The create-a-word game

'Oops! I accidentally shredded my ex-boyfriend'

DEFINITION: v. To fret and worry after the accidental trashing of an important document, file or friend. n. The state of anxiety caused by an accidental deletion.

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Top verboticism of the day created by Banky

Pronunciation: unn-rohn

Sentence: Rod, the Burger Time manager on-duty collected the driver's license, social security card, application, and insurance forms from his new employee, Tara, and headed for the grimy copy machine in the back office. A recently mopped floor yielded to his black Hush Puppies and Rod met floor with no pleasantries. The documents drifted atop the griddle, where they immediately vaporized as Rod watched from the floor, pale with unron shock.

Etymology: The opposite of Enron, a company which intentionally shredded scads of important documents in an attempt to avoid legal trouble.

Created by: Banky.


Terrific analogy! Clever! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-05: 13:29:00

More Top Verboticisms:

(Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Deletumtremens: /dee-lee-tum-TREM-ens/ After Bob had accidentally destroyed the corporate memory of the multi-national organization he worked for, he was diagnosed as suffering from the DTs: that is: the deletumtremens. Etymology: DELETE & PLAY on DELIRIUM TREMENS: violent delirium induced by the excessive and prolonged use of intoxicating liquor. TREMENS: (Lt) To tremble. Created by: OZZIEBOB.


Tongue twister of the day! - silveryaspen, 2008-12-30: 16:30:00

Nice construct. - metrohumanx, 2008-12-31: 01:10:00

funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-12-31: 09:39:00

Shregret: /shreg - ret/ I shregretted my bank statement Etymology: To shred and regret Created by: leemarquis.


Simple and right to the point! Nice one! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-05: 14:04:00

Very good! - Mustang, 2008-03-05: 17:55:00

Butterflinger: /-ˈbʌdɚˌflɪŋgɚ-/ I am not really a butterflinger; it's just that I first accidentally dropped an important file into the recycle bin, then clicked the "empty recycle bin" item while trying to open the bin to get it back, and finally panicked and clicked "yes" when my computer asked me if that was what I really wanted to do. It's really Microsoft's fault for making it so easy to permanently delete documents. Etymology: from butter(fing)er + fling Created by: ErWenn.


I tried to use one of those fancy pieces of software to recover the data from the hard drive, but I accidentally wrote zeros to every bit on the disk. Then I spilled corrosive acid and lighter fluid on it, set it on fire while trying to ascertain the damage with a candle, and mistakenly hit it with a sledgehammer 40 times. - ErWenn, 2008-03-05: 09:32:00

I actually did destroy a hard drive with a sledgehammer once, but that was on purpose. - ErWenn, 2008-03-05: 09:33:00

another migraine moment - I do like your word today - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-05: 10:44:00

Luv butterflingers ... maybe because that's what mine are! It's a great one letter change to blend two words into a really funny, but very apt, exceptional verboticism! Outstanding! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-05: 13:27:00


To see more verboticisms for this definition go to: Oops! I accidentally shredded my ex-boyfriend



Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-03-05: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by an anonymous donor. Thank you! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-05-14: 00:10:00
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James

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