Verboticism: Insanitation

'You can't put paper towels in the paper recycling!!'

DEFINITION: n. Anxiety created by an inability to understand or follow the regulations for recycling, composting and garbage collection. v. To feel confused and conflicted because you produce too much garbage and don't know how to get rid of it.

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Created by: Jamagra

Pronunciation: post/con/soom/er/puh/ral'/uh/sis

Sentence: Standing before the five bins with a laundry basket containing 15 pounds of recyclables, Jillian realized that overnight her mild case of "sorter's block" had become raging "postconsumer paralysis".

Etymology: postconsumer waste (packaging left after the goods inside have been used) + paralysis (a state of helpless inablility to act)


Nicely describes the definition!! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-25: 12:47:00

Your sentence and verboticism also evoke the feeling/anxiety in the definition exceptionally well! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-25: 12:56:00

There a lot of long verboticisms today. Kudos for the longest! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-25: 13:58:00


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Created by: CrayonWarrior

Pronunciation: X-SAMPA - RefjudjVn Reh-fyu-jun

Sentence: "Okay. the glass can't go with anything else, but you can't mix coloured glass, and the batteries must be in a little bag next to the boxes, and the cans can't go with the tetra packs, but what about plastic type 4?" there was no doubt about it; recycling caused Steve unnecessary amounts of refusion

Etymology: Refuse - waste /confusion - a state of befuddlement or stress

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Created by: ravipalanimuthu

Pronunciation: rhe-psykl-o-sis

Sentence: less immune to the subject or object

Etymology: Tuberculosis


Intriguing etymology! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-25: 13:36:00


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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: re-sigh-coh-sis

Sentence: i looked at my used tea bag and then at the different bins and went into a state of recychosis

Etymology: recycle, psychosis


nice word - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-25: 12:18:00

Like the way it conveys the anxiety in the definition. Good word! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-25: 12:41:00

Excellent blending! - Tigger, 2008-03-25: 23:23:00


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Created by: kashman

Pronunciation: green-oo-see-fyee

Sentence: Moving from Indiana to Oregon, Kathy felt being grenucified by her new eco-friendly friends.

Etymology: Green + Crucify (to torment)

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Created by: spotthecat1

Pronunciation: trash-kuhm-bob-yuh-ley-shun

Sentence: Stella and Stan spent hours sorting through the remains of their mega-market shopping splurges and in a fury of trashcombobulation threw all the refuse in a giant Hefty™ bag and carefully deposited the unsorted mess in their neighbor's pile. The only witness was the owl who just blinked and asked, "Who?"

Etymology: (trash)1325–75; ME trasches (pl.), appar. c. Norw trask rubbish; akin to OE trus brushwood, ON tros rubbish + (dis-combobulation) 1825–35, Americanism; fanciful alter. of discompose or discomfort


Very informative etymology! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-25: 13:21:00

Nice! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-25: 15:19:00

Very nice - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-25: 20:06:00


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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: a - re - quire - yous (aka use)

Sentence: The world is developing a new police force, called cyclops, special cops who keep one eye on your trash to make sure you recycle! The penalty for not recycling is being sent to the recycle haz bins, where they will clean you up, dismantle you, and send your living remains to the hospital for re-use! The new reality tv shows might be staged around recyclodramas! The stars of the shows will be the cyclops, riding their recycles with sirens blaring, as they hunt down scattering scared stiffs, who refused to become recyclers. Other recyclodramas would be about the hospitals re-using any living remains from the scared stiffs from the the haz bins. Other recyclodramas would be about the new field of psychiatric medicine repsychclophopia! It seems to be affecting everyone. It is the spawning of the age of arequireuse!

Etymology: Play on the phrase: The Dawning Of The Age Of Aquarius ... Spawning Of The Age of A-Requi-Reuse


Silvery - why don't you just go with Acquire reuse (Acquireuse). It works so well with your Aquarius reference. - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-25: 11:30:00

I can't correct the spelling now ... but you are absolutely right. Had other pressing matters on my mind and didn't give this my full attention and blew it. Thanks Jabberwocky. I really appreciate your helpful comment. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-25: 12:34:00

I did change it where I could ... everywhere but where it is at the top, and that's what shows up elsewhere. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-25: 12:36:00

Actually silvery you can change the spelling. Just go to your word and then go to edit. You should see "oops I want to change the spelling of my word" A warning though - everything you tped in before will disappear so you'll have to reenter your etymology and pronunciation and sentence so you should copy that somewhere so you can then paste it in. It's a great word the way it is but you might want to change another word some day. - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-25: 13:18:00

Another good one. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-25: 20:09:00

I just wiki'ed Age of Aquarius — I never really knew what that referred to. I figured it was an astrological reference to something that happened in the 1970's but, to my surprize, the Age of Aquarius hasn't even started yet. I guess that means tie-dyed shirts and bell-bottoms will be making a comeback sometime in the next few hundred years. - Tigger, 2008-03-25: 23:22:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: ill eek oh lodge ick ahl

Sentence: Her illogical concerns caused her upset, both mentally and internally. in fact the worries acted as a sort of illecolonical irrigation.

Etymology: illogical, ecological


very funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-01-15: 13:22:00


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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /en-vay-ern-di-MEN-shuh/

Sentence: On the point of crying, Lauren sat slumped between bins of plastic bottles and stacks of papers, in a state of environdimentia. She knew that the #1 and #2 plastics were supposed to go together, but there was also a bin for bottles with 'necks'... so then what did those numbers mean on the bottles with the necks? Then there were the plastic bags, and some were recyclable, but some weren't. There was also the newspapers, and she remembered something about not mixing in any shiny circulars and flyers, which were often stuck into the newspapers when they were sold. Why would they do that?! It all seemed so ecoillogical. Lauren's husband Gregg would be home soon, and he was an ecologist — he understood all the rules. But he couldn't seem to understand why Lauren didn't get it, and he'd be frustrated with her again. She really wanted to be a tree hugger, like he was, but with all these crazy rules she felt like more of a tree-shrugger.

Etymology: Environment - natural surroundings (from Old French, environ "in circle") + Dementia - madness or insanity (from Low Latin, démentāre "deprive of mind")


I like the way you presented a different way of looking at this. Strong verboticism. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-25: 12:45:00


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Created by: diyan627

Pronunciation: compost-traumatic-go-green-disorder

Sentence: Jenna decided to attend the neighborhood recycling workshop to help work through her compost-traumatic go-green disorder.

Etymology: compost + post-traumatic stress disorder + "Go Green!" (common phrase that inspires massive amounts of pro-activity and momentum to do your part to make our world a better place)

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