Verboticism: Transfergravation

'I just got off the phone with my mother!'

DEFINITION: v. To take the frustration and anger you receive from one person and redirect it towards another person, usually of lower status. n. An act of aggression directed towards an individual or object that was not the source of provocation.

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Created by: sydviscious

Pronunciation: boom-er-ang-gurr

Sentence: The disgruntled sheila found her boomeranger hit the man who looked like a walking Peep and let loose.

Etymology: boomerang: a weapon that goes one direction and comes back another anger: Hulk SMASH!

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Created by: Blegvadd

Pronunciation: prox-ISS-ehr-ate (verb); prox-ISS-ehr-it (noun)

Sentence: The phone conversation with her mother so infuriated Melissa that she immediately looked for someone to proxiscerate in her stead.

Etymology: Literally, to disembowel (eviscerate) by proxy.

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Par-s-dur-ayge

Sentence: Bob had just had a right earful from the big cheese, but instead of absorbing the flak, he used a little passderage, He summoned the new boy into his office and took the anger out on him, even though he had nothing to do with the cock-up!

Etymology: Pass(Transfer something to someone) +Rage(Uncontrollable anger) = Passderage


great blend - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-23: 09:08:00

Pass de awards... - Nosila, 2008-05-23: 21:15:00


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Created by: skeeterzirra

Pronunciation: trans fuer ee ate

Sentence: Never transfuriate a fast food line cook. You don't even want to know what they can do to your food.

Etymology: trans as in trans-fer, + furiate from infuriate


Good one. - Mustang, 2008-05-24: 00:00:00


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Created by: melodydrama

Pronunciation: sub-fur-siv

Sentence: Judging by the manic gleam in her eye, Bob could tell his grandmother was in a subfursive mood.

Etymology: Sub- below, lesser fury- anger ive-having a tendency to Having a tendency to express anger to someone lesser

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: vent chans

Sentence: The actress Felina Valdez was hard to work for, as her maid Victimonia could attest. Whenever Felina had been angered by her agent, a critic, a fan, the networks, the tabloids or her own family, she wreaked ventchance on her poor maid. She screeched that she'd ironed the wrong dress, place the wrong colored roses in her dressing room, made her martinis too weak or fed her too much to make her look fat for the camera. Yes, poor Victimonia could not do anything right. But poor Victimonia got her own back, because she was shagging Felina's rich husband and took her own ventchance out on his willing body...

Etymology: Vent (to utter or express or complain) & Chance (opportunity or audience) & Chants (utter monotonously and repetitively) & vengeance (retaliation, revenge, pay back)

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Created by: rebelvin

Pronunciation: DIVERT-A-MANIA

Sentence: Divertamania beset her whenever she was angry, and you best find somewhere else to be.


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: es kayp gote

Sentence: When Cheryl's mother got on her back and made her angry, Cheryl tended to make her boyfriend Mark her escapegoat. Afterall, he did not have the smart comebacks her Mom did.

Etymology: Escape (an avoidance of danger or difficulty)& Scapegoat (someone punished for the errors of others)

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Created by: milorush

Pronunciation: (n.) trāns'fər-ängkst

Sentence: Helga's repeated attempts at communication with her lazy and incompetent boss would invariably lead to a nightly transferangst of unprocessed frustrations to her husband and children.

Etymology: transfer[ence] + angst

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: des-uh-bi-REYT

Sentence: When things went wrong in the Office, Bob's unique management style immediately swung into top gear. Hapless newcomers, he had to show them who was in charge, were randomly singled out and vexcoriated. And not to let sleeping dogmas lie or trembling tyros touch base with tranquility, he deciberated them with a dictatorial delight. However, we all know about the best laid plans of mice and maniacs; don't we ? Well, it seemed that Bob didn't. For just before noon on April 1st, and under terrible stress to explain to the Managing Director why he had not meet last month's sales targets, he eyed a underling sauntering aimlessly around the office with strange box in his hands. With volcanic verbosity he erupted in a rage, yelling incoherently at the poor lad about the importance of ancillaries. Perplexed, but with patience, the young fellow endured Bob's rambling threats of dire and dismissal until, at last, he had a chance to speak up. Apolegetic in carefully explaining to Bob that he fully understood the problem of the missed targets, he assured him that, in future, all pizzas ordered for the monthly luncheons shall have anchovies.

Etymology: DECI: as in decimate, to select and punish by lot every tenth person; or randomly, without forethought, by chance. Nowadays, used incorrectly (pedants note) for "destroy a large portion of". BERATE: to chide vehemently; to scold, censure angrily or severely.


wow Bob, we must have been on the same wavelength with this one - love your word - similar yet very different than mine - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-23: 09:03:00

Good one...that's what Bob gets for giving people a pizza his mind! - Nosila, 2008-05-23: 21:18:00


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