another)


great story - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-24: 16:14:00


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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˌæməˈɡɑɹki/

Sentence: We told him that his significant smother wasn't really controlling enough to constitute an amogarchy, but it was just a foma.

Etymology: from amo- (romantic love) and -archy (government)


Significant smother works better than amogarchy, which I'd have as "a system of rule by lovers"- a truly scary notion. Still, the sentence alone is worth a vote. - Bulletchewer, 2007-04-17: 13:17:00

Thanks, and I agree that "significant smother" is better, but I never like having to cram two-word terms into a one-word entry. - ErWenn, 2007-04-17: 14:05:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: dom-eh-NAT-shur-ul

Sentence: When it comes to romance, Wilma is a dominatural, controlling as much of Phil's time as possible and eliminating any chance for him to interact with other women.

Etymology: Blend of the words 'dominate' and 'natural'

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Created by: vonnegut

Pronunciation: sin-wat

Sentence: "As your husband, I'll want all your love for myself." She stared at me with widening eyes. "A sin-wat!"... "I will not marry a sin-wat." She stood. "Goodbye." "Good-bye?" I was crushed.

Etymology: Created by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., for Cat's Cradle, published in 1963.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: mon og am po lyze

Sentence: Mona had become very possessive towards Monty since they had gotten married. Although he had never strayed or otherwise gave her reason to mistrust, she watched his every move and ensured that no other females took his attention away from her, even for a moment. Her every action and word was focussed on her vigilant ability to monogampolize him and ensure that he was never diverted from adoring her. Mona should learn to lighten up...just because you are on a strict diet, doesn't mean that you can't look at the menus!

Etymology: Monogamy (having only one spouse at a time)& Monopolize (have or exploit a monopoly of;have and control fully and exclusively)


Excellent blend! - splendiction, 2009-11-03: 21:12:00

metrohumanx Nice tactile oral sensation, babe! - metrohumanx, 2009-11-04: 06:45:00


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Created by: susanqtips

Pronunciation: sedj WAH nah bee

Sentence: I can not master the art of Chinese cooking, so I am just a sichuannabe

Etymology: Chinese province of Sichuan combined with "street" term wannabe (want to be)

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Created by: hooterbug

Pronunciation: /in/seh/kyoor/a/mah/rah/ta

Sentence: Gina smiled as she passed by the couple walking towards her which earned the poor guy that grinned back at her a thump on the forehead by his insecuramorata.

Etymology: in·se·cure = subject to fears, doubts, etc.; not self-confident or assured: an insecure person+ Inamorata comes from Italian innamorata, feminine of innamorato, from the past participle of innamorare, "to inspire with love," from in- (from Latin) + amore, "love" (from Latin amor, from amare, "to love"). A man with whom one is in love is an inamorato.


interesting - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-24: 16:11:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: leash/en/shush

Sentence: Sally was so leashentious that she bought her boyfriend a special choker that was electronically hooked up to her earrings so that she could monitor his behavior. This way she could prevent him from having illicit leashaisons.

Etymology: leash + licentious


Good need to get them into Walmart for Christmas! - Nosila, 2008-06-24: 20:28:00

good word;like the story too. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-25: 06:41:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-17: 04:50:00
Today's definition was suggested by Kurt Vonnegut and first appeared in his novel Cat's Cradle.
Thank you Mr. Vonnegut! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-18: 02:28:00
See the top 4 words of the day at Why were you looking at that girl? ~ James

- 2008-04-20: 01:04:00
good stuffing

- 2008-04-20: 01:08:00

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-06-24: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Kurt Vonnegut and first appeared in his novel Cat's Cradle.
Thank you Mr. Vonnegut! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-11-03: 00:06:00
Today's definition was suggested by vonnegut. Thank you vonnegut. ~ James

lumina - 2009-11-04: 17:09:00
Thanks for the welcome back Nos. Totally forgot about this fun place. Time to sharpen my verbotomizing skills again. Helloooo methrohumanx!