Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n. A person who immediately answers all cell phone calls, then chats on and on, leaving the people they're with, hanging. v. To answer your phone even when you are in the middle of another conversation.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: suzanne
Pronunciation: nofoneticks
Sentence: Mary's nophonetics meant that her firends got up and left the coffee shop without her.
Etymology: no - meaning haveing no phone - meaning hearing, particulary the mechanical hearing device uaed across distances ,abbreviation of telephone. ethics - moral guidelines
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: sel-lout
Sentence: Jim became a cellout to be more popular. Although his mother raised him to be polite and respectful, if one of the "plastics" called he would stop everything to answer his phone. He was so rude and irritating that even Mother Theresa would have slapped him upside the head.
Etymology: Wordplay on sellout: one who turns his back on his principals or compromises integrity for personal advancement -- cell: cellular phone + lout: rude, ill-mannered. (plastics - term used for the popular kids in the movie "Mean Girls")
good one! - Nosila, 2009-10-23: 01:30:00
Created by: WhiteRhino
Pronunciation: Long-phone-er
Sentence: John couldn't help but talk - he was a natural longphoner.
Etymology: Long, phone
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: sell a bayt
Sentence: Rita thought it rude when Fritz interrupted their discussions by answering all his cellphone calls and chatting for ages, ignoring her. Fritz was always on the phone instead of the phone being on the Fritz. She told him that if he could not cellabate, then he would become celibate.
Etymology: Cell (handheld portable telephone) & Abate (become less in amount or intensity) & Wordplay on Celibate (abstaining from sexual intercourse)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: caw-l-ch-url
Sentence: Since Maggie got her job working for a phone sex call centre, her friends thought she was a callchurl -- when the phone rang she immediately went into embarrassing, steamy, phone-siren mode.
Etymology: callgirl (prostitute) + call (telephone conversation) + churl (boor, bad mannered)
Created by: PythianHabenero
Pronunciation: con-vers-ir-it-ay-shun-al-ist
Sentence: Jenny was a true conversirritationalist: upon receiving a phone call in a movie theatre, she rushed out to catch it and spent the rest of the movie gabbing.
Etymology: "conversationalist" + "irritation"
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: sell ee zee
Sentence: Celldon was one Celleezy person. Whenever he took his latest girlfriend, Cellcilia out, he would repeatedly answer the calls he got from his future girlfriends Cellectra or Cellvia on his cell and talk to them for ages, in the company of Cellcilia. Needless to say, Cellcilia, would get upset and feel ignored, particularly when his chats turned to a more graphic nature. He often wondered why these women became so cellective and never wanted to go on a second date. Oh well, plenty more fish in the sea to cellect from... That is until one day he answered such a call in front of his wife, Cellda... It took the doctors three hours to surgically remove that cellphone from Celldon's cellected orifice. And yes, he can hear her now.
Etymology: cell (cellular phone) & sleazy (tawdry, lacking class, morally degraded, of poor quality)
Down with celleezy celluts! - pungineer, 2008-06-10: 06:53:00
song of the day "Cellcilia, you're breaking my heart You're shaking my confidence daily" - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-10: 13:33:00
Or "Cellebrate good times, come on..." Oh no, now they are both in my head! - Nosila, 2008-06-10: 20:56:00
You got me going now: 'operator could help me place this call.." - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-11: 08:16:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: junn keee ya
Sentence: Her only way to sustain the relationship with this junkia was to call him up while they dated. There they would sit on the abandoned beach holding hands, while talking to each other on their mobiles.
Etymology: nokia, junkie
very funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-10: 13:11:00
Very nice - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-11: 08:17:00
Created by: Sed8ed
Pronunciation: sell a phant
Sentence: Paul was the worst kind of cellaphant one could imagine, with a cell phone that seems to be sprouting from his ear.
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: mobile + oozer
Sentence: Stupid mobilosers, answering their phones while we're eating dinner.
Etymology: mobile + loser

Today's definition was suggested by Stevenson0.
Thank you Stevenson0! ~ James
pungineer - 2008-08-04: 07:15:00
Today's definition was suggested by Stevenson0. Thank you Stevenson0. ~ James